Settle in, everyone! We’ve got a deep, stacked card ahead of us and we’re all going to need some coffee. Let’s see what’s on the show tonight:
- Bryan Danielson vs. Chris Jericho
- Darby Allin, Miro, & Sting vs. The House of Black
- Christian Cage vs. Jungle Boy
- Jay Lethal & The Motor City Machineguns vs. FTR & Wardlow
- Ricky Starks vs. Powerhouse Hobbs
- AEW Interim Women’s World Title: Toni Storm vs. Hikaru Shida vs. Britt Baker vs. Jamie Hayter
- AEW World Trios Tournament Final: The Elite vs. The Dark Order
- Casino Ladder Match
- AEW World Tag Team Title Match: Swerve in Our Glory (c) vs. The Acclaimed
- AEW World Title: Jon Moxley vs. CM Punk
Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!
AEW All Out 2022 Results
Live from the NOW Arena in Hoffman Estates, Illinois! Taz, Excalibur, and Tony Schiavone are on commentary tonight. Let’s get to the matches!
Match #1. Casino Ladder Match
Entrants #1 and #2 are Wheeler Yuta and Fenix. Both men exchange chops in the middle of the ring. Fenix sets up a ladder on the outside and is trying to set up a Rikishi Driver off the top rope but Yuta shoves him off and follows with a suicide dive. Entrant #3 is Rush. By the way, the wrestlers can run up and attempt to get the poker chip at any time, all entrants DO NOT have to be in the match. Belly to belly by Rush to Yuta on the ladder and a tope con hilo to Fenix. Entrant #4 is Andrade. Rush is in the ring by himself and waits for Andrade to get in the ring, and neither man get the poker chip. Interesting strategy. LFI toss both Yuta and Fenix into ladders and climb up the ladders themselves, but Yuta makes the save. Sunset flip powerbomb by Andrade to Yuta on the draped ladder! Entrant #5 is the ROH World Heavyweight Champion, Claudio Castagnoli. Claudio throws some running European uppercuts and checks on Yuta. Andrade looks to climb up the ladder but Claudio tosses him from the ladder to the outside. Dante Martin entrant #6. Martin tosses Claudio to the outside and looks to follow but Yuta sets up a ladder to climb for the chip but Martin double jumps to the ladder and makes the save. Penta is entrant #7. Running destroyer to Dante from Penta on the ramp! Sling blade to Rush on the outside. Back stabber to Claudio by Penta. Andrade cuts Penta off and looks for a DVD on the ladder draped on the outside but Penta counters into a destroyer! Fenix with a frog splash from the ring post to the outside through a table to Rush! Yuta, Martin, and Claudio are climbing up the ladder but a bunch of masked men throw them off and one of the climbs up the ladder and grabs the chip… its Stokely! The Joker is now out in a mask, and Stokely is holding the chip waiting for him. The masked henchmen reveal themselves to be Ethan Page, the Gunn Club, and Morrissey. The Joker is wearing a spiked horn demon mask, and graciously takes chip from Stokely. The Joker has won this match.
Winner: The Joker
Rating: ***. Absolutely car crash that we would expect, with a surprising, kind of lackluster finish? I applaud AEW for not ripping the mask off right away and building some intrigue, however. The Joker now has an AEW World Title shot.
Match #2. AEW World Trios Title: The Dark Order vs. The Elite
Hangman and Nick Jackson start. Shoulder block by Page as both men then trade empty lariats and cartwheels. Matt Jackson and Alex Reynolds are in now and they trade head lock takeovers. Matt disrespects Reynolds and Reynolds responds with a double leg and some ground and pound. Page comes in and jaws with Matt before Kenny tags in and the arena is on their feet. Omega muscles Page into Page’s own corner which allows Silver to make the blind tag and attack Omega from the back. Double drop toe hold by Silver and Reynolds and a double drop kick. Silver focuses on the arm of Omega before Page tags himself in and pulls Silver off Omega’s injured arm. Omega takes advantage and delivers some chops to Page but Page responds with a big boot and fall away slam. Double jump lariat to Omega but Matt Jackson catches him with an anti-air superkick! Senton to a draped Page by Nick and a twisting planca to Silver and Reynolds. Savage elbow off the top by Matt gets two on Hangman. Fist drop plancha combo by the Bucks as Nick gets the tag. Drop toe hold by Matt on to Nick’s knee and a Kitaro Crusher by Omega to Page. “You Can’t Escape” by Kenny gets reversed and Hangman plants him with a DVD. Silver is in and clears the ring. Gamangeri by Silver to Matt, running European by Cutler, and a big boot to Nakazawa. Brainbuster/suicide dive combo by Dark Order to Nick on the outside! Spin Doctor to Matt by Silver gets a two count! Double suplex attempt by Dark Order but Matt Jackson reverses with a double Northern Light’s suplex before tagging Omega. Cross body to Silver. Snap dragon to Renolds. Snap dragon to Hangman. Snap dragon, eventually, to Silver. Dark Order catches Kenny in the corner with some lariats. Enziguiri/stunner/German suplex combo! Jackknife cover by Reynolds gets two! Super kicks by Bucks to Hangman and Reynolds. V-Trigger to Silver. TERMINATOR takes everyone out on the outside! Moonsault by Hangman takes out Nick on the outside as the Dark Order is back in the ring. Pendulum Bomb by Dark Order but Nick Jackson breaks up the pinfall but a senton. Running knee in the corner by Nick to Silver. Reynolds and Silver and the Bucks super kick each other and everyone is down. Omega and Hangman are now face to face but neither man is legal so the ref kicks them out. Omega and Hangman each drag their fallen partner to the corner and tag themselves in. Arena is coming unglued. Big boot by Hangman! V-Trigger by Omega! Jay Driller by Omega! One, two, no! Omega goes up top and Page follows. Back flip fall away slam by Hangman to Omega off the top! Buckshot to the back of Omega’s head! Hangman looks for the Buckshot on Omega but Matt distracts him and Omega falls as Nick comes in with a Buckshot from behind to Hangman! BTE Trigger! Reynolds makes the save at 2.999999! Silver rolls up Omega from behind for a close 2! V-Trigger by Omega! One Winged Angel but Silver rolls through for a 2.99999999! Crowd is going insane! Hangman looks for the Buckshot but Omega ducks and Silver gets leveled! Hangman gets thrown to the outside and Omega makes the cover for the three!
Rating: ****1/4. This was great and damn near most of it had to do with John Silver. What an amazing match this was, what a great story that was told here, and the trios titles have been an absolute BLAST. What a great addition to AEW.
Hangman looks absolutely destroyed after the match.
Match #3. AEW TBS Championship: Jade Cargill (c) vs. Athena
Athena starts out hot with a huge meteora and the Eclipse! The Baddies seem like they were supposed to break that up but Jade kicks out. Shotgun drop kick to Red Velvet on the outside. Back in, a pop-up samoan drop by Jade. Spear by Jade! Two count. Biel by Jade. Springboard cross body by Athena gets a two count. Eclipse by Athena gets blocked but Athena hits a super kick. Stunner by Athena gets two. Athena goes up but Hogan distracts her and gets kicked for her troubles. Athena looks for another springboard crossbody but Jade catches her with a pump kick in mid-air. Jaded!
Winner and STILL AEW TBS Champion: Jade
Rating: **3/4. This was short, sweet, and impactful. Not every match has to go 50 minutes to tell a story. Big win for Jade as we continue on with her undefeated streak, 37-0.
Match #4. Wardlow & FTR vs. The Motor City Machineguns & Jay Lethal
Dax’s daughter is with the good guys at the apron in a feel-good moment. Lethal and Wardlow start. Lethal spits on Wardlow and Lethal uses his speed to evade a lot of Wardlow’s angry attacks. Dax and Sabin are now legal and this has all the makings. Arm ringer by Dax but Sabin rolls out and hits an arm drag. Both men exchange slaps and now it’s FTR vs. MCMG! Shoulder blocks by Dax and some hard right hands. Shelley gets dropped too. Short-arm clothesline sends Sabin outside. Shelley distracts Dax which allows Sabin to hit the cutter. Dax fights back with some heavy chops and a back suplex before tagging Cash. Assisted leg drop by FTR gets a two. European uppercut by Cash and Wardlow gets the tag. MCMG try to suplex Wardlow but get reversed and Wardlow suplexes both of them. Tag to Daxbut Shelley distracts the referee and allows Lethal to thrust kick Dax. Manhattan drop/dropkick to the knee/roll through basement dropkick by MCMG. VINTAGE. Lethal in now and as the bad guys have cut off the ring and isolated Dax. Quick tags throughout but Dax fights out and gets to Cash. Knee lift to Shelley. Short-arm lariat to Shelley gets two. Sliced bread attempt by Shelley gets reverses into a Gory Bomb for a two count. Sabin in to break up the pin allows Shelley to dropkick Cash’s leg. Lethal in now and the figure four is applied. Cash gets to the ropes but the damage has been done. Lethal and Wardlow are legal now and Wardlow has spine bustered everyone in the ring. F-10 by Wardlow to Lethal! Two count. MCMG pull FTR off the apron and hit stereo superkicks. Wardlow grabs MCMG but Singh hits him with a right hand that drops him. Two count by Lethal. Sabin with a suicide dive takes out FTR on the outside. Wardlow is in the Tree of Woe now as MCMG and Lethal hit three sliding dropkicks in a row. Lethal up top… Savage Elbow! One, two, no! FTR back in now, slingshot powerbomb by Dax to Sabin! Big Rig by FTR to Shelley! Double Lethal Injection to FTR by Lethal! Lariat by Wardlow. POWERBOMB to Lethal! ONE MORE TIME! NUMBERO DOS. MAKE THAT A THIRD. QUATRO! FINITO.
Winners: FTR & Wardlow
Rating: ***1/4. This was a much slower pace and a totally different type of match than the previous trios match, which is a good thing. Especially considering there’s three trios matches on this show. The right team won here but I question Lethal needing to take the pin.
Sonjay, Singh, and the MCMG have hit the ring buttttt…
Joe destroys Singh with the belt and here comes Dax’s daughter, Finley! Sonjay is in the ring begging for mercy and Finley snaps his pencil as Dax drops him with a right hand. Finley puts her foot on Sonjay as the referee counts the three. Really fun stuff here.
Match #5. Ricky Starks vs. Powerhouse Hobbs
Starks starts hot but Hobbs hits a body block that stops Starks in his tracks. Hobbs quickly focuses his attacks on the neck and dumps Starks to the outside. Hobbs tosses Starks into the guard rail upside down/ Back in the ring, Hobbs delivers some forearms and a big boot that drops Starks. Starks side steps a charging Hobbs and beats on Hobbs in the corner. Flying back elbow by Starks and a flying tornado DDT get a long two. Starks flips out of a back body drop attempt and hits the ropes hard, looking for the spear but Hobbs absolutely plants him with a spinebuster. One, two, three. Woah! Emphatic.
Winner: Powerhouse Hobbs
Rating: **1/4. Powerhouse Hobbs living up to his nickname and running through Ricky Starks, albeit somewhat surprisingly. The crowd loves Starks here so I don’t see a loss hurting him, but it looks like the rocket is officially strapped to Hobbs.
Match #6. AEW World Tag Team Championship: Swerve in Our Glory (c) vs. The Acclaimed
Max Caster referring to Keith Lee as Lizzo was mentioned in the rap, btw. “Oh, scissor me, Daddy!” to the tune of “Oh, bask in his glory” has broken out and that’s something else. Bowens and Swerve to start. Roll up by Bowens but Swerve picks the leg and tags Lee. Caster is in as well and tries a shoulder block to no avail. Caster flips out of a biel attempt and delivers a little Guerrero shimmy. Drop down and leapfrog by Keith Lee after Caster hits the ropes and Caster doesn’t like that. Dropkick by Caster followed by a diving hurricanrana from the middle rope. Dropkick by Caster to Lee, by Bowens to Swerve, and a double dropkick by the Acclaimed to Swerve in Our Glory. SCISSOR ME, DADDY ASS as the champs rebound on the outside. Lee is back inside with an attitude and hits a body block on a prone Caster from behind. “You can’t scissor” chants. Swerve is in now and hits a diving European uppercut before taunting Bowens on the outside. Swerve holds Caster in the corner and tags Lee who delivers two brutal overhand chops. Lee puts Caster on the top rope but Caster is able to shrug Lee off and hit a diving cutter from the second rope. Bowens and Swerve in now as Bowens hits a pair of clotheslines before a rip chord diving neck breaker. Brainbuster by Bowens! Two count. Big boot by Bowens who tries to come off the top rope and slips. Ruff Ryder by Bowens as both men are down and the referee and Daddy Ass are checking on Bowens. Swerve tosses Bowens hard to the outside and tells Ass and Caster to SUCK ITTTTTTT. Swerve calls an audible and focuses the attack on Bowens’ knee. Double team assisted knee breaker by SIOG by Bowens and the crowd is heavily invested in this match. Body splash by Lee to Bowens injured leg. Running avalanche in the corner by Lee and another double overhand chop but this time to Bowens. HUGE biel to Bowens by Lee. Bowens comes off the second turnbuckle with a Blockbuster and Caster is in! Caster clears the ring and takes out Swerve with a dive to the outside. Diving cross body off the top rope by Caster to Lee gets a long two count. Running elbows in the corner to Lee as Caster is trying to get Lee up in a fireman’s carry but can’t! Pounce by Lee but Caster moves and Lee destroys Swerve! Sliding knee by Bowens gets a long two on Lee! Headbutt by Lee to Caster and Lee kicks Bowens leg out from under him. Lee heads up to the top rope and here’s Caster! Bowens and Caster with a double team super plex by Keith Lee as Swerve makes the blind tag to Lee as he goes over! Swerve lands the Swerve Stomp to Bowens! Half crab with vicious head stomps to Bowens who’s about to tap but here comes Caster with a springboard missile dropkick to Swerve’s head! Caster in now and Swerve hits the running back kick but Caster gets out at two! Swerve looks for the springboard from the outside but Bowens trips him up! Bowens holds Swerve off the apron and Caster comes off the top with a mic drop! Lee is back in now but Daddy Ass gets in his face! Super kick by Caster! FU by Caster to Lee! Bowens is in! The Arrival by Bowens and Caster comes off the top with the Mic Drop! Lee BARELY breaks it up before the three! Swerve is on the apron and hits the DVD to Caster! Bowers is legal and Swerve attacks the knee before there’s a miscommuncation and Swerve kicks Lee in the face! One, two, NO! Twisting DDT by Bowens to Swerve! Bowens looks for a hurricanrana on Lee but Lee holds on and Swerve comes out of nowhere… time to Swerve in Our Glory!
Winners and STILL AEW World Tag Team Champions: Swerve in Our Glory
Rating: ****1/2. Unbelievable tag match. This was the moment to pull the trigger on The Acclaimed and I feel like AEW missed the boat. Without a doubt the best match I’ve seen from either team, and the crowd was READY for the title change that never came. Bowens was the start of this match, and his selling alone will make The Acclaimed babyfaces for as long as they want to be.
Match #7. AEW Interim Women’s World Championship: Toni Storm vs. Hikaru Shida vs. Jamie Hayter vs. Dr. Britt Baker DMD
Dropkick by Storm on Hayter to start. Baker trips up Storm and pulls her outside before Shida makes the save. All four women trade pinning combinations before Hayter grabs a single leg crab on on Shida. Storm then locks in the Octopus Hold on Hayter while Hayter has the single leg crab on Storm. Baker makes the save and catches Shida with a slingblade. Another slingblade to Storm. Rolling elbow by Hayter to Shida followed by some forever uppercuts to Shida and Storm. Double suplex by Hayter to both Shida and Storm as Hayter finishes with a double lariat. Storm dumps Hayter to the outside and follows up with a low flying tope suicida. Slingblade by Baker on the outside catches Storm off guard. Shida then tosses Baker into the guard rail. Storm and Shida are now in the ring and the friends finally face off. Tiltawhirl backbreaker by Storm countered by Shida who rolls through into an arm drag. Both women trade shoulder blocks now as Shida resorts to fists. Rebel comes in the ring now and both women drop her with a headbutt. Baker and Hayter now attack from behind and put the boots to Storm. Hayter picks up Shida in a fireman’s carry all the way up the ramp and then drops her pretty harshly. Baker then curb stomps Shida and the doctors are out to carry Shida away. Back in the ring its two on one but Storm is working hard to fight back. Diving cross body by Storm to Hayter but Baker makes the save before she could do any more damage. Storm tries to fight back but she’s outnumbered as Storm and Hayter deliver a snap suplex. Shida is back with two kendo sticks and she lays the wood to Hayter and Baker. Shida goes up top and delivers ten mounted punches to both women. Shida snap suplexes Baker into the buckle where Hayter is seated in the corner. Deadlift suplex from the outside in to Hayter. Question mark kick by Shida to Hayter. Uranage back breaker to Storm by Hayter. Hayter and Baker both roll up Shida but Storm makes the save. All four women now trade elbows in the center of the ring. Shida and Hayter lay out their opponents before Shida DOES THE DEAL! Falcon Arrow to Hayter but Storm breaks it up with a German suplex to Shida. Tombstone by Hayter to Storm! Meteora by Shida! to Hayter Super kick by Baker to Shida! Twisting neckbreaker to Shida by Baker! Curb stomp! One, two, no! Baker looks for the glove but Storm dumps her to the outside as Hayter hits the Rain Maker! One, two, no! Baker pulls the referee out as Hayter was about to get the three! Storm hits the Storm Zero to Hayter! Baker rolls in and tosses Storm and gets the thre–no! LONG two! Baker looks for Lockjaw but Storm catches her with the tornado DDT! Another tornado DDT to Hayter! One, two, three!
Rating: ***3/4. Tremendous match although it seems like the crowd was a little exhausted from the tag team title match before this. I think this was another opportunity here for AEW to feel the pulse of the crowd and go with Hayter, but Storm has earned the right to carry that title.
Match #8. Jungle Boy Jack Perry vs. Christian Cage
Jungle Boy’s mom and sister are at ringside, and mom slaps Christian in the face. Jungle Boy looks for Luchasaurus at the entrance way, and Luchasaurus comes out of the bad guy tunnel! Chokeslam on the pyro grid! Luchasaurus then hits the Dinosaur’s Edge through the table on the outside before rolling Jungleboy into the ring. Jungleboy finally makes it to his feet as referee Aubrey Edwards nearly refused to start the match. Spear by Christian. Two count! Killswitch! That’s it .
Winner: Christian Cage
Rating: NR. All storyline here. Normally I would say that this doesn’t have a place on a PPV, but when you’ve got 11 matches on the show, I’m okay with it. Luchasaurus is a bad guy again and he’s creeping into Big Show territory.
Match #9. “Lionheart” Chris Jericho vs. Bryan Danielson
White Zombie music from Lionheart rules so hard. Regal has joined commentary. Danielson has some shirtless fella sing him to the ring and it’s not great. Danielson and Jericho exchange heavy chops early but Danielson looks to enjoy it. Catch-as-catch-can start here with Danielson getting the better of the exchange. Jericho delivers some vicious chops, but Danielson shakes it off. Danielson gets the take down into mount and looked for palm strikes but instead, gets off of Jericho just to let him know the position he was in. Jericho looks for a deep cradle but Danielson rolls through into a surfboard with a nose grip, but can’t lock it up so Danielson gets double his weight on the back of Jericho’s legs. Jericho looks for a guillotine choke but Danielson pops his head out and delivers some ground and pound with hard elbows. Side Russian leg sweep by Jericho and Jericho swings his leg over into a double arm bar. Danielson with an Indian Death Lock now but Jericho is able to escape. Jericho is up now and lays into Danielson with some heavy chops before catching Danielson with a double underhook back breaker. Danielson is on his knee and Jericho is slapping him in the face. Danielson crosses his legs and asks for some more and Jericho is happy to oblige. Jericho with a running elbow strike that sends Danielson to the outside of the ring. Jericho looks for a plancha on the outside but Danielson catches him with a kick in the mid section. Running knee off the apron by Danielson. Danielson sends Jericho back in the ring before coming off the top with a shotgun dropkick. Yes kicks by Danielson but Jericho grabs a hold of the leg and attempts a Liontamer but Danielson escapes. Yes kicks now by Danielson in the corner. Danielson sits Jericho on the top rope and attempts a hurricanrana but Jericho holds on, jumps off the top rope, and sits down into the Walls of Jericho. Danielson sneaks out the back door and grabs a cradle for two. Jericho rolls to the outside and Danielson follows with a tope suicida. Jericho is placed in the corner of the two railing and Danielson lays into Jericho’s chest with chops and kicks. Danielson goes back in the ring but gets crotched up top. Jericho heads up top and tries the frankensteiner. Danielson shoves Jericho off and comes off the top with a headbutt that that misses. Jericho looking for the Lionsault but Danielson gets his knees up. Catapult by Jericho as Danielson skins the cat but walks into a tombstone attempt. Both men trade reversals but Jericho winds up landing the tombstone followed by the Lionsault! One, two, no! Running punt by Jericho. Judas Effect attempt but Danielson kicks the elbow. High kick by Danielson. HE’S GONNA GET HIS FKN HEAD KICKED IN! – DANIELSON. Wrist control and head stomps by Danielson! Labell Lock! Jericho looks for the ropes but Danielson traps the far arm and rolls Jericho through to the other side, far away from the ropes! Jericho inches towards the ropes and Danielson counters again! Jericho rolls on top and delivers some 12-6 elbows! Walls of Jericho is locked in! Danielson rolls on his shoulders and hits Jericho with some up kicks before locking in a triangle choke. Jericho gets to the ropes and drapes Danielson neck first in the break. Code Breaker by Jericho gets a two count. Liontamer by Jericho with the knee in the back of the neck of Danielson! Danielson bridges out and barely gets to the bottom rope. German suplex by Jericho but Danielson lands on his feet. Psycho Knee by Danielson gets two! CATTLE MUTILITATION! Jericho turns to his side but Danielson remains in control and reigns down the Hammer & Anvil elbows! Cattle Mutilation is locked in again! Jericho’s boot touches the rope and Danielson has to break the hold. Jericho won’t let go of the rope so Danielson kicks his back until the five count. Roll up by Jericho gets two. Rolling elbow by Danielson and some more Hammer & Anvil elbows! Jericho low blows Danielson behind the referee’s back. Judas Effect! That’s it!
Winner Chris Jericho
Rating: ****. This match really felt like it was on it’s way to something even better, but the ending was just completely flat for me. I understand the story that’s being told, but between the crowd being exhausted and the ending, it was just a miss. I also don’t think Danielson should be losing, but that’s just me. The action however, delivered on every level. Say anything you want about Jericho, but he’s still got the ability to turn it up whenever he wants.
The Jericho Appreciation Society are here to celebrate, without Garcia, who’s seen in the back watching on the monitor in disgust.
Match #10. The House of Black vs. Darby Allin, Sting, & Miro
Miro and Black start. Miro bullrushes Black and stomps on him in the corner until Brody King comes in. King and Miro square off and man, King almost makes Miro look small. Black in control now with a strike combo as Murphy tags in. Miro catches Murphy and tosses him with an overhead belly to belly. Sidewinder slam by Miro to Matthews as Miro is ignoring Darby’s tag request. Jaw breaker by Matthews as Darby tags himself on. Coffin splash but Matthews catches him. Spinning back kick by Matthews but Darby looks for the Code Red until Black steps in and high kicks Darby ON Matthews. Running soccer kick by Black to Darby gets two. King in now and he biels Darby into the middle buckle. Again. King sits Darby on the top rope only to chop him off to the floor. Darby gets tossed face-first into the guard rail. Again. Once more. Black in now and both men meet in the middle with a double elbow strike. Matthews in now with some chops to Darby. Pop-up knee strike by Matthews. Darby makes the tag but the referee didn’t see it! Classic. Darby finally gets the tag to Stin. Stinger Splash to Matthews! King! Matthews! King! Sting sends King into Matthews in the corner. Sting grabs Matthews and throws him to Black for the tag! Sting and Black are face-to-face as the crowd is up for this one and both men are exchanging heavy strikes. Sting with the double leg and the Scorpion Death Lock is locked in! Running pump kick by Buddy but Sting screams in his face! Kick by King! Sting isn’t fazed! Black sweeps Sting with a leg trip as Miro tries to remove Black from the ring by the hair. Sting is isolated by the House of Black. Sting sends King into Matthews and Black. Scorpion Death Drop by Sting to King! Tag to Darby, Coffin Drop! Two count. Pump kick by Miro to King. Miro follows Black to the floor and chases Matthews but Matthews catches him in the stomach with Sting’s bat as Miro goes face-first into the steps. Over the top stunner by Darby to Matthews. Low suicide dive by Darby to King! Black is in the ring with Sting but Stint blows the mist into Black’s eyes! Last Supper by Darby gets the win!
Winners: Darby Allin, Sting, & Miro
Rating: ***. Fun stuff all around here, as Sting will seemingly always be loved by the crowd. House of Black losing is questionable, especially with Black taking the pin. I think going forward, three trios matches on the same card might be a little bit much.
Match #11. AEW World Heavyweight Title: Jon Moxley (c) vs. CM Punk
CM Punk is out with Chicago style long tights, so you know it’s business time. Crowd is on fire here and not for nothing, but this crowd is four and a half hours into this show, so they deserve a lot of credit. Moxley taunts Punk before sitting cross-legged in the center of the ring and giving him the finger. Punk on the offensive early with some knees from the clinch but Moxley responds with some forearms of his own. High kick by CM Punk! Another high kick. Running knee in the corner. Another running knee! GTS by Punk! One, two, thr–NO! 2.99999. Moxley rolls to the outside to buy some time but Punk follows with a tope suicida. Both men are now fighting throughout the crowd and I’m guessing the referee will let them do their thing here. Punk tosses Moxley back over the guard rail and directly into the steel steps. GTS attempt by Punk on the outside but Moxley slithers out the back and tosses Punk face-first into the ring post on the outside. Punk is busted open now and Moxley focuses his attack on the face with elbows fists. Moxley then licks Punk’s blood off of his hand. Punk is busted open pretty good here. Moxley is taunting Punk here and Punk doesn’t have an answer for the strikes. Mounted elbows in the corner now by Moxley. Punk chops back but Moxley kicks the leg out and delivers some heavy chops. Punk reverses Moxley and delivers a running knee strike in the corner before looking for the bulldog, but Moxley holds on and hits a shin breaker on Punk’s bad leg. Moxley now looking for a single leg crab after stomping on the ankle. Single leg crab by Moxley. Punk gets to the ropes but Moxley looks for a heel hook. Punk goes to the eyes to force Moxley to release the hold. Dragon screw by Moxley and finally, the figure four. Punk fights out of the figure four eventually but Moxley hits a short angle piledriver for a two count. Moxley looking for a piledriver on the apron but Punk reverses into a diving arm ringer that drops Moxley face-first on the apron. Punk boots a charging Moxley and throws him shoulder-first into the ring post. Wrist control by Punk… head stomps! Anaconda Vice by Punk! Moxley grabs the eyes of Punk to escape to the chagrin of the crowd. Punk evades a charging clothesline and hits a leg lariat. Body slam by Punk who look to head up top. Savage Elbow by Punk but Moxley moves his hips and catches Punk in a rear-naked choke. Arm drag by Punk who targets the straight arm bar. Moxley sits through and snags a bulldog choke. Moxley transitions to the ankle lock! Punk gets to the ropes. German suplex by Moxley. High kick by Punkl! King Kong Lariat by Moxley! Exchanging straight tights and lefts now. Swinging neck breaker by Punk! GTS attempt by Punk but Moxley plants him with a Death Rider! Two count! 12-6 elbows by Moxley before locking in the Bulldog Choke. Punk is up, GTS! Moxley rebounds off the ropes and falls on Punk’s back. Punk holds up… another GTS!
Rating: ****. When Punk has matches like this, it truly feels like that 1985-1987 NWA World Heavyweight Title match. Slower paced, heavy on the story, heavy on the violence, heavy on the emotion.
Post-match… the lights go out! We hear a voicemail from Tony Khan, saying he will put this person in the Casino Ladder Match. We get a clip of Punk from ROH saying the greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world he didn’t exist. The Joker takes his mask off… IT’S MJF.
Punk raises his title as the fans chant for MJF. MJF motions for the title and then flips off the fans.
Final Thoughts: Welp, we clocked in at just under five hours if you include the Buy In. There were 11 matches on this card, and by the end of the main event, I’m already having trouble remembering some of them. The main event picture has been absolutely turned on its head with the addition of MJF, there are new trios champions, new interim woman’s champion, a few PPV squash matches, and so much more. The wrestling on this show ranged from pretty good – great, and nothing was BAD. That’s a lot of successes in a five-hour show, but I still think trimming it to 3 hour main card + 1 hour buy in would be idea. Go out of your way to watch Punk/Mox, the trios finals, Danielson/Jericho, the AEW tag, and the women’s four way matches. 8.75/10.Â