- Orange Cassidy vs. Isiah Kassidy
- Johnny TV vs. Hook
- Nick Wayne vs. Jack Cartwheel
- Anna Jay vs. Serena Deeb
- Rocky Romero vs. Katsuyori Shibata
- Shane Taylor vs. Will Ospreay
- Bryan Danielson & FTR vs. Lance Archer & The Righteous
Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!
AEW Collision 5/11/24
From the Moda Center in Portland, Oregon! Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness are on commentary and we’re starting hot with the Aerial Assassin!
Match #1. Shane Taylor w/ Lee Moriarty & Anthony Ogogo vs. Will Ospreay
Before the match starts, The Undisputed Kingdom are here and Roderick Strong joins the commentary table. Flying dropkick in the corner by Ospreay and a plancha to the outside! Diving forearm back inside the ring by Ospreay only gets a one count. Leapfrog by Taylor and a body block gets a two count. The fight spills to the outside now as Taylor lays in some huge chops. Tornado DDT attempt by Ospreay on the outside but Taylor catches him, but Ospreay escapes and shoves Taylor into The Kingdom. Leg drop on the apron by Taylor! Two count. Taylor now in control of Ospreay throughout the commercial break. Taylor sends Ospreay into the ropes who handsprings off with a flipping kick. Mafia Kick by Ospreay and a diving elbow to the back of the head from the top. Two count. Headbutt by Taylor and a huge Uranage! Big splash gets two! Big powerbomb by Taylor and a lariat that turns Ospreay inside out! Two count. Taylor hits the ropes but Ospreay uses his momentum against him and connects with a Spanish Fly. Two count. Welcome to the Land by Taylor but somehow Ospreay kicks out. Taylor wants the package piledriver but Ospreay gets free and Taylor finds himself on the top rope. Cheeky Nandos. Twice. Ospreay pulls Taylor off the top rope on his shoulders, positions him, and drills him with the Stormbreaker for the win!
Winner: Will Ospreay
Rating: ***1/4. This was not a long match but this ruled. We know how good Ospreay is, but Taylor is the MAN and I love seeing him get TV time to show it. Eat that, Kevin Nash.
After the match, The Kingdom tries to attack but Ospreay dumps them to the outside and follows up with a tope before making his exit.
Jon Moxley and Claudio Castagnoli are here. Moxley says the Don Callis Family chase the gold, the money, the Instagram, etc. The BCC don’t hunt because they’re hungry, they hunt because they’re lions. BCC doesn’t play for money, they play for blood.
Chris Jericho and Big Bill are proud of Hook, and believe Hook is learning.
Match #2. Hook vs. Johnny TV
Hip toss by Hook early. Johnny grabs a kravat and grounds Hook, but Hooks makes it to his feet and tosses Johnny with a Saito suplex. Hip toss by Hook and an exploder suplex. Jawbreaker by Johnny but Hook fights back with forearms, until Taya causes the distraction allowing Johnny to hit the Disaster Kick. Starship Pain but Hook moves and Johnny lands on his feet, but Hook is right behind him and finishes this with RedRum.
Winner: Hook
Rating: NR
As Hook makes his way up the ramp, Katsuyori Shibata’s music hits and the two exchange a fist bump.
Match #3. Katusyori Shibata vs. Rocky Romero
Shibata locks in a Figure Four early but Rocky is able to scoot himself to the ropes. Rocky dives on an Octopus Hold in the middle of the ring but Shibata hip tosses him and locks in another Figure Four. Both men roll to the ropes and we’ve got a clean break. Shibata gets a running start but eats a boot in the corner from Rocky and a diving Tornado DDT. Rocky focuses the attack on the arms now with some knee drops to the bicep as we go to a full commercial. Back from break and Shibata welcomes the kicks from Rocky, returning with hard chops of his own that send Rocky reeling into the ropes. Shibata locks in a sleeper over the rope but Romero hits a jawbreaker and a diving dropkick to a prone Shibata. Two count. Rocky looks for Sliced Bread but Shibata shoves him off and dives for a scissor takedown. Shibata has the ankle lock but Romero makes the ropes. Running boot in the corner by Shibata and a stalling diving dropkick. Half-and-half suplex by Shibata gets two. Victory roll by Romero for two. Back slide by Romero for two. Rebound kick by Romero for another two count. Shibata runs into a European uppercut but fights though, picks Romero up on his shoulders… Ushigaroshi! PK by Shibata before grabbing the legs and diving on a heel hook. Romero is forced to tap!
Winner: Katsuyori Shibata
Rating: ***. Shibata on my TV is always a pleasure. Rocky didn’t get a ton of offense in here and that’s fine, Shibata is building momentum towards the FTW Championship.
As Shibata walks to the back, Bryan Keith’s music hits and he tips his cap.
Match #4. Bryan Keith vs. Boulder
Boulder blindsides Keith as Jacked Jameson and Bronson expose “titty city.” Powerslam by Boulder. Two count. Keith sends Bronson into titty city now and Keith is in control. Running lariat to Boulder and a headbut. Diamond Dust to Boulder and this one is over.
Winner: Bryan Keith
Rating: NA. Well, this happened.
Lexi Nair is with Pac. No, he doesn’t care to respond to Bullet Club Gold. They’re hilarious chaps, in fact. Pac wants someone to make him feel something, anything at all.
A recap of Dynamite is shown, where we see Mercedes one getting powerbombed through a table.
Bullet Club Gold is here, and White is carrying an unconscious Pac. “I told you to stay out of Bang Bang business.”
The Patriarchy tell us that Nick will have a match tonight, and he will have another match this Wednesday with Swerve. Nick thanks Christian, but lets us know… he will do this alone.
Match #5. Orange Cassidy vs. Isiah Kassidy
Both men trade am drags and Orange gets a back slide for two. Roll up for two. Both guys trade leg trips, quick covers, roll ups, etc. Bow and arrow by Orange but Isiah flips out. Orange sends Isiah to the outside and both guys in the corner by the guardrail. Orange notices Trent walking down from the crowd and Isiah takes control, sending Orange into the safety railing before back suplexing him on the top. Isiah misses a double stomp inside the ring but comes back with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Isiah hammer throws Orange into the turnbuckle, causing him to go over the top and land hard on the floor. Back into the safety rail goes Orange. Isiah wants a piledriver on the steel steps but instead, Orange back body drops him to the floor. Both guys roll into the ring and Orange lays in some right hands. Stundog Millionaire by Orange and a Satellite DDT. Two count. Isiah catches a kick and counters with a tornado kick of his own. Orange misses a charge in the corner and gets stunned over the top rope. Stereo pump kicks and Orange falls to the outside as Isiah falls in the ring. Orange is now face-to-face with Trent as the referee tries to beak it up, but Isiah stage dives out of nowhere. Silly String to Orange as Isiah uses the referee! Swanton to the back of a prone Orange gets a long two count. Isiah looks for a piledriver but Orange counters with Beach Break out of nowhere!
Winner: Orange Cassidy
Rating: **3/4. Perfectly acceptable wrestling match here, with Orange building some momentum to, what I would assume, would be a rematch with Trent pretty soon.
Lexi Nair is with Trent here at ringside. Trent says he’s a better wrestler than Orange Cassidy and challenges him to a straight up match at Double or Nothing. Cassidy charges Trent and lands a few right hands before security breaks it up.
Match #6. Serena Deeb vs. Anna Jay
Deeb attacks early and locks Jay in the Paradise Lock. Low dropkick to the tailbone by Deeb. Hangman’s neckbreaker over the middle rope by Deeb gets two. Abdominal stretch by Deeb but Jay makes her way to the ropes. Inverted teeter totter by Deeb but Jay fights out. Jay rolls to the ropes and Deeb charges, sending her to the floor. Jay seems to have tweaked her knee on the fall as we go to a full commercial break. Back now with a spinning hook kick by Jay for two. Deeb ducks a pair of clotheslines and hits a diving one of her own. Deeb charges but eats a boot in the corner, catches the boot and delivers a dragon screw leg whip. Release German suplex by Deeb and a Pepsi Twist gets two. Deeb looks for a piledriver but Jay responds with a hook kick. Jay hits the ropes and Deeb follows with a chop block from behind. Queenslayer by Jay out of nowhere! Gory Special by Jay but her knee gives out and Deeb takes advantage. Double underhook facebuster by Deeb before isolating the injured knee and finishing this one with the single leg Boston Crab.
Winner: Serena Deeb
Rating: **1/2. Listen, Deeb needed to win here, obviously, but I couldn’t tell you the last time I saw Anna Jay win a match. Perfectly acceptable showing but can’t someone else lose besides Anna Jay?
Luther is here at ringside and he grabs Deeb’s flag, bringing it to the top of the ramp. Mariah May and Toni Storm are here, as Luther and May hold the flag up as a curtain, Storm undresses, and wraps herself in it. Deeb charges but Storm and company retreat.
Match #7. Nick Wayne vs. Jack Cartwheel
Wayne attacks early but Cartwheel sends him to the floor. Cartwheel then looks for the Sasuke Special to the outside but Wayne moves and Cartwheel lands HARD on the floor. Wayne’s World back inside the ring. Wayne looks for a cover but thinks better of it, picks Wayne up, and hits the Housecall for the win.
Winner: Nick Wayne
Rating: NR
Match #8. Bryan Danielson & FTR vs. Lance Archer & The Righteous
Dax chops Vincent and brings him over with a snap suplex for two. Double team gordbuster by FTR for two. Dutch and Cash are legal now and Cash ducks a clothesline and dropkicks Dutch. Double Russian leg sweep by FTR for two. Dutch runs into a big boot and Dax comes off the middle rope with a bulldog. Archer and Vincent hit the ring and it has all broken down. Danielson fires in a dropkick to Vincent, perched on a chair in the corner. Suplex by Cash to Vincent on the floor, but Dutch runs through Dax back inside the ring and gets two. Running avalanche in the corner by Archer. Two. A third misses but Dax gets goozled and set up on the top rope. Archer wants the Blackout but Dax bites him in the face. Archer connects with a running knee but misses a second attempt. Vincent tags himself in but Dax sends him into Dutch. Dutch misses an elbow and here’s Danielson! Clothesline by Danielson, hard chops, and YES kicks in the corner but Dutch is still on his feet. Backflip over Dutch and Danielson connects with a flying clothesline that sends Dutch to the math. YES kicks now in the center of the ring. Dutch gets dumped to the outside and Danielson follows up with a suicide dive. Shotgun dropkick off the top by Danielson. Vincent comes in now but Cash and Danielson responds with running dropkicks in the corner. Lebell Lock to Dutch but Archer is here. Spinebuster to Danielson. Dax is in and everyone is dumped outside except for Vincent. Powerplex by FTR! Dutch breaks up the pin but lands on Vincent. Cash clotheslines Dutch to the outside but Archer blindsides him. Blackout try by Archer but Busaiku Knee by Danielson floors Archer. Dutch hits the Bossman Slam to Danielson! Assisted Tornado DDT by Vincent. Vincent looks for a back suplex on Dax but he flips out, then flips Cash over him, and it’s the Shatter Machine to Vincent!
Winners: Bryan Danielson & FTR
Rating: ***3/4. All action from start to finish.
After the match, The Righteous attack from behind. The Elite have put a hit out on the heads of Danielson and FTR. Blackout to Cash on a chair! Swanton by Vincent to Dax on a chair. Daniel Garcia is here! Garcia dumps Vincent on his head with a Saito suplex and sends Archer to the floor with a clothesline.
Final Thoughts: Boy, were there a lot of matches on this show. Eight is a lot. Double or Nothing is almost completely set in stone, but we’re advancing a lot of the stories on the way, e.g. Deeb and Storm, Elite vs. Team AEW, etc. The wrestling was really just about average this week, but on a taped show, we’ve seen that be the case. Still, a fun two hours nonetheless, just not what we’ve come to expect from Collision. 7/10.