AEW Dark Results 7/14/20
Daily’s Place
Jacksonville, Florida
You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast
Transcription by Josh Lopez
Commentary Team (Excalibur and TAZ)
Ring Announcer: Justin RobertsÂ
Transcription by Josh Lopez
First Match: (5-2) Allie & (3-1) Brandi Rhodes w/Dustin Rhodes vs. (0-2) Diamante & (0-1) Rache Chanel
Allie shoves Diamante before the bell rings. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Diamante applies a side headlock. Allie reverses the hold. Allie drops Diamante with a shoulder tackle. Diamante drops down on the canvas. Allie hangs onto the top rope. Allie with a Drop Down Slap. Allie follows that with a Running Knee Lift for a one count. Diamante scrambles to the corner. Diamante tags in Chanel. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Allie drives her knee into the midsection of Chanel. Allie slams Chanel’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Allie with a Running Hip Attack. Allie tags in Rhodes. Assisted Hip Attack. Following a rolling snap mare takeover, Rhodes SuperKicks Chanel for a two count. Rhodes with forearm shivers. Rhodes applies a wrist lock. Allie tags herself in.
Allie with a Flying Double Axe Handle Strike. Allie slaps Chanel in the chest. Chanel reverses out of the irish whip from Allie. Diamante takes a swipe at Allie. Diamante ducks a clothesline from Allie. Allie is pissed. Chanel attacks Allie from behind. Chanel pulls Allie down to the mat for a one count. Chanel applies a front face lock. Chanel tags in Diamante. Double Irish Whip. Diamante with a Running European Uppercut. Diamante repeatedly stomps on Allie’s chest. The referee admonishes Diamante. Diamante with a double sledge across the back of Allie. Diamante decks Allie with a back elbow smash. Diamante continues to stomp on Allie’s chest. Diamante tags in Chanel. Chanel with clubbing shoulder blocks. Chanel tags in Diamante. Diamante uppercuts Allie. Following a snap mare takeover, Diamante applies a rear chin lock.
Diamante hammers down on the back of Allie’s neck. Diamante hooks the outside leg for a two count. Diamante applies the cravate. Allie with elbows into the midsection of Diamante. Diamante with forearm shivers. Diamante talks smack to Allie. Diamante goes for a Cazadora Bulldog, but Allie counters with The WheelBarrow FaceBuster. Diamante knocks Rhodes off the ring apron. Allie rolls Diamante over for a two count. Diamante clotheslines Allie. Diamante drives Allie face first into the top turnbuckle pad. Diamante with clubbing shoulder blocks. Diamante whips Allie into the turnbuckles. Rhodes pulls Allie out of harms way. Rhodes and Chanel are tagged in. Rhodes with two clotheslines. Chanel reverses out of the irish whip from Rhodes. Rhodes hits The SlingBlade. Allie drops Diamante with a Lou Thez Press. Allie transitions into a ground and pound attack. Chanel shoves Rhodes. Chanel with a knee lift. Rhodes SuperKicks Chanel. Rhodes nails Chanel with The Pump Kick. Rhodes connects with The Spear to pickup the victory.
Winner: (6-2) Allie & (4-1) Brandi Rhodes via PinfallÂ
Second Match: (1-1) Ricky Starks vs. (0-3) Robert AnthonyÂ
Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Anthony with a waist lock takedown. Chain grappling exchange. Anthony applies an arm-bar. Anthony transitions into a hammerlock. Starks reverses the hold. Anthony grabs another arm-bar. Starks with a forearm smash. Starks is pissed. Starks ducks a clothesline from Anthony. Starks kicks Anthony in the gut. Starks sends Anthony to the corner. Anthony dives over Starks. Anthony ducks the back elbow strike. Anthony clotheslines Starks. Anthony drops Starks with The Big Boot. Starks dumps Anthony face first into the top rope. Starks clotheslines Anthony. Starks delivers a gut punch. Starks slams Anthony’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Knife Edge Chop Exchange. Starks kicks Anthony in the gut. Starks with a Release Northern Lights Suplex.
Starks drives his knee into Anthony’s back. Anthony reverses out of the irish whip from Starks. Starks side steps Anthony into the turnbuckles. Starks with a Misdirection Spear. Starks grabs Anthony up by his ears. Starks goes for a Vertical Suplex, but Anthony lands back on his feet. Anthony with a waist lock go-behind. Anthony ducks a clothesline from Starks. Starks hits The Swinging NeckBreaker for a two count. Starks with forearm shivers. Anthony kicks Starks in the face. Anthony decks Starks with a back elbow smash. Anthony ducks another clothesline from Starks. Anthony connects with a Reverse Tilt-A-Whirl Slam. Anthony locks in The Romero Special. Anthony dumps Starks face first into the canvas for a two count. Anthony with a Running Death Valley Driver into the top turnbuckle pad. Starks rolls Anthony over for a two count. Starks with The Big Boot. Starks plants Anthony with The Buster Keaton to pickup the victory.
Winner: (2-1) Ricky Starks via PinfallÂ
Third Match: (0-0) The Dark Order (Alan Angels, Alex Reynolds, and John Silver) vs. (0-0) Shawn Dean, Joe Alonzo and Will Hobbs In A 6-Man Tag Team MatchÂ
Angels and Hobbs will start things off. Angels slaps Hobbs in the face. Angels ducks under two clotheslines from Hobbs. Angels with rapid fire strikes. Hobbs launches Angels to the corner. Angels side steps Hobbs into the turnbuckles. Angels with the corner mount. Angels floats back to a vertical base. Angels dropkicks the left knee of Hobbs. Hobbs with an Exploder Suplex. Silver tags himself in. Hobbs catches Silver in mid-air. Hobbs with a PowerSlam. Hobbs tags in Alonzo. Assisted Swanton Bomb for a two count. Alonzo with a forearm smash. Silver reverses out of the irish whip from Alonzo. Alonzo showcases his athleticism. Alonzo with a Hip Toss. Alonzo bodyslams Silver. Alonzo dropkicks Silver. Alonzo mocks The Dark Order. Silver dumps Alonzo back first into the canvas. Silver throws Alonzo into the turnbuckles. Silver tags in Reynolds.
Double Irish Whip. Double Drop Toe Hold/Basement Dropkick Combination for a two count. Reynolds drops Alonzo with a short-arm clothesline for a two count. Reynolds goes for a Belly to Back Suplex, but Alonzo lands back on his feet. Dean tags himself in. Dean with two clotheslines. Dean clotheslines Reynolds. Reynolds headbutts the midsection of Dean. Reynolds sends Dean to the corner. Dean kicks Reynolds in the face. Dean is displaying his fighting spirit. Dean dumps Reynolds face first into the top turnbuckle pad. Dean clotheslines Reynolds over the top rope. Dean lands The SomerSault Plancha. Dean is fired up. Angels throws Dean into the steel barricade. Angels rolls Dean back into the ring. Reynolds hooks the outside leg for a two count. Reynolds tags in Angels. Angels with clubbing splashes for a two count. Angels drops Dean with a NeckBreaker for a two count. Angels talks smack to Dean. Angels applies a front face lock. Silver tags himself in.
Silver punches Dean in the back. Silver with forearm shivers. Following a snap mare takeover, Silver hits The PK for a two count. Silver with a Mid-Kick. Silver flexes his muscles. Silver tags in Reynolds. Reynolds punches Dean in the back. Reynolds uppercuts Dean for a two count. Dean with heavy bodyshots. Reynolds drives his knee into the midsection of Dean. Reynolds whips Dean into the turnbuckles for a two count. Reynolds tags in Silver. Silver with a Mid-Kick. Silver toys around with Dean. Silver is choking Dean with his knee. The referee is distracted by Alonzo. Silver with a forearm smash. Silver tags in Angels. Assisted MoonSault for a two count. Alonzo continues to run his mouth. Angels dropkicks Alonzo off the ring apron. Hobbs takes a swipe at Angels. Dean rolls Angels over for a two count. Dean uses his feet to create separation.
Hobbs and Silver are tagged in. Hobbs clears the ring. Hobbs with a running shoulder blocks. Hobbs hits The SpineBuster. Hobbs PowerSlams Angels. Silver side steps Hobbs into the turnbuckles. Silver with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Reynolds follows that with a Rolling Elbow. Silver with a Running Enzuigiri. Dark Order connects with their Stunner/Bridging German Suplex Combination for a two count. Reynolds dumps Alonzo out of the ring. Dean with a double clothesline. Angels ducks a clothesline from Dean.. Angels with The Standing Spanish Fly. Alonzo tags himself in. Alonzo nails Angels with The Pump Kick. Standing Switch Exchange. Alonzo with The O’Connor Roll for a two count. Reynolds with a running boot from the outside. Angels hits The Wing Snapper. Dark Order plants Alonzo with The Flipping Destroyer DDT to pickup the victory.
Winner: (1-0) The Dark Order via PinfallÂ
Fourth Match: (9-13) Marko Stunt vs. (3-6) Michael NakazawaÂ
Nakazawa says that he doesn’t need the baby oil. Nakazawa tells Stunt to bring it. Stunt applies a side headlock. Nakazawa drops Stunt with two shoulder tackles. Nakazawa talks smack to Stunt. Stunt with a Misdirection Dropkick. Stunt SuperKicks Nakazawa. Stunt with forearm shivers. Stunt with Three Corner Dropkicks. Nakazawa regroups on the outside. Stunt lands The Suicide Dive. Stunt rolls Nakazawa back into the ring. Nakazawa catches Stunt in mid-air. Nakazawa dumps Stunt face first into the top rope. Nakazawa drives Stunt face first into the top turnbuckle pad. Nakazawa with a blistering chop. Nakazawa repeatedly stomps on Stunt’s chest. The referee admonishes. Nakazawa bodyslams Stunt for a two count. Nakazawa applies a rear chin lock. Stunt with heavy bodyshots.
Nakazawa with a running elbow smash. Following a snap mare takeover, Nakazawa pours baby oil all over Stunt. Nakazawa connects with The Slipping Senton Splash for a two count. Stunt side steps Nakazawa into the turnbuckles. Stunt with a Cazadora Arm-Drag. Stunt ducks a clothesline from Nakazawa. Stunt with a Spinning Hook Kick. Stunt follows that with a SpringBoard Hurricanrana. Stunt side steps Nakazawa into the turnbuckles. Stunt with a SpringBoard Double Axe Handle Strike for a two count. Stunt with a forearm smash. Nakazawa denies the irish whip. Stunt with a knife edge chop. Short-Arm Reversal by Nakazawa. Nakazawa hits The Samoan Drop. Nakazawa rams the nether regions of Stunt across the top strand. Nakazawa with The Atomic Drop. Nakazawa Spears Stunt for a two count. Stunt negates The G-String Claw. Stunt with a backslide cover for a two count. Stunt dropkicks Nakazawa. Stunt rolls Nakazawa over to pickup the victory.
Winner: (10-13) Marko Stunt via PinfallÂ
Fifth Match: (2-3) Luther & (0-4) Serpentico vs. (0-5) Brady Pierce & (0-6) Pineapple PeteÂ
Luther and Pete will start things off. Serpentico grabs Pete before the bell rings. Luther with clubbing blows to Pete’s back. Pete delivers a gut punch. Pete applies a side headlock. Pete runs into Luther. Luther drops Pete with a shoulder tackle. Luther repeatedly kicks Pete in the chest. Luther is throwing haymakers at Pete. Pete with a double hand chop. Pete with a chop/forearm combination. Luther nails Pete with The Pump Kick. Luther tags in Serpentico. Serpentico with a Flying Double Foot Stomp. Serpentico applies a wrist lock. Pete reverses out of the irish whip from Serpentico. Pete goes for a Hip Toss, but Serpentico counters with an arm-drag takeover. Pete sends Serpentico across the ring. Pete drops down on the canvas. Pete leapfrogs over Serpentico. Pete with a massive monkey flip. Luther and Pierce are tagged in.
Luther is playing mind games with Pierce. Pierce with a forearm smash. Pierce runs into Luther. Luther points at his head. Luther with a forearm knockdown. Luther repeatedly kicks Pierce in the chest. Luther with a straight right hand. Pierce reverses out of the irish whip from Luther. Pierce with a corner clothesline. Pierce tags in Pete. Pete with a Running European Uppercut. Luther knocks Pierce off the ring apron. Luther with a double leg takedown. Luther transitions into a ground and pound attack. Pete is displaying his fighting spirit. Serpentico trips Pete from the outside. Serpentico drives Pete crotch first into the steel ring post. Luther with a Side Belly and Belly Suplex for a two count. Luther tags in Serpentico. Luther with a Spinning Side Walk Slam. Luther repeatedly bodyslams Serpentico on top of Pete. Serpentico with a double knee drop. Serpentico drives Pete face first into the top turnbuckle pad. Serpentico tags in Luther.
Double Irish Whip. Assisted Corner Spear. Luther levels Pete with a Body Avalanche. Luther pulls Pete down to the mat. Serpentico with a SlingShot Double Foot Stomp. Luther sends Pete across the ring. Luther with a Pop Up Knee Lift. Luther tags in Serpentico. Luther with a Reverse Suplex into Pete for a two count. Serpentico with forearm shivers. Palm Strike Exchange. Serpentico sends Pete to the corner. Pete kicks Serpentico in the face. Pete uses his feet to shove Serpentico. Pete hits The Roll Through X-Factor. Pete tags in Pierce. Pierce with two elbow knockdowns. Pierce punches Luther. Pierce hits The FlapJack. Pierce nails Serpentico with The Pump Kick. Pierce connects with The SpineBuster for a two count. Luther whips Pierce across the ring. Luther kicks Pierce in the gut. Luther follows that with a Pump Kick. Serpentico with The Standing Slice Bread. Serpentico tags in Luther. Luther and Serpentico plants Pierce with their Flying Double Foot Stomp/SpineBuster Combination to pickup the victory.
Winner: (3-3) Luther & (1-4) Serpentico via PinfallÂ
Sixth Match: (5-1) The Jurassic Express w/Marko Stunt vs. (0-18) Brandon Cutler & (0-19) Peter Avalon w/Leva Bates
The Young Bucks are scouting The Jurassic Express ahead of their upcoming match at Fight For The Fallen. Jungle Boy and Peter Avalon will start things off. Jungle Boy with a waist lock go-behind. Jungle Boy applies a hammerlock. Avalon with a side headlock takeover for a one count. Jungle Boy rolls Avalon over for a two count. Jungle Boy hooks both legs for a two count. Avalon kicks Jungle Boy in the gut. Avalon slams Jungle Boy’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Avalon tags in Cutler. Cutler with two haymakers. Jungle Boy reverses out of the irish whip from Cutler. Jungle Boy drops down on the canvas. Jungle Boy leapfrogs over Cutler. Jungle Boy with a deep arm-drag. Jungle Boy dropkicks Cutler. Cutler side steps Jungle Boy into the turnbuckles. Cutler with a RoundHouse Kick. Cutler with a Leaping Crescent Kick for a two count. Cutler applies a front face lock. Avalon tags himself in. Avalon punches Jungle Boy in the back. Avalon with a knife edge chop. Avalon tags in Cutler.
Chop Exchange. Cutler sends Jungle Boy across the ring. Jungle Boy kicks Cutler in the chest. Jungle Boy with a Running Hurricanrana. Jungle Boy sends Cutler to the corner. Jungle Boy tags in Luchasaurus. Jurassic Express are double teaming Cutler. Assisted Cazadora FlatLiner for a two count. Luchasaurus blocks a lariat from Cutler. Luchasaurus delivers his combination offense. Luchasaurus with a Spinning RoundHouse Kick for a two count. Luchasaurus applies a front face lock. Luchasaurus tags in Jungle Boy. Jungle Boy with a Flying Double Foot Stomp for a two count. Cutler decks Jungle Boy with a back elbow smash. Jungle Boy with a waist lock go-behind. Jungle Boy goes for an O’Connor Roll, but Culter holds onto the ropes. Cutler with The SpringBoard Forearm Smash. Cutler drives Jungle Boy back first into the turnbuckles. Cutler tags in Avalon.
Avalon with a straight right hand. Avalon is choking Jungle Boy with his boot. Avalon with a Vertical Suplex for a two count. Jungle Boy with heavy bodyshots. Avalon punches Jungle Boy in the back. Avalon bodyslams Jungle Boy. Avalon tags in Cutler. Cutler with a SlingShot Senton. Cutler follows that with a Leaping Leg Drop for a two count. Cutler applies a wrist lock. Cutler whips Jungle Boy across the ring. Cutler denies The Cazadora Bulldog. Cutler sends Jungle Boy into the ropes. Jungle Boy drops Cutler with a Rebound Lariat. Luchasaurus and Avalon are tagged in. Luchasaurus clotheslines Avalon. Luchasaurus with Two Pump Kicks to Cutler. Luchasaurus slaps Avalon in the chest. Luchasaurus with a knife edge chop to Cutler. Luchasaurus delivers his combination offense. Cutler side steps Luchasaurus into the turnbuckles. Luchasaurus with an Inside Out Lariat.
Luchasaurus goes for The ChokeSlam, but Avalon lands back on his feet. Avalon with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Avalon tags in Cutler. Luchasaurus avoids the double clothesline. Luchasaurs drops Avalon with The Tail Whip. Luchasaurus with a RoundHouse Kick to Cutler. Jungle Boy nails Avalon with a Baseball Slide Dropkick. Luchasaurus ChokeSlams Cutler. Luchasaurus goes for The Standing MoonSault, but Cutler gets his knees up in the air. Cutler with an inside cradle for a two count. The referee is distracted by Avalon. Leva Bates drops Jungle Boy with a Flying Hurricanrana off the ring apron. Cutler hits The Swinging DDT. Cutler tags in Avalon. Avalon dodges The Polish Hammer. Avalon with a Tornado DDT. Avalon tags in Cutler. Avalon with The Martini’s. Cutler connects with The SpringBoard Elbow Drop for a two count. Cutler dumps Jungle Boy out of the ring. Cutler tags in Avalon.
Luchasaurus with a Front Boot to Cutler. Luchasaurus dodges The Leg Lariat from Avalon. Luchasaurus with a Back Body Drop. Luchasaurus tags in Jungle Boy. Jungle Boy ducks a clothesline from Avalon. Jungle Boy clotheslines Avalon to the floor. Jungle Boy lands Two Suicide Dives. Jungle Boy rolls Avalon back into the ring. Jungle Boy with a shoulder block. Jungle Boy slips over Avalon’s back. Jungle Boy ducks a clothesline from Avalon. Jungle Boy with The Back Drop Driver. Jungle Boy follows that with The Bridging Tiger Suplex for a two count. Jungle Boy tags in Luchasaurus. Cutler shoves Jungle Boy out of the ring. Luchasaurus goes for a Belly to Back Suplex, but Avalon lands back on his feet. Avalon with a Pump Kick. Cutler with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Luchasaurus HeadButts Cutler. Luchasaurus decks Avalon with a back elbow smash. Jungle Boy drops Cutler with The Outside In DDT. Jurassic Express plants Avalon with The TombStone Cutter to pickup the victory.
Winner: (6-1) The Jurassic Express via PinfallÂ
Seventh Match: (5-0) Brian Cage (c) w/TAZ vs. (0-1) Brian Pillman Jr For The FTW Championship
Pillman ducks a clothesline from Cage before the bell rings. Pillman dropkicks Cage. Cage launches Pillman to the corner. Cage with clubbing corner clotheslines. Pillman avoids the short-arm clothesline. Pillman SuperKicks Cage. Pillman with a RoundHouse Kick. Cage responds with The Pump Kick. Cage with a Release German Suplex. Pillman regroups on the outside. Cage drives his knee into the midsection of Pillman.
Cage goes for a PowerBomb, but Plillman blocks it. Pillman dropkicks Cage. Pillman follows that with a Diving Dropkick through the ropes. Cage catches Pillman in mid-air. Cage with a Vertical Suplex on the floor. Cage resets the referee’s ten count. Cage BuckleBombs Pillman into the steel ring post. Cage with The SuperPlex off the second rope. Cage connects with The Drill Claw to pickup the victory. After the match, Cage delivers multiple powerbombs. Cage plants Pillman with The F5.
Winner: Still The FTW Champion, (6-0) Brian Cage via PinfallÂ
Checkout Episode 213 of The Hoots PodcastÂ