No waiting around. No All Out main event. Tony Khan is getting right to business and we have potentially the BIGGEST DYNAMITE EVER tonight as CM Punk and Jon Moxley unify the AEW World Heavyweight Title! Let’s see what else is on the show:
- Jay Lethal vs. Dax Harwood
- Dr. Britt Baker DMD vs. KiLynn King
- Billy Gunn vs. Colten Gunn
- AEW World Trios Championship Tournament Quarterfinal: Death Triangle vs. The United Empire
- AEW World Heavyweight Title Unification Match: Jon Moxley vs. CM Punk
Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!
AEW Dynamite 8/24/22
Live from the Wolstein Center in Cleveland, Ohio! The Jericho Appreciation Society’s music has hit and we are going to kick this off with the much-anticipated Chris Jericho/Daniel Garcia confrontation. Jericho wastes little time and invites Garcia to the ring (who’s wearing a Buffalo Kids shirt, btw). Garcia enters to a “you’re a wrestler!” chant from the fans. Jericho says the fans don’t understand the connection they have. Jericho regales us with the actions of last week and asks Garcia to apologize for putting his hands on Jericho last week.
Garcia tells Jericho that Jericho knew how much it meant to him to share the ring with his hero last week. Garcia says he hung with the best wrestler in the world for thirty minutes last week, and that’s the kind of match he dreamt of having when he was a young boy. Garcia says all he cared about last week was the moment when Danielson stuck his hand out, and Jericho ruined that moment.
Jericho says he’s sorry that he ruined that moment for Garcia, but he is the greatest technical sports entertainer in the world. Jericho wants Garcia to say he’s a sports entertainer. The fans chant “you’re a wrestler!” as Garcia tries to make up his mind.
Enter Bryan Danielson! Danielson sees Jericho is trying to bully Garcia into saying he’s a sports entertainer, but he can be whatever he wants to be. Danielson agrees with the fans. Jericho says he’s a sports entertainer and he wants to hear Garcia say it. Garcia says he’s not going to be bullied into making a decision right here and goes to leave, but Jericho grabs his arm and Garcia shoves him to the ground. Danielson says he’s not the biggest fan of sports entertainment, but that was entertaining. Jericho says he’s tired of people saying Danielson is the best wrestler in the world, because Jericho is the GOAT. Jericho says he knows more about wrestling than Danielson ever will, and he knows every hold Stu Hart ever taught him. He’s Lion Heart, damn it! Danielson wonders who Stu Hart, or Owen Hart, would think is the better wrestler? If the American Dragon wrestled Lion Heart tonight, who would win? Jericho says if you want the Lion Heart vs. the American Dragon, then he’s got it, at All Out, September 4th! Jericho tells Danielson to watch his back as Hager drops him from behind.
Match #1. Dax Hardwood vs. Jay Lethal
Both men are out by themselves, so it looks like we will have a straight up wrestling match. Trade shoulder blocks and head lock take overs to start. Arm ringer by Lethal followed by a hip toss and a dropkick to Dax. Lethal follows with some heavyyyyy chops but Dax responds in kind. Both men trading leather here and it’s stiff in here. Big back body drop by Dax. Dax looks for some mounted punches in the corner but Lethal escapes and hits a Russian Leg Sweep off the top for a two count. Back suplex by Lethal gets another two count. Lethal throws Dax into the turnbuckle sternum first and tries to lock in the figure four but can’t get it. Lethal resorts to a back breaker. Lethal up top now looking for the elbow but Dax swips his feet out and Lethal is crotched on the top. Lethal fights Dax off and comes off the top with an axe handle but Dax counters with a right hook to the body. German suplex by Harwood. Make that two. Third time is a charm with a release German suplex. Lethal kicks out at two. Lethal rolls through another German suplex attempt but looks for the figure four but still can’t get there. Lethal Combination by Lethal gets two. Dax retreats to the apron and Lethal grabs a leg and hits a dragon screw between the ropes. Suicide dive by Lethal and back in the ring Lethal finally gets the figure four but Dax makes it to the ropes. Double leg by Dax and Sharpshooter attempt but Lethal counters with a figure four and Dax gets a cradle for two. Lethal Injection attempt gets countered into a springboard powerbomb! One, two, no! Roll through by Dax gets a long two. Sharpshooter is locked in by Dax and Lethal can’t make it to the ropes! Sonjay is here and has a meeting of the minds with Dax. Two count by Lethal. Cradle by Dax for two. Dax with a crossbody off the middle rope gets another two count. Lethal counters a European uppercut into a back slide attempt but Dax rolls him up for two. Lethal uses the trunks as leverage and rolls Dax through, holds the trunks, and gets the three!
Winner: Jay Lethal
Rating: ***1/2. This was a darn good professional wrestling match while it lasted, but it felt like it never got to that next gear, and I think that was by design. These men will be meeting again albeit in a trios match, and I think we can expect fireworks there. Lethal needed a win on TV after his loss to Wardlow.
After the match, Sonjay announces that it will be a trios match at All Out, but he didn’t announce who Lethal’s partners would be.
MOTORRR CITTTYYYY! The Motor City Machine Guns will team with Jay Lethal to take on FTR and Wardlow at All Out!
Tony Schiavone is here with Thunder Rosa. Rosa is crying already and informs us that she has to step away as AEW World Women’s champion due to injury. Toni Storm will be competing at All Out for the interim title in a four-way match with Hikaru Shida, Britt Baker, and Jamie Hayter.
Match #2. Billy Gunn w/ The Acclaimed vs. Colten Gunn w/ Austin Gunn
“Sometimes your kids are just numbnuts.” Tony Schiavone, ladies and gentlemen. Billy muscling Colten around to start with a few big shoulder blocks and a clothesline, before Colten heads to the outside. Billy beating on Colten on the outside, taking a few seconds to break the count. Billy tosses Colten into the guard rail, right in front of Stokely Hathaway. Billy with a suplex on the ramp and I think they’ve been outside the ring for almost two minutes at this point. Billy heads back inside and Austin grabs his boot, allowing Colten to drop him with a cheap shot. Billy pops up and stomps Colten into the ground in the corner. Referee Aubrey Edwards admonishes Billy and Billy seems to realize at this moment that he’s been beating up his son this entire time and shows remorse. Stokely cracks Caster on the outside with the boombox as Austin trhwos Bowes into the steps. Inside the ring, Colten low blows Billy and finishes it with the Colt 45!
Winner: Colten Gunn
Rating: *1/2. Not good, but more storyline than anything.
The Ass Boys seem to accept Stokely Hathaway’s proposal as they continue the beatdown of Billy and the Acclaimed before… WHO’S HOUSE?!
Swerve in Our Glory make the save and the Ass Boys run off.
Match #3. Dr. Britt Baker, DMD vs. KiLynn King
King is from Ohio, so that makes some sense. Baker was just announced for the AEW All Out fatal four-way match. King starts hot with a spinning back kick to the body but Baker catches her on the rebound with the Sling Blade. King comes off the top with a missile dropkick. Fans are not happy with Baker here. Baker drives King face first into the middle turnbuckle with a Flatliner. Baker misses the curb stomp and King hits her with a high kick followed by a German suplex. GO FOR THE COVER! King has Baker up with a full nelson and spins her out into a Side Effect for two. Baker shoves King into the turnbuckle face first and then delivers a pair of superkicks. Curb Stomp to King! Glove it on. Lockjaw seals this one.
Winner: Dr. Britt Baker, DMD.
Rating: **. The winner of this match was never in doubt, and it didn’t get a lot of time, but I thought this was super effective. The little offense that King got in looked great, and I think this is a big step in the right direction for her.
Baker takes the mic and runs down Rosa, saying she wrestled her entire title reign with a broken wrist. Toni Storm makes her way to the ring but Jamie Hayter jumps her from behind. Baker, Hayter, and Rebel beat down Storm as Shida, with kendo stick, make the save.
Tony Schiavone is in the back with Swerve in Our Glory and the Acclaimed. SIOG saw that they love the Acclaimed, and they need dance partners at All Out. The Acclaimed accept. Well, alright then.
Match #4. AEW World Heavyweight Title Unification: CM Punk vs. Jon Moxley
Why is this match starting at 9pm EST? Excalibur explained because it has a 60-minute time limit, and that makes sense to me. Moxley out first, followed by Punk. Fans are pretty much split down the middle here. Big fight feel introductions by Justin Roberts. Bell rings and neither man leaves their corner. Stiff lock up to start as Moxley powers Punk into the corner and then beats him down with elbows. Punk finally gets back up and slaps Moxley before delivering the same in the opposite corner. Moxley pokes Punk in the eye when the referee isn’t looking and Punk responds with a head kick. Punk kicked Moxley with the bad ankle! Referee asks for the doctor as Punk is struggling to his feet. Lariat by Moxley! Hammer and Anvil elbows by Moxley. Death Rider! GO FOR THE COVER! ANOTHER DEATH RIDER! THAT’S IT!
Rating: I… I don’t even know. I’m speechless here.
Moxley celebrates in the crowd after his win as Punk is being carried to the back by Ace Steel and a plethora of doctors.
Christian Cage accepts Jungle Boy’s challenge for All Out.
Ricky Starks is here and says he’s hurt, and he’s pissed off. Between Team Taz breaking up, Powerhouse Hobbs, and QT and the Factory, there’s a lot going on. Hobbs checked on Starks every day when he broke his next last year. Starks says Hobbs wanted to see him do well, but not better than he is. When Hobbs was standing around in a bedazzled t-shirt playing Britt Baker’s security guard, Starks brought him to prominence. Hobbs attacked Starks neck, and he knows what that can do. Starks quotes New Jack City and tells Hobbs to face him at All Out!
Moxley is here and he asks, “was that not how that was supposed to go?” Moxley says all the people that wrote him off don’t matter and never did. There is one Jon Moxley and Jon Moxley is professional wrestling. Moxley says his time is right now.
Match #5. Death Triangle vs. United Empire
Fenix and Ospreay start and just wish me luck. After about 60 seconds of flips and counters, Ospreay handstands out of a cutter. Big boots exchanged ay all six men and now it’s a hockey fight in the middle. Double cutter by Fenix to Aussie Open. Double back body drop by Lucha Bros to Ospreay followed by a Death Triangle triple stereo dive. Double team assisted cazadora bomb by Lucha Brothers to Ospreay gets a two. Pac in quickly to deliver some brutal chops. Penta in now and he opens up Ospreay’s chest with a chop of his own. Fenix back in with a snap mare as Death Triangle take turns beating down Ospreay in their corner. Fenix and Ospreay trade strikes as we head to PIP. Davis grabs Fenix by the ankles as Fletcher comes off with a double stomp. Sky Twister Press by Ospreay to Penta and Pac. Senton by Davis to Fenix after a punt by Fletcher gets a two. Big body slam by Davis. Fletcher in now and he tosses Fenix with a body slam himself. Tag to Davis as Fenix fights both men off with elbows and hits a double jump arm drag. Tag to Penta! Sling Blade for both men. Penta rolls through a cazadora by Davis into a crucifix bomb to Fletcher! Corkscrew kick by Ospreay and a double team assisted cutter by Aussie Open get two. Broken down now as Davis and Penta are left in the ring and everyone else is fighting around ringside. Ospreay is back in now with a beaten Penta. Ospreay looks to rip the mask off of Penta and at this point, Penta might just want to ditch the mask since everyone is going for it. Stalling vertical suplex by Ospreay gets a two count. Penta fires some forearms back and Ospreay returns with some of his own. Ospreay runs into a super kick in the corner and Pac gets the tag. Rebound German suplex by Pac to Ospreay and Pac is looking for another but Ospreay grabs the top rope. Fenix walks the ropes and kicks Ospreay which releases the grip and Pac hits the German suplex! Two count. Lucha Brothers and Aussie Open break down in the middle of the ring. Double thrust kicks by Lucha Bros. Double big boots by Aussie Open. Triple poison Rana and it’s down to Pac and Ospreay! Crowd is going nuts. Both men trade elbows but Pac delivers a spinning back kick. Another. Enziguiri by Ospreay. Rebound German suplex by Pac. OSCUTTER by Ospreay! Both men are down. Ospreay heads up top and Pac kicks his feet out. Both men are on the top now and Pac with an avalanche brain buster! WOW. Davis comes flying off the top with a King Kong knee drop to Pac! Around the world back breaker by Ospreay gets a two count. Stalling brainbuster by Fletcher to Fenix on the outside! Both men are on the top rope but Pac shoves Ospreay off and looks for the Black Arrow, but Ospreay hits the ropes. Ospreay has Pac over his shoulders on the top but Fenix makes the save. Fenix with a double jump hurricanrana but Ospreay lands on his feet! Cutter by Fenix out of nowhere! Pac is still up top… Black Arrow but Ospreay gets his knees up. Storm Breaker but Pac counters into a hurricanrana for two! Anti-air by Davis to Fenix! Step up Destroyer by Penta to Fletcher. Backflip off the middle rope into a swinging DDT by Pac. Pac goes back up but Davis grabs his foot, Pac shrugs him off and moonsaults off the RING POST TO THE OUTSIDE! Kip Sabian is here with his box on and Pac goes to unbox him, but it’s not Kip. Kip is here from behind and drapes Pac’s feet over the guard rail and hits the twisting suplex. Lariat by Davis to Fenix. Another. Penta gets wiped out by Fletcher. Triple elbow by United Empire! Assisted OsCutter to Fenix! One, two, three!
Winners: United Empire
Rating: ****1/4. As I’ve said before, your mileage will vary on a match like this. If you like car crash/spot fest/holy s moments, this is for you. Hats off to all the guys involved and it was just one spot after the other. Was there a lot of story? No, was it entertaining? Yes. The right team won however, and we’ve got a BIG match set up for next week. Will Ospreay in an AEW ring on a consistent basis is something I could definitely get used to.
Kenny Omega’s music hits! Omega and the Bucks vs. Ospreay and Aussie Open next week, on Dynamite! BIG. FIGHT. FEEL. Omega tries to get in the ring but Don Callis and the Bucks won’t let him.
Final Thoughts: Wow. Well, this show was absolutely newsworthy. Jon Moxley is the TRUE UNDISPUTED AEW World Heavyweight champion… but who the hell does he face at All Out in less than two weeks? Danielson and Jericho is going to be a blast and I enjoy where that is going. Thunder Rosa’s injury was surprising, but there should be some fun storylines coming out of the fatal four-way at the PPV. The tag team division kind of seems a little thrown together at this point. Bucks and Kenny vs. Ospreay and Aussie Open? Take all the money I’ve got, the trios tournament has delivered already. 8.25/10.