Slow news week in professional wrestling, eh? I’d be lying if I said I had any idea what to expect out of tonight’s show, but let’s get to the matches:
- Best Friends & Orange Cassidy vs. Death Triangle
- ROH Pure Title: Wheeler Yuta vs. Daniel Garcia
- AEW Women’s World Title Eliminator: Toni Storm (c) vs. Penelope Ford
- AEW World TV Title: Wardlow (c) vs. Tony Nese
- Hangman Page vs. Bryan Danielson
Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!
AEW Dynamite 9/7/22
Live from the KeyBank Center in Buffalo, NY! Taz, Excalibur, and Tony Schiavone are on commentary as we get a recap of MJF’s return at All Out. Tony Khan is here in a prerecorded statement and informs us that the AEW World Trios Title and the AEW World Heavyweight Title are now vacated. Tonight’s Best Friends & Orange Cassidy vs. Death Triangle is now FOR THE AEW WORLD TRIOS TITLE!
There will be a tournament to crown the next AEW World Heavyweight Champion, starting with tonight! Hangman vs. Bryan Danielson is live and free on tonight’s show, and the rest of the tournament will conclude at AEW Grand Slam!
MJF is here! Buffalo, New York? The Devil is… BACK! MJF is wearing a Bills Josh Allen jersey and he’s playing up to the hometown crowd. Last time we saw MJF, he said some offensive stuff, but he was just kidding. MJF loves AEW and he would never leave this place. MJF leads an “AEW” chant. MJF also did not mean it when he called the fans stupid marks. MJF knows the world title has been vacated and he knows he should work smart, not hard, because he’s already got the title shot guaranteed. MJF said he’s not Moses, but he’s better than Moses. AEW needs a leader, and that leader is MJF.
Enter Jon Moxley!
Moxley says MJF is full of crap. MJF then changes his tune and says Buffalo sucks and he’s going to use the AEW World Title as the bargaining chip for the War of 2024. MJF wants to take the AEW title to a real wrestling company with his buddy the RollerCodester. MJF wants to work for Nick Khan.
Moxley slaps the taste out of MJF’s mouth and says this isn’t the time. Moxley says MJF needs to leave or Moxley will make him leave. MJF rips his shirt off but thinks better of it and takes a walk to the back. Moxley is pissed off about a great many things, but mostly, because he’s standing there without the AEW title. The AEW World Title represents passion for this sport, this business, the fans, the guys and girls in the back. Those three letters represent the dream and the vision they all had. The AEW World Title represents taking the dark and ugly side of the business and letting it die with the previous generation. The AEW World Title represents everything Jon Moxley loves about this business.
The fact remains, however, on Sunday, Moxley lost. Moxley made mistakes and he got pinned. Moxley missed the game winning shot. Moxley was supposed to be on vacation until two days ago. Jericho is the GOAT. Danielson the best wrestler. Darby. Hangman. Sammy. All more gifted than Moxley will ever be. Winners always want the ball when the game is on the line. The ace always wants the ball. Moxley wants the ball. Hell yeah, Moxley is going to take the shot. This isn’t just the fourth quarter, this is the time to be a legend. What an unbelievable promo here.
Match #1. AEW World Trios Championship: The Death Triangle w/ Alex Abrahantes vs. The Best Friends w/ Danhausen
Penta and Orange Cassidy to start. Penta takes his glove off and throws it to Alex. ZERO MIEDO. Cassidy responds by taking his shades off and throwing them to Danhausen who shockingly catches them. Spinning back kick by Penta to start the match. Tieres by Cassidy but he eats a big boot by Pac. Rolling elbow by Trent to Fenix. Super kick to Trent by Penta. Triple back body drops to the outside by Best Friends and Cassidy gets launched to the outside by Chuck and Trent. Everyone is brawling on the entrance ramp but Chuck comes off with a dive off the stage that takes out everyone. Back in the ring it’s Cassidy and Penta, still legal. Cassidy tags Trent and Penta tags Pac. Pac stomps away at Trent after a Penta superkick. Hard Irish whip to the corner by Pac. Fenix in now and hits a basement dropkick on Trent. Quick tags now as Penta is in and the Death Triangle has cut the ring off. Pac charges Trent but eats two feet to the face before tagging Cassidy. Cassidy with a double hurricanrana on Penta and Fenix but Pac blindsides Cassidy and takes control. Danhausen is up on the apron! Alex pulls Danhausen off the apron but gets cursed! Alex then gets punched directly in the groin. PUNK CURSES PAC! Pac then boots Danhausen in the face and gets blindsided by a tope suicida by Cassidy. Diving crossbody by Cassidy followed by a tiltawhirl DDT. Stundog Millionaire by Cassidy! Chuck in now and so are the Lucha Brothers. Chuck sends Fenix into Penta headfirst. Backstabber by Penta on Chuck and a cazadora bomb! Two count. Big boot/Soul Food/half and half complex by Best Friends to Fenix! GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT. Diving elbow by Trent and swinging DDT by Trent to Fenix! Rolling Thunder cutter by Fenix! Big boot to Chuck by Pac! German suplex by Pac by Cassidy. Penta Driver to Cassidy. Assisted Code Red by Fenix to Trent! Orange Punch to Penta! Awful Waffle and Strong Zero by Best Friends to Lucha Brothers! One, two, NO! Pac saves the day. Triple superkicks from Death Triangle followed by triple destroyers! Fear Factor to Chuck! Double jump tornillo by Fenix followed by a tope con hilo by Penta! Pac is legal.. BLACK ARROW! ONE, TWO, THREE!
Winner and NEW AEW WORLD TRIOS CHAMPIONS: Death Triangle
Rating: ***3/4. Full of action from start to finish. Everyone got their chance to shine here and this isn’t going to be the sell-fest some might like. Trios matches have their place and they’re car crashes, so once you accept that, you’ll be better for it. The right team won here, but it’s a shame that Malakai Black got his conditional release because I think the House of Black would have been a better alternative.
Footage is shown of Jamie Hayter leaving the arena at All Out after an argument with Britt Baker.
Match #2. AEW World Women’s Championship Eliminator: Toni Storm (c) vs. Penelope Ford
Catch wrestling start here with Storm eventually escaping a head scissors and grabbing a side headlock. Shoulder blocks by Storm followed by a dropkick. Ford in the corner but avoids the running hip attack in the corner but can’t avoid the baseball slide on the outside. Ford reverses and tosses Storm into the stairs headfirst. In the ring now and a dropkick to the back by Ford. Back handspring elbow by Ford in the corner gets a two count. Snap suplex by Ford gets another two count. Ford tries another handspring, this time a clothesline, and finds nothing but turnbuckle. Big boot by Storm and a running European uppercut in the corner. Running hip attack in the corner. Jumping DDT by Storm gets it done.
Winner and STILL AEW World Women’s Champion: Toni Storm
Rating: **1/4. Nice win for Storm on the heels of her winning the AEW Women’s World Title.
Here’s The Acclaimed… but no! Swerve in Our Glory are out and cut off The Acclaimed’s entrance! Swerve says the only joke is The Acclaimed as AEW World Tag Team champs! Daddy Ass says it’s no longer Swerve’s house, it’s Daddy Asses’ house. Tremendous. Two weeks at AEW Grand Slam, it will be The Acclaimed vs. Swerve in Our Glory 2!
Tony Schiavone is here with Chris Jericho, Anna JAS, Sammy Guevara, and Tay Melo are here. Corizon de’ Leon is drinking in the fountain of youth, man! Jericho says he’s the BEWEBC. Jericho says he’s doing to beat Danielson next week, and AEW is his company, and it’s his f’ing locker room! Jericho hates turtles. Isn’t Danielson wrestling Hangman tonight? Did Jericho maybe just spoil the main event?
Match #3. AEW TNT Championship: Wardlow (c) vs. Tony Nese
Lariat. Powerbomb. Another one. A third.
Winner and STILL AEW TNT Champion: Wardlow
Rating: NR
Smart Mark Sterling is in the ring, but Josh Woods makes the save. Phew. A lot of people say Wardlow has lost it. Wardlow is about to remind everyone in this locker room, this business, and the fans, that this is Wardlow’s World.
Match #4. AEW World Title Tournament Wildcard Match: Hangman Page vs. Bryan Danielson
It’s bananas this was an unannounced match that we’re getting for free on tv, by the way. Regal has joined the commentary booth as he makes fun of Excalibur, which I enjoy. Knuckle lock to start. Danielson reverses into a shoulder lock momentarily before Hangman does the same. Heavy chop by Danielson before he ducks out of the ring, no doubt trying to get into Page’s head. Danielson rolls back in and fires some more chops that Page welcomes. Page responds in kind, but Danielson grabs a hold of page and tries to lock him in the surfboard to no avail, so Danielson double stomps the back of the knees instead. Danielson and Page exchange heavy elbows and chops in the corner. Danielson goes up top but Hangman delivers an elbow that sends him to the apron, as Page follows up with the double jump clothesline. Plancha by Page to the outside but Danielson evades and hammerlocks Page’s arm, before sending him shoulder first into the ring post as we had to commercial break. Back from break and Danielson is in control. Highlights are shown of Danielson delivering a running knee to Hangman who was seated in front of the guard rail on the outside. Hard chops by Page but Danielson responds with some heavy kicks. Page catches a running Danielson in mid-air and hits a fallaway slam. Kip up by Page. Plancha to the outside and this one connects. Clotheslines in the corner by Page followed by a HIGH ANGLE Death Valley Driver. Two count. Page looking for the Deadbye but Danielson counters into a roll up for two. Running boot by Danielson in the corner. Another one. Danielson looks for a third but Page counters with a pop-up powerbomb attempt which Danielson rolls through for a two count. Head kick by Danielson. Two. YES kicks now in the center of the ring. Head kick by Danielson. Danielson goes up top but Page catches him. Backflip fall away slam off the top! One, two, no! Page looks for the Buckshot but Danielson rolls out the far side. Page follows Danielson and throws him into the guardrail a time or two. Page with a huge running boot that sandwiches Danielson between Page’s foot and the top of the guardrail (throwback to Morishima vs. Danielson!). Page batters Danielson on the apron but Danielson grabs a hold of Page and drops him shoulder-first on the apron. Both men crawl to the center of the ring and exchange some heavy leather. German suplex by Danielson but Page backflips out! Danielson charges but Page catches him with a huge pop-up Spirit Bomb! One, two, no! Page seats Danielson on the top rope but Danielson escapes out the back door and crotches Page. Page is now locked in the Tree of Woe as Danielson kicks the bejesus out of him. Avalanche back suplex attempt by Danielson but Page lands on his feet! Discus lariat attempt but Danielson kicks the arm as Page comes from the other side and nearly decapitates him! One, two, no! Danielson grabs the Labell Lock but Page stacks him up for two. Butterfly suplex into a straight arm bar by Danielson! Page rolls through and delivers some knees from the sprawl position. Standing lariat by Page. Danielson shrugs it off. Another. Danielson eats it. Rolling elbow by Danielson. By Page. By Danielson. Psycho Knee by Danielson gets countered into the Deadeye! LONG two! Page up top now but misses the moonsault. Psycho Knee by Danielson as Page rolls out of the ring! Danielson tries a tope suicida but Hangman catches him! Pop-up powerbomb on the apron. Moonsault by Page! Buckshot by Page but Danielsons ducks! O’Connor roll! One, two, three!
Winner: Bryan Danielson
Rating: ****1/2. Nothing more than you can ask for by two of the best pro wrestlers in the world. Danielson is better now than he ever has been, and Page works the best when he’s in the ring with guys like him. I could watch these two wrestle every day of the week.
Stokely Hathaway is here with Ethan Page, Lee Moriarty, the Ass Boys, and Morrissey. Some dude tried to count Stokely down and Morrissey boots him in the face.
Match #5. ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta (c) vs. Daniel Garcia
Garcia is a Buffalo Kid and get’s the hometown entrance, courtesy of Westside Gunn. This is a Pure rules match; three rope breaks, title can change hands on a DQ, no closed fists, and if the match goes the time limit, we have three judges at ringside. Regal and Caprice Coleman have joined the commentary table. Physical tie up to start which spills to the outside. Yuta rolls back in, but Garcia catches him with some stomps and takes advantage. Hard chops by Garcia and Yuta responds in kind. Both men are trading heavy shots, but Yuta hits the deck and Garcia goes for the first pinfall of the match. Manhattan drop by followed by an enziguiri by Yuta. Yuta comes off the top with a flying elbow that gets a two count. Yuta disrespecting Garcia with boots to the face and a snap suplex. Yuta is being booed violently here. Huge paintbrush by Garcia followed by a back suplex. Backdrop driver by Garcia and a huge lariat! Two count. Big boot by Garcia and a rebound by Yuta from the outside in. German suplex by Yuta. Another one. Yuta holds on and that makes three. Garcia is trying to break the grip, does, and takes Yuta’s back. German suplex by Garcia. Two. Three. Yuta now reverses with a drop step and a German suplex of his own. Two. Switch. Garcia with a German suplex. Another. Is this a Brock Lesnar match? Yuta gets the release and hits Garcia with a back elbow as he climbs up to the top. Garcia follows Yuta up and hits an Avalanche German off the second rope! Both men are down and that was a NASTY landing. Both men make it to their respective aprons and meet at the turnbuckle. Yuta steps on Garcia’s head which is prone on the middle buckle. Garcia drops Yuta and does the same to him. Garcia drags Yuta to the top rope and fights for a superplex off the top and nails it! Garcia and Yuta are both in the middle of the ring exchanging strikes from their knees but Garcia drops Yuta! Referee is counting! 6… 7… 8… Yuta is up! Double leg by Garcia and the Dragon Tamer is locked in! Yuta still has three rope breaks and makes it to the ropes. Two rope breaks left for Yuta. Closed fist by Yuta and Referee Paul Turner gives him an official warning. Once more, and he’s disqualified. Yuta gets baited into another Dragon Tamer! Yuta reaches back and locks in the crossface and tries to sit through into the seatbelt. He does! One, two, no! First person to kick out of the seatbelt? Another Dragon Tamer by Garcia! Yuta is fighting to crank back on Garcia’s neck but he can’t! Yuta taps!
Winner and NEW ROH PURE CHAMPION: Daniel Garcia
Rating: ***3/4. THE BUFFALO KID’S DONE RIGHT! Tremendous match here, but I feel like it was cut a little short due to TV time constraints. I’ve seen these two tear the house down in 60+ minute matches and I know what they’re capable of, so maybe I’m bias. Garcia winning is the right call here and he’s getting his shine while aiding the Jericho/Danielson storyline. Great stuff all around and Yuta was a damn fine champion.
Danielson is making his way to the ring. Yuta intercepts Danielson so he can shake hands with Yuta. CODE OF HONOR, BABY. Danielson straps the ROH Pure Championship around the waist of Daniel Garcia and raises his hand. Jericho hits the stage and looks heartbroken!
Final Thoughts: What a rollercoaster this show has been tonight. MJF’s return turned into Moxley cutting one of the best promos of his life, which was, in essence, rallying cry for unity in AEW. New AEW World Trios champs, Hangman/Danielson, and Yuta/Garcia are absolutely worth going out of your way to watch. This show felt like a restart in the best way possible, and the AEW World Heavyweight Title tournament feels like a big deal. Let’s hope the momentum continues into Rampage, which, speaking of, it’s nice to see that show getting a meaningful match (Darby vs. Sammy for the AEW title tournament). 9/10.Â