It’s Wednesday night, and you know what that means …
All Elite Wrestling returns with the latest installment of their weekly AEW on TNT television program.
Emanating from the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland, Texas this evening, AEW Dynamite: Fyter Fest – Night 2 keeps the AEW Welcome Back Tour 2021 return to the road continuing with the conclusion of a big two-week special event.
On tap for tonight’s show is Jon Moxley vs. Lance Archer in a Texas Deathmatch for the IWGP U.S. title, Britt Baker vs. Nyla Rose for the AEW Women’s title, Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Spears, Orange Cassidy vs. The Blade, Frankie Kazarian vs. Doc Gallows, Darby Allin vs. Wheeler Yuta and more.
Featured below are complete AEW Dynamite: Fyter Fest – Night 2 results from July 21, 2021.
This week’s show kicks off with the usual intro and then we head inside the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland, Texas where we get right down to business.
Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Spears
With that said, the familiar sounds of Judas in my Mind plays as the AEW fans in attendance come unglued and begin cheering and singing along as “Le Champion” makes his way down to the ring.
“The Demo God” settles into the squared circle and then the theme for his opponent hits, and out comes “The Chairman of AEW” Shawn Spears accompanied by Tully Blanchard.
We hear the commentators point out that the chair will be legal, for Spears only, in this match, as it is the first of the five labors of Jericho match that he must get through to earn another bout with MJF.
On that note, MJF’s theme hits and he makes his way out to a ton of boos as he joins the trio of Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone and Excalibur on commentary for this opening contest. The bell sounds and we’re off-and-running.
Straight out of the gate, we see Spears in the ring swiping at Jericho with his trademark steel chair, which as the commentators remind us, is completely legal in this bout. MJF is playing full heel on commentary.
After some back-and-forth action we get to Spears connecting with his C4 finisher after using the chair multiple times throughout the match. It wasn’t enough to put away Le Champion, however, as he hung on.
Spears gets up after the failed pin attempt and tries hitting another C4 this time with the chair. Jericho ends up countering it and connecting with his spinning back elbow finisher for the pin fall victory.
Winner: Chris Jericho
MJF Announces Labor Number 2 For Chris Jericho — NICK GAGE!
MJF says next week labor number two will be a no disqualification match, with Jericho taking on someone else who doesn’t mind breaking some rules.
He mentions this man once stabbed his opponent in the throat and once robbed a bank with no mask on. He introduces Nick Gage and out he comes to a big reaction from the crowd.
Jim Ross freaks out, saying he thought he was in jail. Gage comes out with a pizza cutter as Jericho looks shocked in the ring.
Doc Gallows vs. Frankie Kazarian
After a quick backstage promo from Miro where he teases his next TNT Championship defense in two weeks but doesn’t name the opponent, we head back inside the Curtis Culwell Center where we head down to the ring for our second match of the evening.
Out comes the team of The Good Brothers — Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson — where the former will be in singles competition. The duo settles in the ring and their music fades down.
Gallows’ opponent for tonight, Frankie Kazarian, makes his way out as the commentators sing his praises. The bell sounds and we’re off-and-running with our second match here at Fyter Fest.
Kazarian uses his fearless style and speed and agility to go right after the bigger man straight out of the gate, however it isn’t long before Gallows and Anderson sneak their way into the offensive lead. As they do, we head to a mid-match, picture-in-picture commercial break as the action continues.
We return from the break to see Gallows still in control of the action, however soon after we return Kazarian fires up with a big comeback that ends up getting thwarted when sneak attacks and the numbers game advantage leads to Gallows pulling off the “W.”
Winner: Doc Gallows
After The Match: Hangman Page Stands Down The Elite
Once the match wraps up, The Good Brothers continue a post-match beatdown of Kazarian and then we hear the theme of the AEW World Champion Kenny Omega.
Omega makes his way down along with Don Callis. The two head to the ring as Callis says what happened to Kaz is what happens to anyone when they mess with The Elite.
Kenny talks about Kaz being a thorn in their side for months as “The Elite Hunter.” Gallows and Anderson continue to beat him down while Omega talks trash. They hold him and Callis says this is what they’re gonna do to Hangman Page next week.
Before they can do anything, however, Hangman’s theme hits and he comes out in street clothes with a drink in his hand. The fans go nuts and immediately break out into a loud “Cowboy sh*t!” chant.
Page slowly makes his way into the ring while Callis is talking trash and he calmly hands Don his drink and begins duking it out with Omega and The Good Brothers by himself. Before the numbers game disadvantage can become a factor, The Dark Order hits the ring to help out. Page hits his finisher as Omega exits the ring and heads up the ramp.
Team Taz Update, FTW Celebration Next Week
We shoot backstage to Team Taz where Taz commends Ricky Starks on getting things done last week. Starks then mentions he’s gonna have a big celebration thrown by his management for his FTW Championship victory.
From there, we shoot to Dasha Gonzalez who is standing by with former Team Taz member and former FTW Champion Brian Cage. Cage asks if Team Taz is still here. She says no. Cage says he likes celebrations and says he’ll be there next week.
Wheeler Yuta vs. Darby Allin
We head back down to the ring as it’s time for our next bout here at Fyter Fest. On that note, Wheeler Yuta, pal of Orange Cassidy, makes his way down to the squared circle.
Yuta settles into the ring and now the familiar sounds of Darby Allin’s theme hits and out he comes accompanied by “The Icon” Sting, ready for this one-on-one contest.
The bell sounds and we’re off-and-running. We see Allin off to a good start and then a shot of New Japan Pro Wrestling star Hikuleo is shown sitting in the crowd.
Wheeler starts to take over the offensive control in this match, taking it to Allin. The former TNT Champion starts to fight back into competitive form but then Yuta cuts his comeback short with a big German suplex.
We see Yuta head to the top rope after that but Darby cuts him off and crotches him on the top rope. He goes up after him and hits a big superplex off the top.
As both guys are recovering in the ring, we see Orange Cassidy, who is in Yuta’s corner, and Sting, who is in Allin’s, staring each other down on the floor. Cassidy puts his hands in his pockets. Sting does Cassidy’s trademark wimpy kicks as the fans over-react to them.
After the playful interaction between those two, we see Darby firing up for a big comeback in the ring, which he caps off with a Coffin Drop off the top rope for the pin fall victory.
Winner: Darby Allin
After The Match: The Blade Attacks Orange Cassidy
Once the match wraps up, we hear Darby’s music playing as he celebrates his victory in the ring, when all of a sudden out comes The Blade down to ringside.
He puts the brass knuckles on and decks Cassidy with them, getting an early advantage on the man he is scheduled to face in singles competition later on during tonight’s show.
AEW Women’s Championship
Nyla Rose vs. Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. (C)
We return from the break and immediately head to ringside as it’s time for our first championship match of the evening here at Fyter Fest Night 2.
Nyla Rose makes her way out, accompanied by Vickie Guerrero, and the two head down to the ring where the former champion prepares to attempt to recapture the title.
As they settle in the ring, we hear the familiar sounds of the champ’s theme and out comes Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. accompanied by Rebel. She heads to the ring for her first defense since winning the title.
“The Dapper Yapper” Justin Roberts handles the formal pre-match ring introductions for this championship contest, and then the bell sounds to officially get this one started.
Coming out of the gate, Rose nearly runs over Baker, flattening the champ with ease. From there the crowd rallies behind Baker with “D.M.D.” chants that works, as Baker starts taking it to Rose with good mat-based wrestling control.
Baker goes for an arm-drag but Rose was too strong to be budged. Baker then uses a different method to get the larger foe off her feet. She delivers some punches but then runs into a pop-up slam from Rose who follows up with a big senton splash.
The fans boo as Rose starts to take over the offensive control in this contest again. Rose lays Baker across the top-rope and then heads to the top in the corner. Rebel yanks Baker down before Rose can do anything.
We see the distraction from Rebel allow Baker to take back over the control of offense, as she goes to work on the arm of Rose, isolating the limb and focusing her attack there as we head to a mid-match, picture-in-picture commercial break as the action continues.
We’re back from the break and we see Rose is in the middle of rag-dolling Baker with ease, clearly dominating the action again at this point. She hits a big splash on Baker in the corner. She goes to follow-up with a cannonball splash but Baker moves. Baker then counters with a sling-blade.
As the two work up to their feet we see Baker go for a back-slide. The ref goes for the count and it appeared that he counted to three, yet the match continues. The fans boo thinking it’s over. Baker lays Rose out and gets the glove from Rebel. She takes too long and Rose is back up.
She turns around and Rose hoists her up but Baker counters into a pin attempt. Rose kicks out. Baker slaps on her Lockjaw but Rose escapes and hits a Death Valley Driver. She lays Baker over the top rope and heads to the top, connecting with a flying knee drop. She goes for the cover but Baker kicks out.
Rose goes for another big move but Baker counters into a swinging neck-breaker and then a pair of super kicks. She goes for the cover but Rose kicks out. Rose hits the ropes and walks right into a chokeslam from Rose for a near fall that Baker kicks out of. Baker with a Crucifix Bomb for a near fall and then she goes for a crucifix pin but only gets two.
She hits a Curb Stomp and then a second one. She goes for the cover but Rose kicks out again. A couple of near falls later, finally Baker secures the Lockjaw finisher and gets the tap to retain her title in her first defense.
Winner and STILL AEW Women’s Champion: Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D.
Andrade El Idolo Brings Out Chavo Guerrero As Executive Consultant
Before we head to another commercial break, we see highlights of the recent press conference involving FTR and the team of Proud ‘N’ Powerful to promote their big showdown on next Wednesday night’s show.
We head to commercial and when we return, Tony Schiavone is in the ring and he introduces his guest at this time, who is promising a surprise for everyone tonight — Andrade El Idolo.
On that note, Andrade’s theme plays and he heads down to the ring. He mentions having a surprise. And Schiavone reveals the new executive consultant to Andrade El Idolo is none other than Chavo Guerrero.
With that said, Andrade’s theme hits again and out comes the famous Guerrero family member as the AEW fans go bonkers and Chavo heads down to the ring.
Chavo gets in the ring and hugs Andrade and then gets on the mic. As fans chant his name, Chavo thanks them for remembering. He talks about AEW being the place to be and notes no one has the talent that Andrade has.
Death Triangle Responds To Andrade El Idolo
Before he can say anything else, the Death Triangle theme hits and out comes PAC, Penta El Zero Miedo and Rey Fenix, along with Alex Abrahantes. PAC says he doesn’t know who Andrade thinks he is putting the name of Death Triangle in his mouth.
PAC says he wants to let it be known that Death Triangle hides from no one. Andrade laughs and talks in Spanish. Andrade asks Penta and Felix why they work for PAC. He says they now work for him. PAC corrects him and says they don’t work for him, they’re a team.
Fenix yanks the mic and says something in Spanish and then claims they are the real face of Latino. Penta takes a turn on the mic and says something in Spanish. Alex Abrahantes translates saying they don’t wanna join a group with someone who isn’t even on their level.
They go to hit the ring but Andrade stops them. He takes his sunglasses off and hands them to Chavo and a bunch of officials run out and keep them apart.
The Blade vs. Orange Cassidy
Before we head to the break, we get a quick recap of Marko Stunt being attacked by the Hardy Family. From there we get a quick word from Christian about things not being over between them yet.
After we return from the break we get a quick backstage interview with QT Marshall, who vows to apologize to Tony Schiavone in the ring on next week’s show.
From there, The Blade makes his way down to the ring accompanied by The Bunny, as highlights are shown of him hitting Orange Cassidy with brass knuckles the past several weeks.
They settle into the ring and his music fades down. Now the theme for the “Freshly Squeezed” one plays and nothing happens. The commentators bring up having no update on Cassidy after being KO’d by Blade earlier with the knucks.
Blade demands the ref raise his hand because Cassidy isn’t coming out, but then Cassidy pops out of the crowd and into the ring. This match then gets off with a bang, however Blade ends up getting Cassidy down and working him over.
Cassidy pops up out of the corner and fires away at Blade with punches. Blade goes down awkwardly out of the blue while hitting the ropes and grabs his knee. He sits near Bunny, as she checks on him. Cassidy wants at him but the ref stops him.
When the time was right, Blade popped up and sprinted over to blast Cassidy with a cheap shot. He goes to suplex him but Cassidy counters with the Stun Dog Millionaire. He climbs to the top but Blade cuts him off. Blade hits a big power bomb on the ropes and continues to beat down Cassidy on the floor as we head to a mid-match, picture-in-picture break.
We return from the break and we see Blade still dominating the action just as “Freshly Squeezed” starts firing up on the offense. He takes over and then Bunny hops on the apon but is stopped by Kris Statlander. Blade heads out to the floor but Cassidy follows out and hits a dive. Things return in the ring where Blade is back in control of the action. He hits a corkscrew piledriver and goes for the cover but doesn’t get it.
Blade continues to work him over but then out of nowhere Cassidy hits the Beach Break. He goes for the cover but Blade kicks out. Bunny hops on the apron and distracts the ref and then tosses Blade the knucks. Cassidy avoids being hit with them and ends up catching Blade with his Orange Punch for the pinfall victory. After the match Cassidy puts the brass knucks on and hits Cassidy with another Orange Punch while wearing them.
Winner: Orange Cassidy
The Painmaker Ready For Nick Gage Next Week
We go backstage where Alex Marvez is standing by with Chris Jericho. He asks him about the no rules match with Nick Gage next week.
Jericho, with his back to the camera, is wearing a leather jacket with spikes on it. He says if MJF is bringing the most violent guy for a no rules match next week, he’s bringing the most violent version of himself. He turns around and says The Painmaker will be here next week.
IWGP U.S. Championship (Texas Deathmatch)
Jon Moxley (C) vs. Lance Archer
Before going to another commercial break, the commentators run down the lineup as it stands for next week’s show. Then we head to our final break before tonight’s main event.
We’re back from the break and “Wild Thing” hits as Jon Moxley makes his trademark entrance through the crowd and heads down to the ring for his defense of the IWGP U.S. title in this Texas Deathmatch.
He settles into the ring to a good pop and then the hometown Texan himself, “The Murderhawk Monster” Lance Archer makes his way out and heads to the ring.
The bell doesn’t get a chance to sound first, as Mox goes right at Archer the same way Archer used to do to his opponents to kick things off with a bang. Mox dukes it out with him but Archer ends up dumping him out to the floor.
“The Murderhawk Monster” dominates the action outside the ring at first, but then Mox puts him through the barricade. The two then begin brawling up the stairs through the live jam-packed crowd inside the Curtis Culwell Center.
We see the brawl continue as they head back down the steps through the crowd. Mox leaps on Archer. Now Archer is firing up and he grabs a “random” fan and uses him as a weapon throwing him into Mox to take him out.
Mox and Archer brawl back down to the ringside area with Archer controlling the action. Jake “The Snake” Roberts hits the ring steps with a kendo stick to get Archer’s attention. It works. Archer pulls up the pad around the ring but ends up getting hit with a Paradigm Shift by Mox on the concrete floor.
The IWGP U.S. champion rolls back into the ring and tells the ref to begin his count. The ref obliges. Archer gets up and his face is dripping blood. He makes it to his feet and back to the ring in time. Mox is waiting for him with a fork and stabs away at Archer as blood pours out of his dome. The fans chant “you sick f*ck” at Mox and we head to a mid-match commercial break.
We return from the break to see Mox controlling the action in the ring. He’s got a chair and a trash can in there with him now. He grabs the lid from the trash can but Archer punches through it like the old school Big Show chair-punch spot. This decks Mox and now Archer takes over. He hits a Boss Man slam on him and then bashes him over the head with a trash can.
The commentators speculate if Mox is bleeding or has Archer’s blood on him, as his face is all red and has blood on it as well. Archer hoists Mox up for his finisher but Mox escapes with a low blow. Mox puts two steel chairs side-by-side while unfolded. He grabs Archer but Archer picks him right up and chokeslams him down hard right onto the top of the chairs. That looked super painful and the crowd reacted wildly.
Archer stalks Mox, waiting for him to get up. He hits him with a big boot. He backs into the corner and lets out a war scream but then walks into a lariat from Mox. Mox then hits Archer with a Paradigm Shift that plants the big man. He lets the ref begin his count and then Archer comes to life like Tyson Fury in the first Deontay Wilder fight in the 12th round. Mox grabs a fork and stabs the crap out of him to slow him down.
Mox heads out to the floor and with two tables unfolded and set up next to each other, he goes under the ring and grabs two platforms covered in barbed wire that he sets on top of the two tables. He grabs Archer and looks to hit a Paradigm Shift through the tables and barbed wire but Archer has the fork and stabs the crap out of Mox. He ends up chokeslamming Mox through the barbed wire covered tables instead. Mox stays down for the count. We have a new IWGP U.S. Champion.
Once the match ends we see the large son of Haku that was shown in the crowd earlier this evening, Hikuleo of New Japan. He gets in the ring and gets in Archer’s face. Archer says off mic to come get some as the show goes off the air. Thanks for joining us!
Winner and NEW IWGP U.S. Champion: Lance Archer