Jeff Jarrett is main eventing in 2025 baby, let’s do this.
- Jay White vs. Wheeler Yuta
- AEW TBS Championship: Mercedes Mone (c) vs. Yuka Sakazaki
- Brian Cage vs. Will Ospreay
- Claudio Castagnoli vs. Jeff Jarrett
Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!
AEW Dynamite 1/29/25
Live from the Propst Arena at the Von Braun Center in Huntsville, Alabama! Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, and Taz are on commentary and were kicking this one off with a big singles match.
Match #1. Will Ospreay vs. Brian Cage w/ Lance Archer & Don Callis
Don Callis grabs the mic and lets us know that Kenny Omega was laid out in the back as he points to a video on the tron. Cage gets the upper hand early and here we go. Cage tries to Irish whip Ospreay into the LED board but he jumps to the top, and springboards off, only to get caught by Cage. Cage picks Ospreay up un a suplex and walks him all the way around the ring and drops him hard on the far side. Cage distracts the referee and that allows Archer and Callis to take liberties with Ospreay. Back suplex on the apron now and Cage is in control. Leg lariat by Cage but he only gets a one count. Tilt a whirl backbreaker by Cage gets two. Ospreay headbutts his way out of a bear hug and comes back with a springboard corkscrew kick. Cheeky Nandos by Ospreay and Cage is staggered. Phenomenal Forearm by Ospreay! Two count. Cage comes back with a deadlift suplex from the outside in and he gets two. Ospreay pops out of a powerbomb and delivers two hook kicks on the jaw. Cage blocks the OsCutter with a forearm and a discus clothesline. Liger Bomb by Cage! Two count. Avalanche F5 by Cage! Ospreay barely gets his foot on the rope but Archer throws it off. Referee sees it, however. Ospreay back flips out of clothesline and hits the Styles Clash for the win!
Winner: Will Ospreay
Rating: ***1/2. Ospreay got beat up for a long time here, which you’d expect, because Cage is a machine. This was a pretty good opener.
Lance Archer quickly hits the ring and jumps Ospreay, soon to be joined by Cage. Omega’s music hits and he makes the save for Ospreay, chair in hand. Kyle Fletcher and Konosuke Takeshita attack from behind and hit stereo tombstones.
Renee is in the back trying to find Swerve, but here’s Hangman who just popped into Swerve’s locker, and he’s not there. Page bumps into MJF on his way out, and MJF isn’t happy about it, but he’s focused on Jeff Jarrett. Tonight’s the Last Outlaw’s… last ride.
Powerhouse Hobbs wasn’t cleared to travel to Dynamite tonight, but he wants to show Bill that hell is just the beginning.
Match #2. Jeff Jarrett vs. Claudio Castagnoli
Arm drags by Jarrett and some mounted punches in the corner, but Claudio walks him out with a Manhattan drop. Clothesline by Claudio gets two. Claudio thinks about the Neutralizer early but Jarrett counters with a figure four, that forces Claudio to the ropes. Back from break ad Claudio body slams Jarrett for two. Jarrett kicks off a swing attempt but Claudio responds with a double stomp. Claudio ducks his head and Jarrett snatches a Russian Leg Sweep. Quick two count. European uppercuts by Claudio and Jarrett firs back some right hands. Claudio ducks an enziguiri and swings Jarrett! Claudio pulls up early on the swing due to the injured knee, but now locks in the Sharpshooter. Jarrett counters into one of his own and Wheeler Yuta hits the ring. Claudio grabs a chair and tries to use it on Claudio, but Jarrett catches him, but Moxley is here, and Paradigm Shift to Jarrett! Neutralizer by Claudio. A second one will do it.
Winner: Claudio Castagnoli
Rating: **1/2. Not a bad much, but not too much of a match. Glad Claudio did not lose here, which I think we al expected.
Jarrett struggles to his feet, and here comes MJF! MJF says he just came out here to say… and then blasts Jarret with the Dynamite Diamond Ring. MJF respects his elders… so he won’t say I told ya so.
Ricochet tells Renee he wants a fancy sit down on Collision, and he gets it. In the meantime…
Match #3. AR Fox vs. Ricochet
Bottom rope assisted Stunner by Fox and a corkscrew suplex to start. Diving plancha over the top by Fox, who follows up by throwing Ricochet into the LED board. Fox wants a Death Valley Driver on the apron but Ricochet counters with a hip toss on the apron! Back from commercial and Ricochet dropkicks Fox right in the mouth. Spinebuster by Ricochet and the People’s Moonsault gets two. Both guys meet in the middle with cross body blocks and we’re all down. Enziguiri by Fox and a leg trap Fisherman’s Buster! Two count. Iconoclas, by Fox, who holds on, into a rolling cutter! 450 by Fox! 2.9999! Ricochet pulls himself to the apron but Fox tries to pull him back in. Fierman’s carry by Fox but Ricochet goes at the eyes. Code Breaker by Ricochet gets two. Spirit Gun by Ricochet. Vertigo finishes this one.
Winner: Ricochet
Rating: ***1/2. Fun match here and AR Fox always brings it, although sometimes it seems like the moves don’t have a heck of a lot of meaning throughout the match. It was fast, it was fun, and the crowd loved it.
After the match, Ricochet pulls out the scissors but Swerve is here to make the save. Swerve attacks Ricochet and throws him in to the steel steps. Ricochet grabs Fox and holds the scissors to his throat, forcing Fox to back off and allowing Ricochet to slunk away.
We see the video package that was shown on Collision, with Renee and the Death Riders.
A preview of the upcoming pro wrestling horror movie entitled Dark Match is shown, coming to Shudder.
It’s time for a New York Minute with Chris Jericho. Jericho talks about his movie, Dark Match and Bill reminds us that he took out Hobbs. Jericho thanks… himself. Chris Jericho and The Bad Apple take on The OutRunners this week.
Match #4. Jay White vs. Wheeler Yuta
Chops and a back body drop by White. Yuta rolls out of the corner but gets dropped crotch-first on the top rope, before White chops him to the floor. White follows and Yuta dropkicks the knee out, before trapping the knee in the frame of the ring and dropping a knee on it. Back in the ring, a Perfect Plex gets a two count as we go to commercial. Wait, no we don’t. Spinning Toe Hold by Yuta and some kicks to the injured thigh. Inverted Dragon Screw by Yuta and now Yuta bounces the ankle off the LED board. NOW we go to commercial out of nowhere. Back from break now as White is placed on the top rope, but he fights off Yuta and White now hits the dragon screw. White looks for a superplex but Yuta goes to the eyes. White tries for the superplex again and nails it. Two count. Chops in the corner by White as Yuta blocks a uranage with an arm drag. Two count. Yuta chops the knees of White out and steps over into a single leg crab. White fights to the ropes but gets his leg kicked out from underneath. Arm trapped Olympic Slam by Yuta gets two. Hammer and anvil elbows by Yuta but White fights out and spikes Yuta with a uranage. Yuta fights out of Bladerunner and German suplexes White with a bridge for two. Yuta goes up top and misses a splash, but lines White up for the Busaiku Knee. White catches Yuta charging and plants him with Bladerunner for the win.
Winner: Jay White
Rating: ***1/4. Just a good wrestling match, here. Yuta worked over the ankle and it effected the entire match, as well as playing into the finish. Yuta looked strong in defeat, too.
A second Bladerunner for good measure. The fans ask for one more, but here’s Jon Moxley. Moxley distracts White as Claudio clotheslines him from behind, and they put the boots to him.
RatedFTR are here to make the save for Jay White! Dax grabs the mic and says it’s a little different when it’s an even fight, isn’t it? Dax doesn’t care how they operate, but he cares when they try to end a 67-year-old Ricky Morton. Dax says Dennis Condrey is here, and in his name, he wants a Mid-South street fight on Collision!
A recap of Toni Storm’s Timeless return on Collision is shown.
Mariah May is here. Toni, you want to play the role of Toni Storm? Play the role whose most memorable moment was bleeding and crying in May’s hands. The Toni Storm who walked out of Wembley, Japan, and Mexico, because she couldn’t touch May. Play whatever Toni Storm you like, but the ending stays the same.
The Vendetta says Yuka’s spot should have been Deonna. This world wasn’t built for women like The Vendetta, so Harley now belongs to them. Saturday, they’re coming to collect.
Match #5. AEW TBS Championship: Mercedes Mone (c) vs. Yuka Sakazaki
Rolling body scissors by Yuka gets two. Yuka blocks a baseball slide to the floor and mocks Mercedes, following up with an enziguiri. Mercedes trips up Yuka and follows up with a running Meteora off the apron to the floor! Commercial time. Back from break and Mercedes knees Yuka in the face but gets hurricanrana’d when trying a powebomb. Mone misses a pair of running knees in the corner and Yuka enziguiris over the top rope. Springboard dropkick, wait, quick slip, now it’s a springboard dropkick by Yuka. Brainbuster gets two. Sliding lariat by Yuka gets another two count. Mone escapes a suplex and connects with the three amigos. Two count. Mone heads up top and Yuka follows, traps her, and hits a big superplex. Mone escapes the Merry Go Round and looks for the Mone Maker, but Yuka lands on her feet and superkicks Mone. Merry Go Round! One, two, no! Yuka runs into a back elbow and Mone introduces her into the middle turnbuckle. Backstabber by Mone and now the Statement Maker is locked in. Yuka rolls her up for a long two. Germeran suplex off the bottom rope by Yuka! Yuka looks for the Magical Girl Splash but Mone gets the knees up! Two count. Knee to the face by Mone. Powerbomb! Mone Maker finishes this one.
Winner and STILL AEW TBS Champion: Mercedes Mone
Rating: ***3/4. Excellent match that really picked up down the stretch. Nobody in their right mind thought Yuka was winning this one, but the effort was there. Can we get Mone a new finisher now, please?
Final Thoughts: Darn fine episode of Dynamite tonight. Consistent show throughout the night after a hot start with Will Ospreay and Brian Cage. There wasn’t much of a thread to tonight’s show, however, so that hurt it a bit, but the in-ring wrestling was good. Swerve and Ricochet should be a fantastic main event next week and the build has been really good. 8.0/10.