It’s Wednesday night, and you know what that means …
All Elite Wrestling returns on TNT with the latest episode of their weekly television program from Daily’s Place amphitheater in Jacksonville, Florida, as the road to the upcoming AEW Revolution pay-per-view continues.
On tap for tonight’s edition of the weekly AEW on TNT show is Lance Archer vs. Rey Fenix, Jon Moxley vs. Ryan Nemeth, an appearance by Sting, updates on All Elite Wrestling signing WWE and pro wrestling legend Paul Wight, a.k.a. The Big Show and more.
Featured below are complete AEW Dynamite results from Wednesday, February 24, 2021.
This week’s show kicks off with the usual trademark signature open, and then we shoot inside Daily’s Place amphitheater in Jacksonville, FL. where we hear Jim Ross say his usual saying, “It’s Wednesday night, and you know what that means …”
Jon Moxley vs. Ryan Nemeth
From there, we hear the familiar sounds of the theme song of former AEW World Champion Jon Moxley. Mox makes his special entrance through the venue as he makes his way to the ring for this week’s opening match.
As he heads to the ring, Tony Schiavone and Excalibur join in on commentary with J.R., as they bring up the fact that Paul Wight, formerly known as Big Show in WWE, has signed with All Elite Wrestling.
Already in the ring is Moxley’s opponent for tonight, “The Hollywood Hunk” Ryan Nemeth. As Mox settles into the ring, a split-screen interview from earlier today with Nemeth airs.
We’re back live and the bell sounds and these two immediately go at it. A big DDT attempt gets no dice. The two lock up and Mox ends up b*tch-slapping “The Hollywood Hunk.” Now he blasts him with clubbing blows across the chest ala Sheamus and then across the sides of his head, ala Vader.
Mox continues to widen the offensive gap in the lead as he dominates Nemeth here in the early goings as the commentators hype tonight’s main event between Lance Archer and Rey Fenix for a spot in the Ladder Match at AEW Revolution. This leads them to hyping up the Exploding Barbed Wire Deathmatch as Nemeth gets in a small run of offense of his own.
As they return their focus to the action taking place in the ring, Mox ends up taking back over control of the offensie and then he plants Nemeth on his dome with the Paradigm Shift for the pin fall victory.
Winner: Jon Moxley
Jon Moxley Talks Exploding Barbed Wire Death Match
After the match, Mox pulls a chair into the ring and unfolds it and sits down with a microphone. He talks about being willing to crawl through the mud, blood and barbed wire if necessary to take back the hill and his AEW Championship.
He says as it turns out, that’s exactly what he’s going to have to do, which leads him to bring up the Exploding Barbed Wire Death Match he has scheduled against AEW Champion Kenny Omega at AEW Revolution next month.
From there, he goes on to talk about being a junkie who is addicted to carnage, chaos and violence. He says he’s a junkie for this and he can’t get enough of it as he stands up and kicks away the chair, gritting his teeth as he brings back up once again the Exploding Barbed Wire Death Match.
He says it’s too attractive, he can’t resist it even if it is a trap laid out by Kenny Omega and his boys. He tells Omega that he’s just another one of many in a long line of men who has tried to take him out. He says win, lose or draw, everyone who watches will know, that when it’s all said-and-done, he’ll have given everything he has.
Mox then says if it all comes to an end at AEW Revolution in the blood, violence and barbed wire, then it seems like a perfect way to go out. His music plays as he paces around the ring, climbing the ropes to pose for the fans as the commentators plug the Exploding Barbed Wire Death Match between Mox and Omega at next month’s PPV. They set up a video package showing the history between Omega and Moxley.
Lance Archer, Rey Fenix Interview From Last Week
We return from the Moxley-Omega video package and then the commentators send things to a video package showing Lance Archer and Rey Fenix last week on Dynamite talking after finding out that they will be squaring off against each other this week in a qualifying match.
Archer cuts the interviewer off and says the reason they’ve made a good tag-team in recent weeks is because iron sharpens iron. He says its simple and vows to kick Fenix’s ass tonight.
Fenix then talks in Spanish for a while so Archer demands the interviewer tell him what he’s saying, and not to sugar coat it. The interviewer tells him that he says he’s the worst partner he’s ever had.
This leads to Archer attacking Fenix, only for The Lucha Bro to bounce “The Murderhawk Monster’s” head off of some crates that were set up close by. Archer and Fenix continue to brawl as the segment ends.
The Young Bucks Arrive With Their Parents
We see footage from last week of The Inner Circle bickering and getting slapped by The Young Bucks’ parents, before returning live to see Nick and Matt Jackson arriving with their parents, who take their picture in front of a big truck with their image on it.
Ricky Starks & Brian Cage vs. The Varsity Blonds
We are then informed that coming up next will be tag-team action, as Team Taz members Brian Cage and Ricky Starks team up to take on the duo of The Varisty Blonds — Griff Garrison and Brian Pillman Jr. — when we return. On that note, we head to a commercial break.
We’re back and we are treated to the ring entrance of The Varisty Blonds, as Garrison and Pillman Jr. make their way to the ring while the commentators tout them as the potential future of the tag-team division in AEW.
As they settle into the ring, the Team Taz theme hits and out comes FTW Champion Brian Cage and his tag-team partner, Ricky Starks. Taz makes his way over to the commentary table to join J.R., Schiavone and Excalibur on the call for this next bout.
The bell sounds and we’re off-and-running, as the duo of Pillman Jr. and Garrison get off to an excellent start, dominating the offense and taking it to Starks early on. They isolate Starks in the ring as Pillman Jr. works him over and then tags in Garrison, who picks up where he left off.
Starks takes things over after capitalizing on an error made by one of the Blonds as they were heading to the top-rope. This allows him to tag in “The Machine,” who comes in and takes over as we are lead into a mid-match, picture-in-picture commercial break as the action in the ring continues.
We return from the break and we see Starks in the ring working over Pillman Jr. as Taz talks about Sting and being ready for the Street Fight at Revolution on commentary. Pillman Jr. is showing signs of life, however Starks manages to remain in the offensive driver’s seat.
Cage tags in and picks up where Starks left off, only for Pillman Jr. to finally make the much-needed tag to Garrison. Garrison takes the hot tag and comes into the ring like a man possessed, knocking Cage out of the ring and going over and taking out Starks for good measure. Starks ended up tagging in as well during the insanity. Garrison hits a high spot on Starks and goes for the cover, however Cage hits the ring to break it up.
Pillman Jr. enters the ring and the Varisty Blonds dump Cage out to the floor again. They hit top-rope dropkicks on Starks and cover him, however he manages to kick out before the count of three. Starks fires back up and hits a spear. Cage tags in and hits a big discus punch before hitting his Drillclaw finisher for the pin fall victory.
Winners: Ricky Starks & Brian Cage
After The Match: Sting & Darby Allin Attack Team Taz
Once the match ends, as Taz is gloating on commentary about his recent beatdown of Sting and claiming to know where Darby Allin is — nowhere to be found — the lights in the Daily’s Place amphitheater go out.
When they come back on, we see the big screen is playing a video. The video shows something in the desert and then a body bag shows. They unzip the bag and Darby Allin sits up with a big smile on his face.
Now Sting’s theme hits and the lights blink and flicker in the venue as “The Icon” makes his way out dragging a body bag behind him. He unzips it, but instead of the TNT Champion, it’s Taz’s son. Sting points up to the rafters. It’s Darby Allin!
Allin joins Sting in the ring as the two begin a beat down on Cage and Starks as Taz goes over to his son in the body bag. Sting hits a big Stinger Splash on Cage in the corner. Sting then hooks him and hits the Scorpion Death Drop. His music plays again.
Tony Schiavone With Miro, Kip Sabian & Penelope Ford
As we return from the commercial break, the commentators briefly recap the Sting and Darby Allin segment that led into the commercial, before sending things to an earlier today segment with Tony Schiavone sitting down with “The Best Man” Miro and newlyweds Penelope Ford and Kip Sabian.
They bring up what happened during their wedding with Orange Cassidy and Chuck. Miro keeps calling Chuck by the name Charles. He talks into the camera, claiming he forgives but doesn’t forget what he did. He tells him not to follow Orange around.
As he continues to talk, someone hands Schiavone a note. He reads it to them. It’s like a note you send a girl you like in school. The question reads, “Will you wrestle us?” Then it tells them to circle “Yes” or “No.” It was obviously from Orange Cassidy. Miro flips out afterwards, riping up the note and throwing it before storming off.
Brandon Cutler vs. Jake Hager
From there, we return live inside Daily’s Place, as Brandon Cutler is introduced. He makes his way down to the ring. As he settles into the squared circle, his theme music dies down.
Now the entrance theme of Jake Hager plays. The Inner Circle member makes his way down to the ring as the commentators talk about how dangerous he is.
The bell sounds and we’re off-and-running with our latest match of the evening here on Dynamite. Cutler tries blasting Hager with a big shot to start things off, but all it did was piss him off.
Hager starts to rag-doll Cutler all over the place now. He hits a nice wheel-barrow German suplex and then rag-dolls Cutler around with some more suplexes and throws.
Cutler ends up firing up for a little offensive sequence, as he knocks Hager out to the floor. He hits a big tope suicida dive through the ropes onto Hager and goes back into the ring where he dives over the top and flips onto Hager.
Back in the ring, Cutler goes to the top rope but lands right on Hager, who catches him and suplexes him down. He hits the ropes and sprints towards Cutler, turning him inside-out with a clothesline. He scores the pin fall victory.
Winner: Jake Hager
Chris Jericho & MJF Attack The Young Bucks’ Father
Once the match ends, other members of The Inner Circle hit the ring to help in a post-match beat down on Cuter, who is a noted childhood friend of The Young Bucks.
This brings out Nick and Matt Jackson, who sprints down to the ring to make the save for Cutler, cleaning house of The Inner Circle members.
Afterwards, they get on the mic and call out Chris Jericho and MJF. As they do, we hear the theme of Chris Jericho and MJF, leading the commentators to think we’re getting this showdown right now.
Instead, we see Jericho and MJF pop up on the big screen where they reveal that they have Nick and Matt Jackson’s father held hostage and covered in blood after attacking him.
They taunt the two as they sprint from the ring to the back. They leave to a car as The Young Bucks finally arrive to see their dad beaten down and covered in blood as Jericho and MJF drive off in a car taunting them. We head back to a commercial break on that note.
The Young Bucks’ Father Taken Off In Ambulance
When we return from the break, we see a quick recap of what transpired before the break before we return live to see The Young Bucks watching on as their father is carted off in an ambulance.
Shaquille O’Neal’s AEW In-Ring Debut Next Week
From there, the commentators hype up next week’s showdown between Shaquille O’Neal and Jade Cargill and Cody Rhodes and Red Velvet, before introducing an in-depth video package to promote the tag-team main event for next week’s AEW Dynamite on TNT program.
Isiah Kassidy vs. “Hangman” Adam Page
After that, the theme music of Private Party plays and out comes Isiah Kassidy, Marq Quen and Matt Hardy. Some video highlights from recent weeks of Matt Hardy’s interactions with Private Party and “Hangman” Adam Page are shown.
Once that wraps up and Kassidy settles into the squared circle for this next one-on-one contest here on Dynamite, out comes “Hangman” Adam Page. The bell sounds and we’re off-and-running with our next match of the evening.
Early on, we see Page jump off to an early offensive lead, as he sends Kassidy out to the floor and follows him out with a high spot before bringing him back in the ring and going back to work on him. As he continues he beat down of Kassidy in the ring, the commentators talk about the high-stakes showdown between Page and Hardy coming up at Revolution.
The action spills back out to the floor moments later, where Page continues to dominate the action as Hardy watches on. He goes for a big power bomb on the floor. Now we see him roll Kassidy back in and he appears to be setting up his Buckshot Lariat finisher when Hardy gets involved and attacks Page, slamming him into the steel on the floor.
John Silver and other members of The Dark Order end up coming out and they inform Aubrey Edwards, the official for the Kassidy-Page match, and she ends up kicking Hardy out of the ringside area, sending him to the back.
Now the match continues in the ring with Kassidy taking advantage of the weakened state that Page is left in after the attack from Hardy before he was sent to the back. As Kassidy continues to add to the punishment to the “Hangman,” J.R. talks us into a mid-match commercial break as the action continues in the ring.
We return and we see members of The Dark Order have remained at ringside. The action sees Kassidy still in control but just as it seems like he’s waiting for Page, Page catches him coming at him with a rolling elbow strike for a close near fall.
Page is now in full control of the action as he works over Kassidy. He hits a nice brainbuster for another close near fall. Moments later, however, Kassidy ends up taking back over the offensive driver’s seat as the fans truly get behind the match at this point with lots of chants and cheers. We see a spot where Kassidy guillotines the arm of Page over the top-rope as he drops to the floor.
The Dark Order members order Kassidy to get back into the ring. Kassidy looks for a spot but Page reverses it into a dead eye for the pin fall victory. Excellent match.
Winner: “Hangman” Adam Page
Matt Hardy Attacks The Dark Order
Once the match ends, The Dark Order members who were at ringside jump into the ring to celebrate with him. As they do, Page’s music cuts off and we hear Hardy off-camera talking.
Hardy, talking like a betrayed psycho, talks about Page choosing The Dark Order over “Big Money” Matt Hardy. This leads to Hardy coming out with another member of The Dark Order, who he throws and launches off the stage.
Page and The Dark Order members in the ring sprint up to check on him as Hardy runs off to the back.
Alex Marvez Catches Up With Kenny Omega & Don Callis
The commentators send things to an earlier today segment, where Alex Marvez catches up with AEW World Champion Kenny Omega and his manager, Don Callis.
The two are in the middle of working in a shed / garage-style room as they work on something. Omega talks briefly but it’s hard to hear him over the tools in the background. Callis ends up telling Marvez to take a hike because they’ve got stuff to take care of. We head back to another commercial break.
AEW Women’s Title Eliminator Tournament
Nyla Rose vs. Dr. Britt Baker
We return live and we get an update on the latest action in the AEW Women’s World Championship Eliminator Tournament.
After that wraps up, we head back inside the Daily’s Place amphitheater where Nyla Rose makes her way down to the ring.
The former AEW Women’s Champion settles into the ring and awaits her opponent. The theme of Dr. Britt Baker plays as she makes her way to the squared circle.
The bell sounds and we’re off-and-running with this tournament bout. Rose shoves Baker down to the mat as they lock up. Excalibur points out that this is the first ever singles match between these two.
Rose dominates Baker with ease thus far. She goes for a canonball senton and then looks to break Baker’s leg as Rebel tries to get involved and the ref orders a break between the two.
Moments later, both Baker and Rose end up on the floor where Baker yanks Rose’s arm from one side of the ring post while she was standing on the other side. This brings Rose into the steel post with great momentum and allows Baker to settle into her first offensive lead in the contest, as she goes to work with follow-up shots on Rose and takes the action back into the ring as we head to a mid-match, picture-in-picture commercial break.
We return from the break to see Baker still in control of the match, as she focuses her attack on the shoulder and arm of Rose. We see that during the break, she took the padding off the top turnbuckle in one of the corners in the ring. Back live, she hits Rose with a nice suplex into the corner. Rose ends up firing up moments later, where she retakes control of the offense. She has Baker laid out and heads to the top-rope, but Rebel ends up jumping on the apron.
Rose hops off the top and takes out Rebel. She then turns around and sees Baker coming at her so she hits a hanging neck-breaker for a near fall. Baker blasts Rose with a kick and is then handed the glove by Rebel. She puts it on and poses to the crowd with it, only to turn around into a chokeslam from Rose. Rebel is still in the ring, so Rose shoves Rebel down into the corner. She follows her in with a canonball senton. Baker ends up tripping Rose face-first into the exposed turnbuckle. This leads to Baker locking in the LockJaw submission on Rose. Rose hangs on and powers up, slamming Baker down and covering her, but only getting two.
Nyla goes over and picks up the top-turnbuckle pad and shows the ref, who throws it out of the ring. She then turns into a kick from Baker. And another. Baker charges at her and hits the Crucifix Bomb. She then locks Rose in the LockJaw again with the glove still on. Rose won’t let her fully apply it, however, elbowing her way out before Baker had it fully locked in. Rose decks Baker with a big right hand. She looks for the Beast Bomb and she hits it. She takes too long to cover her and Baker somehow manages to kick out before the count of three. She ends up hitting another seconds later and this time she does get the three count.
Winner and ADVANCING to the finals of the U.S. bracket: Nyla Rose
FTR and Jurassic Express Hype
We see a video package hyping up the six-man tag-team match with Tully Blanchard joining forces with FTR to take on Jurassic Express trio Luchasaurus, Jungle Boy and Marko Stunt.
The video features FTR talking about Tully returning to the ring after so many years next week. The trio of Jurassic Express talk about them chopping the horns off of Luchasaurus’ mask and abducting Marko Stunt.
When we return live, the commentators run down some upcoming matches scheduled for next week’s Dynamite, the upcoming Revolution show and the broadcasting debut of Paul Wight alongside Tony Schiavone, who they note also has acquired a license as a wrestler for AEW.
Winner Advances To Revolution Ladder Match
Lance Archer vs. Rey Fenix
We return from the break to “The Dapper Yapper” Justin Roberts standing in the ring, as he begins the formal ring introductions for tonight’s AEW Dynamite main event.
With that said, first to the ring, accompanied by Jake “The Snake” Roberts, is “The Murderhawk Monster” Lance Archer. He makes his way to the ring alongside the wrestling legend for this match to determine who joins Cody Rhodes, Pentagon JR. and Scorpio Sky in the ladder match at the upcoming AEW Revolution PPV.
As Archer settles into the squared circle, his theme music dies down and the entrance song of The Lucha Bros plays as Rey Fenix emerges with a ton of fireworks and pyro exploding. He makes his way down to the ring and poses on the ropes for the fans as Archer watches on.
The two circle each other and the bell sounds to kick off our featured headline attraction for this week’s show. Fenix shows he is not afraid of Archer early on, but all he seemed to do was piss him off. This leads to the intensity and physicality in the match turning up a few notches as Fenix tries to use his speed and quickness to avoid the big man, but Archer uses his power and brutal strength to rag-doll and dominate his smaller foe with relative ease in the early goings.
Fenix builds up a full head of steam and manages to knock “The Murderhawk Monster” off of his feet for the first time in the match. This leads to the action spilling out to the floor. Roberts gets involved and trips up Fenix as Archer recovers on the floor. This leads to Fenix sprinting and leaping over Roberts’ back, splashing onto Archer and taking him out again on the floor.
Moments later, however, we see Archer blasting Fenix with chops so powerful that it knocks him over the barricade and into the crowd. Archer is back in full control of the offense in this contest as J.R. and Schiavone on commentary lead us into a mid-match, picture-in-picture commercial break as the action in our main event continues with the brawl on the floor at ringside.
When we return from the break, we see Archer still dominating the action, which is now back inside the ring. The camera shows Jake Roberts standing on the ring apron and watching on. Fenix tries firing up as he blasts Archer with chops over-and-over again, but Archer eventually stops and just stares at him before returning the favor with one single chop that sent Fenix flying across the ring.
Now we see Archer sending Fenix out to the floor. He follows out after him and slams him into the steel barricade. He picks him up and does the same, sending him across the other side of the floor and crashing into the steel barricade. Tony Schiavone promotes Paul Wight’s AEW debut again for 3/15 on broadcasting, and then we see Archer hit a flipping senton onto Fenix as he was laid up against the steel ringside barricade. The fans break out into a “This Is Awesome” chant as Archer rolls Fenix back into the ring.
Archer is thinking Blackout now as he picks Fenix up, however Fenix ends up hitting his second wind and he takes Archer’s back standing. He peppers his legs with kicks, chopping the big man down before climbing to the top-rope and flying off with a double stomp onto Archer. He goes to hoist Archer up but Archer reverses and connects with a release German suplex of his own. The fans try and rally behind Fenix again as Archer looks to add insult to injury to one-half of The Lucha Bros, who is once again in a lifeless state.
“The Murderhawk Monster” grabs Fenix’s hand and climbs to the top-rope. He does the Undertaker’s “old-school” as he walks the top-rope while holding onto Fenix’s hand, stopping half-way through the ropes and hitting a flip into a splash onto Fenix. He covers him but The Lucha Bro hangs on, kicking out after the referee’s count of two. The commentators talk about the look of discouragement on the face of Archer now as he seemingly doesn’t know what it’s going to take to finish off his smaller opposition.
Fenix fires up and comes to life once again, but it isn’t long-lasting, as Archer takes back over within a few seconds and we’re back to him plodding and slowly dominating Fenix while the fans try and rally behind The Lucha Bro. Archer hits a splash onto Fenix in the corner. He goes for another but runs face-first into a waiting big-boot from Fenix. Fenix gets Archer’s legs tied up in the ropes and he does a tight-rope walk of the top-rope into a big kick to the side of Archer’s head for a near fall of his own.
A rolling cutter from Fenix isn’t enough to finish off Archer either. Archer takes back over the offensive driver’s seat in this main event match-up and now he hits a nice fisherman’s suplex on Fenix. He climbs to the middle rope and then he hoists Fenix up to the top-rope. Fenix lands on the middle rope and Archer bounces up to the top-rope. Fenix ends up hitting a top-rope Spanish Fly on Archer right into a pin attempt, yet somehow Archer still kicks out at two. Fenix pops back up and picks up Archer. Fenix goes for something but Archer blocks.
He looks for the second time in the match to tear the mask off of Fenix. Fenix fights free, however, and we see both men hit the ropes. Archer ends up pouncing onto Fenix. He then hits a chokeslam and covers him, but somehow Fenix kicks out before the count of three. Archer sits Fenix on the top-rope and picks him up in his Blackout position. He hits it. He covers him. 1-2-3. Archer wins and will advance to join Cody Rhodes, Scorpio Sky and Pentagon Jr. in the Face Of The Revolution Ladder Match at the upcoming AEW Revolution PPV. Archer poses for the camera on the ropes as his music plays. He and Fenix fist-bump out of respect as this week’s show goes off the air.
Winner and advancing to the Face Of The Revolution Ladder Match: Lance Archer