It’s Wednesday night, and you know what that means …
All Elite Wrestling returns on TNT from the Daily’s Place amphitheater in Jacksonville, Florida this evening with the fallout from this past Sunday night’s AEW Revolution 2021 pay-per-view.
On tap for tonight’s edition of AEW Dynamite on TNT is scheduled to feature Darby Allin putting his TNT Championship on-the-line against the winner of Sunday’s “Face Of The Revolution” ladder match, Scorpio Sky.
Also scheduled for this week’s AEW on TNT program is an appearance by Christian Cage, “The Icon” Sting, 6-woman tag-team action, as well as “All Ego” Ethan Page vs. Lee Johnson and more.
Featured below are complete AEW Dynamite on TNT results for Wednesday, March 10, 2021.
This week’s show kicks off with the usual traditional signature video opening and then we shoot inside Daily’s Place where we hear Jim Ross say his usual opening line.
Rey Fenix vs. Matt Jackson
He then says we’re kicking off this week’s show in a massive way. With that said, we hear the theme music of Rey Fenix and “The Bastard” PAC as the Death Triangle duo comes down to the ring as Tony Schiavone and Excalibur join in on commentary.
As they settle into the ring, the theme music for The Young Bucks plays and out comes Nick and Matt Jackson as the commentators talk over some highlights of their victory over Chris Jericho and MJF at Revolution.
The bell sounds and it’s time for our first bout of the evening, which will be Fenix and Matt Jackson in one-on-one action. The two lock-up and the fans immediately break out in dueling chants, with half of the building rooting for Fenix and the other half for Matt.
Both guys trade holds and reversals while the team of SCU — Daniels and Kazarian — are shown sitting in the crowd watching on with vested interest. The fans, meanwhile, are still absolutely red-hot for this opening contest. Fenix hits the ropes and executes a big spot that sends Matt out to re-group with Nick on the floor.
Fenix sees an opening and hits a big spot from the ring to the floor that connects on one-half of the AEW tag-team champions. He brings Jackson back into the ring only to send him right back to the floor. He hits a top-rope splash onto Jackson from the ring to the floor and then rushes back into the ring, hits the ropes and flies through the ropes for a follow-up tope suicida.
The fans chant away for Fenix as he soaks in the love and pounds forearms with PAC before rolling Matt back into the ring to continue to go to work on him, locking him in a hold on the mat. The commentators plug a follow-up to the conclusion of the Exploding Barbed Wire Death Match between Kenny Omega and Jon Moxley from this past Sunday night’s PPV as Matt and Rey head to the top-rope.
Jackson and Fenix trade shots while both standing on the top-rope and then Fenix goes for a spot, which Matt counters in mid-air, culminating with an insane top-rope seated power-bomb into a pin attempt, which Fenix somehow kicks out of. The fans popped huge for that. The fans break out into some chants as Matt now takes over the control of the offense. The commentators talk about the knee of Matt holding up well so far in this match despite recent issues.
Meanwhile, Fenix fights back to his feet and blasts Matt with a chop. He hits the ropes but Matt catches him coming in and hits a cool spot for a near fall as the camera angle switches to once again show the team of SCU sitting in the crowd. The commentators inform us that SCU will face the winner of The Young Bucks and Death Triangle whenever that tag title bout goes down. Jackson locks in a sharpshooter on Fenix, who makes it to the ropes to break the hold. J.R. jokes if it was a sharpshooter or scorpion death lock.
The two continue to battle back-and-forth as the commentators run down some of the other action still to come tonight, such as an appearance by Christian Cage and the AEW Dynamite debut of Ethan Page. Jackson hits a crazy destroyer spot in the ring, which results in Fenix rolling right out to the floor. Jackson goes right out after him, however, and hits an immediate follow-up destroyer to Fenix on the floor. Back in the ring, Jackson heads to the top-rope and hits a Randy Savage like flying elbow smash to Fenix as the camera once again switches to show SCU watching on from the crowd.
As we return to the action, we see that Jackson has Fenix locked in a sharpshooter again in the middle of the ring. Fenix struggles for a while but eventually makes his way to the ropes to break the hold. Jackson and Fenix both go for low dropkicks and Nick ends up eating one of them. Matt heads out to the floor and hits a super kick on PAC as he was nearby. Fenix waits for Jackson to come back into the ring and now they go nose-to-nose. They start brawling with punches and then kicks. Fenix hits and flips through the ropes but turns around right into a super kick from Matt. The fans break out into a “This Is Awesome” chant.
Both guys exchange punches from their knees back up to their feet and then they land kicks at the same time and then run into each other at the same time. Jackson goes for a pile driver but Fenix reverses it and hits one. He covers Matt and gets the pin fall victory.
Winner: Rey Fenix
Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston React To End Of Exploding Barbed Wire Death Match
The commentators run down the matches scheduled for tonight’s show as graphics flash across the screen and then they send it to comments from Jon Moxley and Kenny Omega following Sunday night’s closing moments in the AEW Revolution Exploding Barbed Wire Death Match.
First, we see Moxley seated on a couch alongside Eddie Kingston wearing sunglasses and looking to be sore as he keeps moving his arm and neck around. A fire is flaming on the table in front of them. Kingston begins speaking. He talks about covering his friend Moxley expecting a big explosion.
He goes back to a story from his life about fear of going to jail to compare it to the last time he got super scared only for nothing to happen. He says the explosion was a taunt from Omega and he never intended to do it.
Moxley speaks up and says he fully intended to blow him up, and things just backfired. He talks about the match and then makes a joke as he opens his jacket to show a shirt that says something to the effect of I competed in an Exploding Barbed Wire Death Match and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.
Kingston and Mox banter back-and-forth and then Mox tells Omega that if he’s going to flash a weapon, he better use it. He takes a swig of a drink and then we head back into the Daily’s Place amphitheater where the commentators take us to break, but first we are told that Cody Rhodes will be in action when we return.
Cody Rhodes vs. Seth Gargis
We return from the break inside the Daily’s Place amphitheater as the lights go out and the familiar sounds of the entrance theme music of “The American Nightmare” begins playing.
Cody Rhodes emerges from the entrance tunnel with his shoulder still taped up, as Arn Anderson joins him and the two make their way down to the ring, stopping for Cody to give his weight belt to a fan sitting in the front row.
He finally settles into the ring, where his opponent, Seth Gargis, is already waiting. The bell sounds and these two go at it, as the commentators point out that Gargis is a veteran of AEW DARK who was trained by Gangrel.
Within a minute — tops — Cody has Gargis down and out and locked in the figure-four leg lock, where Gargis taps out. “The American Nightmare” gets the quick squash match victory.
Winner: Cody Rhodes
Pentagon JR. Goes Too Far Trash-Talking Cody Rhodes
After Cody wraps up a brief post-match celebration with Double A, Tony Schiavone makes his way down to the ring with a microphone. He enters the ring as Cody’s music fades down.
Schiavone approaches Cody and asks him about the condition of his shoulder. Cody says ok let’s talk about my shoulder and how I came up short in the Face Of The Revolution Ladder Match at this past Sunday night’s PPV.
Before Cody can say anything else, he is interrupted by someone speaking Spanish. The camera pans over to show Pentagon JR. wearing his mask and a suit and talking in Spanish, with AEW Dynamite Pre-show co-host Alex Abrahantes translating what he says in English.
Pentagon JR. talks about being better than Cody. He says if Cody is the king of wrestling. he is the lord of lucha libre. The fans chant “Lucha Libre! Lucha Libre!” Pentagon JR. starts talking in broken English about how Cody lost at Revolution.
He says had it been he and Cody in the ring, he would have lost even worse. He tells Alex to translate. Alex tells Cody that Pentagon JR. says he is lucky that he wasn’t there or he would have hurt Cody’s shoulder even worse. So much so that he wouldn’t even be able to pick up his new baby daughter. This makes Cody irate as he quickly exits the ring and sprints up through the crowd, but is stopped by an onslaught of security and AEW officials who keep he and Pentagon JR. apart.
Chuck Taylor & Orange Cassidy Want A Special Rematch
We shoot to a backstage segment with Chuck Taylor and Orange Cassidy, who are sitting next to a bunch of arcade style video games. Chuck talks about all he has been through because of Miro, Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford. He goes over their history and then brings up their match at Revolution.
He says he wants a rematch. He wants to set up all these arcade games that they love so much around ringside. Orange speaks up to say one more threat and then we head to a commercial break.
Lance Archer Interrupts Sting To Deliver A Message
We’re back from the break and we see Tony Schiavone standing in the ring with a microphone. He does his big exaggerated “This is STINGGGG!!!” introduction for “The Icon.”
On that note, the lights go down and the familiar sounds of Sting’s music plays as snow falls from the sky inside Daily’s Place amphitheater as the pro wrestling legend emerges and joins the AEW commentator.
Schiavone praises Sting for an excellent comeback in his Street Fight victory alongside TNT Champion Darby Allin against Team Taz members Brian Cage and Ricky Starks. Sting talks about the match for a bit until he is interrupted.
Out comes “The Murderhawk Monster” Lance Archer with Jake “The Snake” Roberts following behind him. Archer claims he didn’t need to win any ladder match at Revolution to prove he is the face of the revolution. He talks about taking what is his and claims it’ll be more than time, referencing a comment Sting made during his quick promo before he was interrupted.
Archer makes some more threats and then he and Roberts walk off. Sting makes a quick response and walks off.
Dasha Gonzalez With QT Marshall & Lee Johnson
We shoot backstage to Dasha Gonzalez, who is standing by with QT Marshall and Lee Johnson from The Nightmare Family. Dasha asks QT about his actions at this past Sunday night’s Revolution PPV.
Marshall says that isn’t what is important right now. He claims what is important right now is the match coming up, which features Lee Johnson. We have some production issues as they make one more comment and then we shoot back to the ring.
“All Ego” Ethan Page vs. Lee Johnson
Back inside the venue we see “All Ego” Ethan Page make his way down to the ring for his Dynamite in-ring debut. He settles into the squared circle as a split-screen promo from earlier in the day airs.
Next out is Lee Johnson accompanied by QT Marshall. The two make their way down to the ring and the bell sounds to get our next match of the evening underway. Early on we see Johnson start off well, however Page quickly shifts the momentum in his favor with a rake of the eyes of The Nightmare Family member.
Page hits a nice back-elbow on Johnson that backs him into a corner. He charges in for a follow-up but runs into a big shot from Johnson. Johnson follows up with another shot but then Page takes right back over the offensive control of the contest. J.R. then leads us into a mid-match, picture-in-picture commercial break as Page continues to go to work on Johnson in the ring.
We’re back from the break and the audio / production issues have finally been sorted. Page is still dominating the action as J.R. questions why QT feels the need to be out here in Johnson’s corner for this match. Excalibur and Schiavone point out that PAC was in Rey Fenix’s corner and Nick Jackson was in Matt Jackson’s corner, before bringing up other examples. J.R. mentions whether or not QT is questionable after his actions at Revolution this past Sunday.
Meanwhile, “All Ego” is still in control of the action in the ring with a grounded Johnson. The commentators mention that we’re back from the break, even though we’ve been back for a minute or so. They recap a spot from the floor that showcased a nice backbreaker from Page. Back to the live action in the ring, Johnson has turned the offensive tables and is controlling the action now. He hits a power bomb into a pin fall attempt, which Page kicks out of.
Back standing, both guys trade shots near the corner of the ring. They begin heading up to the top-rope as the commentators plug We see Page scoop up Johnson and bodyslam him all the way down below. Nice. He hits a cutter off a leap-frog for a near fall that Johnson survives. Johnson seems to hurt his knee and as the ref checks on him, Page runs over and blasts him with a big boot to the face. Page hoists Johnson up on his shoulders and launches him with his Ego’s Edge finisher for the pin fall victory.
Winner: “All Ego” Ethan Page
After The Match: QT Marshall Shows His True Colors Again
Once he secures the victory, Page’s music plays and he decides he’s not done. He puts the boots to Johnson for no reason and QT Marshall doesn’t do anything but watch. Finally, Dustin Rhodes runs down from the back to make the save and as Page runs off, Dustin turns his attention to QT, who he notices walking away without seeming to care what just happened to his friend.
Alex Marvez With “Hangman” Adam Page & The Dark Order
The commentators react to the actions of QT Marshall briefly and then sends things to Alex Marvez, who is with “Hangman” Adam Page.
Page rolls up on a nice tractor and talks about some of the purchases he has enjoyed making with first quarter earnings from “Big Money” Matt Hardy following their “Big Money Match” at this past Sunday night’s Revolution PPV.
The Dark Order enters the scene and the guys goof off together before mocking Matt Hardy some more with some of the purchases they have made with his money. After this we head back to another commercial break.
Kenny Omega, Don Callis & The Good Brothers Interrupt Christian Cage
Tony Schiavone is standing at the top of the entrance ramp and he addresses the recent signing of Christian Cage, but before he can say anything else, out come the sweeper dancers for AEW Champion Kenny Omega.
Finally, Omega’s theme begins playing and as the dancers begin doing their thing, out comes the AEW Champion Kenny Omega accompanied by Don Callis and the IMPACT Wrestling Tag-Team Champions The Good Brothers — Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson.
They make their way down to the ring as fireworks explode — without issue — behind them. They settle into the ring as Schiavone re-joins J.R. and Excalibur at the commentary desk.
Kenny Omega, The Good Brothers, Don Callis, Eddie Kingston, Jon Moxley & Christian Cage
Tony Schiavone is standing at the top of the entrance ramp and he addresses the recent signing of Christian Cage, but before he can say anything else, out come the sweeper dancers for AEW Champion Kenny Omega.
Finally, Omega’s theme begins playing and as the dancers begin doing their thing, out comes the AEW Champion Kenny Omega accompanied by Don Callis and the IMPACT Wrestling Tag-Team Champions The Good Brothers — Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson.
They make their way down to the ring as fireworks explode — without issue — behind them. They settle into the ring as Schiavone re-joins J.R. and Excalibur at the commentary desk.
Callis begins talking about how Christian Cage is going to have to wait, as we won’t be hearing from the new AEW signee. In case he or anyone else new around here isn’t aware — Kenny Omega is the AEW World Champion.
The IMPACT Wrestling Co-Executive Vice President continues talking, bringing up the dud of a failed ring explosion at the end of the Exploding Barbed Wire Death Match at this past Sunday night’s AEW Revolution PPV. He talks about sparing Moxley from going out as a hero in a blaze of glory.
He continues his reaction to the dud of an explosion saying that had the explosion gone off, not only would it have allowed him to go out a hero, it would have ended things for Mox once and for all and rid him of Omega’s life. He says instead, Mox and Eddie Kingston got to lay there looking like a couple of idiots.
Omega then grabs the mic and talks about how one thing they can take from the four sparklers that went off in the corners instead of the expected explosion is the one thing they didn’t expect or see coming — which was that Eddie Kingston was ready to sacrifice himself for his longtime friend Jon Moxley.
The AEW Champion continues to talk trash about the two until finally we see Kingston himself power-walking from the entrance tunnel down the entrance ramp. Callis tells Omega it’s okay because he knows Kingston. He talks to Kingston about how he knows him from their days at IMPACT. He says he knows him even better now because he did the same thing he was known for in IMPACT, which was finding a way to get to the top — only to screw it up.
Callis says because he likes him, however, he’s going to give him 10 seconds to leave with his health in tact. He’s going to give them 10 seconds to leave the ring before Omega and The Good Brothers beat him down. A ten second clock appears on the big screen. Omega and company have some fun over-reacting, pretending to be afraid that something is going to explode in ten seconds.
Of course nothing happens.
Omega makes some jokes and then talks about how there’s three — actually four — guys in the ring right now who can kick his ass. He brings up Kingston not breaking character and looking like he still wants to hit him. He taunts him and offers to give him a free first shot. Kingston takes it and starts swinging away. Omega, Gallows, Anderson and Callis guzzle him but then Jon Moxley sprints from the back to the ring to make the save.
Moxley goes right after one of the guys brawling with Kingston on the floor, where the brawl has now moved. Moxley and Kingston brawl off with The Good Brothers, leaving Omega down in the ring as Christian Cage’s music hits and the new AEW signee slowly makes his way down to the ring with his “OUT. WORK. EVERYONE.” t-shirt. Christian gets in the ring as Omega recovers.
Omega gets in Christian’s face and looks to be yapping at him, but we don’t hear him. We see Omega extend a hand to Christian for a handshake. The commentators call it one of the most disingenuous handshake offers of all-time. Christian just stares at him so Omega starts flipping out. Christian ends up getting him and Omega rolls out to the floor where he continues flipping out as Callis tries to calm him down.
We see Christian in the ring, who notices the AEW Championship laying in front of him. He picks it up as Omega flips out some more while Callis tries to calm him down. Christian drops the title and looks around before finally leaving the ring as we head to another commercial break.
Dr. Britt Baker, Nyla Rose & Maki Itoh vs. Hikaru Shida, Ryo Mizunami & Thunder Rosa
We’re back from the break and we hear the familiar sounds of the entrance theme of Dr. Britt Baker. Baker makes her way down to the ring, where her opponents — Hikaru Shida, Ryo Mizunami and Thunder Rosa — are already waiting.
Out next is the first of her two partners for this six-woman tag-team match, as Nyla Rose makes her way out with Vickie Guerrero. Finally, the third member of their team — Maki Itoh — makes her fun-spirited dancing and singing entrance at the top of the entrance ramp, however the music cuts off when the brawl begins in the ring.
This left Itoh doing her full dancing and singing routine without any music by herself as everyone brawled inside and outside the ring. Finally, the brawl spills up to where she was performing by herself right as she was finishing up, so she loses her cool and finally gets physically involved herself.
She fights her way down to the ring where the bell sounds to turn this wild brawl into an official six-woman tag-team match. Itoh goes to work on Shida in the ring as they start things off for their respective teams in this match. Itoh establishes the offensive control early on and she tags in Rose, who picks up where she left off. Shida tags in Rosa.
Rose and Rosa go at it, with Nyla in control thus far as J.R. begins setting up an forthcoming mid-match, picture-in-picture commercial break. Rose has Rosa in the heel corner, where her two partners continue to get in some cheap shots from the ring apron. Itoh tags back in.
Itoh hits the ropes and executes her sideways, redwood tree “timberrrrr!” falling headbutt spot. Itoh continues to work over Rosa, choking her with the middle ropes, before tagging Baker in. The only certified dentist on the AEW roster picks up where Itoh left off, taking it to Rosa, as Schiavone points out that Baker only came into the ring when she was confident that her opposition was completely lifeless. She gets in some quick cheap shots and then tags right back out.
Nyla Rose comes back in and hits a standing flip splash onto Rosa. Rosa hits a backl-elbow and then a casa-dora, according to Excalibur, before finally making the much-needed tag to one of her teammates.
On that note, the super-energetic Ryo Mizunami hits the ring and is taking out any-and-everything that moves as the intensity and pace in the ring picks up. Mizunami executes a couple of spots and then tags in Shida. Shida and Mizunami hit a double-team spot on Baker in the corner for a near fall, which Itoh runs into the ring to break up.
Mizunami holds Itoh while Shida waits for Baker to get up. Baker trips Shida up, however, and she falls into Itoh head-first. Rosa hits the ring after getting tagged in and she goes to work on Baker in the corner. Rosa knocks Baker out to the floor next to Rose and Itoh.
She hits a top-rope cancun splash onto all three, taking them out. Back in the ring, Itoh tags in and hits a big tornado DDT on Rosa off the ropes for a near fall. Rebel enters the ring with a crutch in her hand. Rosa takes it and knocks Rebel out to the floor. Itoh charges at Rosa looking for a swinging DDT, but Rosa counters it and spikes her for the pin fall victory.
Winners: Hikaru Shida, Ryo Mizunami & Thunder Rosa
After The Match: The Heel Foursome Attack Thunder Rosa
Once the match wraps up, Baker immediately hits the ring with the crutch. She attacks Rosa with it as the referee freaks out. Rebel enters the ring with Vickie Guerrero and Nyla Rose. They hand Baker her glove and she puts the Lockjaw on Rosa while Rebel and Vickie add further insult to injury, beating on Rosa with the crutch. All four heel women gloat as the commentators set up the next segment.
Matt Hardy’s Newest Signings — The Butcher, The Blade & The Bunny
On that note, we send things to a segment where we see “Big Money” Matt Hardy along with Marq Quen and Isiah Kassidy of Private Party.
They try to console Hardy following his loss to “Hangman” Adam Page. Hardy claims he’s got enough money to hold his corporation down and then brings up the latest signing he has made to his company.
He introduces The Butcher, The Blade and The Bunny. He talks about The Butcher, The Blade and Private Party destroying The Dark Order on AEW DARK Elevation coming up and then mentions all five of them are going to destroy them completely for what they did to him at Revolution.
On that note we finally head to a commercial break that the commentators referenced twice during the women’s match.
TNT Championship
Scorpio Sky vs. Darby Allin (c)
We return from the break and we see the ring entrance of the winner of the “Face Of The Revolution” ladder match from this past Sunday night’s AEW Revolution PPV — Scorpio Sky.
As the former SoCal Uncensored (SCU) member makes his way down to the squared circle for tonight’s lone championship contest — the commentators talk about Sky’s storied history and how he finally captured that elusive brass ring — literally — with his win in the “Face Of The Revolution” ladder match this past Sunday night.
With Sky settled into the ring, it is now time for him to get the opportunity that he earned with the victory in the PPV ladder match — as TNT Champion Darby Allin makes his way down to the ring to put his title on-the-line against the former SCU member.
The bell sounds and we’re off-and-running with this featured match here on the post-Revolution episode of Dynamite on TNT. Early on both men battle back-and-forth with holds and exchanges. Allin starts going for pin attempt after pin attempt, rolling up and going for pin fall attempts on Sky back-to-back-to-back.
Sky takes a moment to scoot back into the corner where he stares at Allin and contemplates some battles of attack before re-engaging with the TNT Champion. He finally pops back up and locks up with Allin, who again out-wrestles him, forcing Sky to latch onto the ropes so the ref separates the two and gets Allin off of his back.
We see Sky briefly lose his cool and shove Sky after the break on the ropes, and then the two go back at it. Sky takes Allin down to the mat, however Allin works his way back up and hits a counter, shucking Sky off and launching him through the ropes and crashing on the floor outside of the ring. Sky shoots right back up and hits the ring and after some quick, fast-paced action, we see Allin land awkwardly on his leg and he immediately starts favoring his knee.
Sky immediately takes advantage of this opening as J.R. points out on commentary that the veteran will win this match and the TNT Championship regardless of what it takes to get the job done. Sky starts to go to work on Allin, pulling ahead into the offensive lead as J.R. leads us into a mid-match, picture-in-picture commercial break.
When we return from the break we see Sky still in the offensive driver’s seat, wrenching away on a submission he has the champ locked in as the fans try to rally behind Allin. Allin escapes the submission but runs right into a punch from Sky. The commentators speculate about whether or not Sky hurt or even broke his hand on that shot. Allin starts to come back to life now, as he starts putting up a fight. He hits a crazy code red spot on Sky out of nowhere for a close near fall. The fans respond with a “This Is Awesome!” chant as both guys are slow to get back to their feet.
Allin tries fighting back into the lead, however Sky ends up locking him for a three amigos suplex attempt and then headbutts him from behind before launching him with a release overhead suplex, with Allin’s head bashing against the turnbuckles on the way down. Allin ends up knocking Sky out to the floor. He goes for a tope suicida follow-up, however Sky catches him flying through the ropes and executes a perfectly timed Cutter as he was on his descent. He rolls Allin back in the ring and covers him, however the champ hangs on and kicks out before the count of three.
Sky picks Allin up and hoists him up for a brainbuster. He connects and covers him for another pin fall attempt, however once again the champ refuses to stay down. Sky sits Allin on the top-rope backwards and follows up behind him. Allin stops him with some back-elbows. He then goes for a Coffin Drop but Sky catches him sailing backwards and hits a power-bomb as the champ was on his way down for another crazy counter spot. Moments later, out of nowhere, Allin rolls Sky up completely out of the blue and holds on tight as the referee makes a three count. Allin retains. Great effort from Sky. Excellent match.
Winner and STILL TNT Champion: Darby Allin
After The Match: Scorpio Sky Snaps, Attacks Darby Allin
Once the match wraps up, we see Allin get up as his music plays and Sky sits in disbelief. Finally, in what seemed to be the beginning of a sign of mutual respect coming from these two, turned to a sour note as Sky snaps and ends up attacking Allin.
He locks him in a heel hook on the mat and wrenches away on the hold as the commentators react and AEW officials hit the ring to try and break things up. When they finally do, Sky goes from looking at his hands with a look of confusion on his face that slowly and gradually changes to a half-smirk and a smile — which the commentators point out.
MJF Turns On The Inner Circle & Forms His Own, Chris Jericho Brutalized
Before we head to another commercial break, the commentators run down some of the action in store for next week’s Dynamite — which includes Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston vs. The Good Brothers in tag-team action and an unsanctioned lights out featured bout between Thunder Rosa and Britt Baker.
As we get ready to head to the break, the Dynamite commentary trio mention The Inner Circle War Council — which they claim will be as live as live can be — and is coming up next. We head to what is likely our final break of the evening on that note.
When we return from the break, we hear the familiar sounds of the blended theme music of Chris Jericho and MJF, as The Inner Circle makes their way down to the ring in street clothes for the advertised Inner Circle War Council segment, which is the main event of this week’s post-Revolution PPV show.
The commentators briefly recap everything that went down with the Inner Circle as of late, including Sammy Guevara and what went down within the group at this past Sunday night’s Revolution PPV. MJF begins talking and he claims it might be time to make some changes to the group.
Before he can say anything else, Sammy Guevara’s theme music plays and “The Spanish God” himself makes his return as he emerges through the entrance tunnel and stops at the top of the ramp. Chris Jericho laughs and says this is funny and asks if everyone remembers his name. The fans chant “Sammy! Sammy!”
Jericho talks about how he never wants to hear that name again. He goes on to address Guevara but is stopped. Guevara tells Jericho he needs to see something. We see Sammy enter the ring and introduce a video that shows him setting a camera phone up in the Inner Circle locker room weeks ago. The video shows him leave as members of the Inner Circle — all except Chris Jericho — enter. We watch as MJF tells Santana, Ortiz and Jake Hager that he wants them to join him and turn on “Le Champion.” They agree. We return live and MJF says he’s sorry Chris had to find out this way. He tells Santana, Ortiz & Hager to “get him!”
The trio start walking closer to Jericho but as they get close to him, they turn and stand by Jericho’s side. Jericho tells MJF that he must be stupid. He says The Inner Circle talks everyday. He shoves MJF down on the mat. He says on behalf of Chris Jericho and The Inner Circle — you’re ass is fired. He says on top of that, they’re going to give him an Inner Circle beat down right now.
MJF holds back tears as he promises he didn’t want to take over Chris Jericho’s “Inner Circle” and then quickly stops looking emotional and finishes by saying, “Because I was too busy forming my own.” FTR, Wardlow, Shawn Spears and Tully Blanchard appear in the ring after the lights go out for a while. After the lights come on and we get the reveal, everyone starts brawling.
MJF’s inner circle beats down the real Inner Circle, smashing bottles over their heads and putting Sammy’s head through a chair and curb stomping it into the turnbuckles in the corner. Afterwards they handcuff the guys from the Inner Circle. Wardlow puts Jericho on the top-rope and then hits a big spot on him. They hit top-rope spiked pile-drivers on Santana & Ortiz while they had their hands cuffed.
The fans are booing loudly and breaking out into “You Suck! You Suck!” chants as the commentators react, in somewhat disbelief and eerily quiet until finally addressing what is transpiring in front of them. MJF puts his Dynamite Diamond Ring on as Wardlow holds Jericho and he blasts him with a free cheap shot with the ring on. Jericho is shown bleeding out of his forehead after the shot. Jericho, covered in blood, crawls barely able to move as he tries to grab “Floyd” the baseball bat.
MJF steps on the bat as he gets his fingers on it. Jericho crawls up MJF with a look like “Why?!” on his face as MJF blasts him with baseball bat shots while the fans boos grow louder. They pick up Jericho and exit the ring, carrying his lifeless body up to the top of the entrance stage. Wardlow hoists Jericho up and power bombs a bloody Jericho off the stage, where he crashes and breaks through a big table set up way down below the entrance stage platform.
We see Jericho laid out and covered in blood as replays of the big power bomb are shown. MJF’s lone theme music plays as he and his new inner circle stand tall together while the commentators react one final time to what we just saw before taking us off of the air. That does it for this week’s post-Revolution PPV edition of Dynamite. Thanks for joining us!