- Ruby Soho vs. Willow Nightingale
- Matt Hardy vs. Jungle Boy Jack Perry
- Dalton Castle & The Boys vs. Blackpool Combat Club
- AEW International Championship: Orange Cassidy (c) vs. The Butcher
- Adam Cole vs. Daniel Garcia
- IWGP United States Championship: Kenny Omega (c) vs. Jeff Cobb
Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!
AEW Dynamite 3/29/23
Live from the Chaifetz Arena in St. Louis, Missouri! Taz, Excalibur, and Tony Schiavone are on the call tonight and it’s time for the wrestles!
Match #1. Jungle Boy vs. Matt Hardy w/ Ethan Page
Deuling chants to start. Jungle Boy flips out of a wrist lock before hitting an arm drag. Shoulder block by Hardy and a dropkick by Jungle Boy. Jungle Boy teases a dive but Ethan Page gets in the way. Jungle Boy dives anyway but gets caught with a Side Effect on the outside! Page gets in the way again but fires up Jungle Boy, who comes off the guard rail with an axe handle. Both men on the apron now exchanging elbows but Hardy hits another Side Effect on the apron! Yikes. Hardy gets a two count but is in control throughout the break. Big superplex by Matt Hardy as Ethan Page gets involved again, distracting Jungle Boy. Hook is here! Hook takes out Ethan Page as Page inadvertently hits Hardy. Swinging DDT by Jungle Boy! Back in the ring a superkick and a flatliner by Jungle Boy. Basement elbow to the back of the head by Jungle Boy and this one is over!
Winner: Jungle Boy
Rating:Â **1/2. Fine opener with Jungle Boy building a case for the championship match against MJF. Perfect use of Matt Hardy, too.
MJF’s music hits and the Devil himself is here! MJF says Jungle Boy interrupting his Rebar Mitzvah was a Kanye move. MJF says his job is a joke, he barely wrestles, talks about people on the mic, collects a fat check, gets on his jet, and goes back to Long Island, NY. Jungle Boy had to fight and claw for his spot and MJF is aware of that, but after their first match, MJF felt like he met his equal in Jungle Boy. After that match, MJF found Jungle Boy and shook his hand, and said that he had all the potential in the world, and that nice guys always finish last. MJF then runs down all of the friends that screwed over Jungle Boy along the way and lambasts Jungle Boy for not listening to him. MJF is the AEW world champion and Jungle Boy is still… Jungle Boy.
Jungle Boy wishes he was more like MJF sometimes. The confidence. The ability to talk. Jungle Boy wishes he didn’t care about being the most selfish, narcissistic, POS in the entire place, but he does. But Jungle Boy is going to do it his way. When Jungle Boy beats MJF, at least he won’t wake up alone in the morning hating the person he sees in the mirror.
MJF says it only took Jungle Boy four years to learn how to talk. MJF says Jungle Boy has turned out to be a massive, weak, disappointment. Weak of the body, mind, soul, and heart. MJF says he took Jungle Boy’s girlfriend Anna Jay to the side and she told him he was weak between the knees, as well. Double leg by Jungle Boy and a pull apart brawl ensues!
Match #2. Blackpool Combat Club vs. Dalton Castle & The Boys
BCC jumps Castle and The Boys on the entrance! BCC with a full court press as Claudio hits the ring with Boy 1 and hits the Ricola Bomb as Moxley chokes Castle unconscious with a D’arce choke. Finito.
Winners: Blackpool Combat Club
Rating: NR. BCC are bad, bad dudes.
Don Callis is in the back with Kenny Omega. Callis says he wants to apologize to Hangman Page.
Alex Marvez is with Hangman, who says the Bucks will be fine but they’re home recovering. Page says it was BCC who laid them out. Callis is here so apologize and shake Page’s hand, before the BCC show up and lay everyone out. Callis still has his hand extended but gets elbowed in the face and busted wide open by Moxley!
Match #3. IWGP United States Championship: Kenny Omega (c) vs. Jeff Cobb
Cobb muscles Omega into the ropes and blocks a body slam by attacking Omega’s injured ribs. Leaping hurricanrana by Omega sends Cobb to the outside as Omega follows with a tope con hilo! Kitaro Crusher by Omega as Omega looks for the body slam now but Cobb comes crashing down on the ribs of Omega. Running brainbuster by Cobb, who now focuses the attack on the ribs again. Omega retreats to the outside as Cobb follows, sending Omega into the guard rail. Cobb in control throughout the PIP as Omega tries to fight back with heavy chops. Cobb puts a stop to that by grabbing a bearhug. Cobb charges in the corner but Omega gets the boot up and hits a running claw-drop kinda thing? Omega looks for the fireman’s carry but the ribs prevent that. Spinning back suplex by Cobb! Two count. Rolling Polish hammer by Omega but walks into a right hand. Both men are dazed and Omega hits a V-Trigger for two. Omega looks for another V-Trigger but Cobb hits a big dropkick to the face of Omega. Snap dragon by Omega! Make that two. Omega looks for a third but Cobb fights out and gets hit with a V-Trigger! Third snap dragon but Cobb is on his feet and meets Omega with a lariat as both men are down! Both men exchanging forearms and chops in the center of the ring. Diving back elbow in the corner by Cobb. Cobb sets up Omega on the top rope and it’s a delayed vertical superplex! Two count. Moonsault press by Cobb gets another two. V-Trigger by Cobb to Omega! Cobb now looks for the One-Winged Angel by Omega slips out and hits a V-Trigger of his own! Omega now looks for the One-Winged Angel and he gets him up and… down! That’ll do it!
Winner and STILL IWGP United States Champion: Kenny Omega
Rating: ***3/4. Great stuff here from both guys, although the bar was set so high with the Vikingo match last week this one fell just a little bit short. Great storytelling here however and the commercial break was what threw this one off.
The Blackpool Combat Club have hit the ring! Omega is by himself and the BCC are circling like sharks.
Danielson gets in the ring and tries to call the BCC off! Omega and Danielson are face-to-face as Danielson offers Omega his hand. Omega accepts and looks to take on the BCC but…
The Gunns used to look up to FTR, until they met them. Now they hate them. Next week it’s Top Guys… out.
Match #4. AEW International Championship: Orange Cassidy (c) vs. The Butcher
Cassidy gets attacked with a Billy Club before the match as Blade gets sent to the back. Cassidy said he’s okay and the match starts. Cassidy misses an Orange Punch and Butcher military presses Cassidy on top of the turnbuckle. Big backbreaker by Butcher, who’s focusing the attack on the injured abdomen of Cassidy. Hammer throw by Butcher sends Cassidy hard into the turnbuckles. Bearhug by Butcher as we head to PIP. Another backbreaker by Butcher, who stretches Cassidy over his knees. Sidewalk slam by Butcher who proceeds to miss a leg drop. Cassidy looks for the satellite DDT but Butcher instead delivers a brutal lariat for two. Texas Cloverleaf now by Butcher as Cassidy is in trouble in the center of the ring. Cassidy goes after the eyes of Butcher but Butcher comes back with a half and half choke breaker. Stundog Millionaire by Cassidy! Satellite DDT reversed but no, Cassidy recovers and plants Butcher for two. Diving DDT off the top by Cassidy gets another two. Cassidy sets up for the Orange Punch but Butcher distracts the referee and Blade hits Cassidy with the crowbar in the back. Two count. Best Friends are here to make the save and Cassidy hits Butcher with the Orange Punch in the ring. Beach Break finishes this one.
Winner and STILL AEW International Champion: Orange Cassidy
Rating: **3/4. Eerily similar story to the Cobb and Omega match, but it still worked. Butcher is probably always going to be rough around the edges and that’s cool because it’s different, and Cassidy is resorting to whatever he can to win since it seems like he’s been defending that title every single show.
Match #5. Willow Nightingale vs. Ruby Soho w/ Toni Storm & Saraya
Willow looks more serious than usual and takes it to Ruby from the start. Big body slams by Willow and a running splash. Ruby pulls Willow throat-first over the middle rope now as Saraya batters Willow with knees from the outside. Snap suplex by Ruby. Ruby chops Willow in the corner but Willow fights back… only to be smashed face-first in the mat. Running hip attack by Willow and a big boot. Spinebuster by Willow! One, two, no! Ruby asks for forgiveness here and Willow is having none of it. Back elbow by Ruby but Willow catches Ruby’s face buster attempt… Death Valley Driver by Willow! Two count. Willow hits the ropes but Toni Storm trips her up, right into No Future! No Future a second time and an arrogant cover only gets two! Pounce by Willow! Doctor Bomb attempt by Willow but Toni Storm holds Ruby’s hands as Saraya distracts the referee. Ruby rolls her up with help from the outside to get the win.
Winner: Ruby Soho
Rating: **1/4. Really wish this match had some more time because these are two of the best performers in the women’s division. Feels like this match took place only to set up the post-match angle.
After the match, The Outcasts grab a chair and try to break the ankle of Willow.
Here’s Riho and Skye Blue! Both women get dispatched pretty quickly however.
Enter Jamie Hayter! Hayter clear the ring and looks for the Hayterade but Storm bows out.
Match #6. Adam Cole vs. Daniel Garcia
Lock up! Garcia with a mat return and pretends to kick dirt in the face of Cole. Cole with a series of headlock takedowns and it’s headlock city, baby. Garcia escapes and drills Cole with piledriver out of nowhere! Cole rolls to the outside and the referee rolls out to check on him, instead of counting (pet peeve, here). Finally the referee starts the count as Cole holds his head on the floor. Garcia heads to the floor and looks for another piledriver, but Cole counters with a back body drop before getting back inside the ring. Cole catches Garcia coming in but then drops him throat-first over the top rope. Garcia works over Cole in the PIP but Cole fires back with a pair of clotheslines. Pump kick by Cole and a Death Valley Driver onto the knee by Cole! Two count. Palm strike by Garcia but a boot by Cole. Boot by Garcia. Garcia blocks an enziguiri catches Cole with a German suplex! Cole clutches his head as Garcia charges right into a superkick! Cole lowers the boom but Garcia ducks and traps him… hammer and anvil elbow strikes! Cole quickly escapes, superkicks the knee, and looks for the Panama Sunrise. Garcia rolls through and locks in the DragonTamer but Cole fights to the ropes. Cole traps the arms and hits ANOTHER piledriver! Brutal. Cole barely kicks out at 2.9999. Garcia charges Cole in the corner again but Cole gets the boot up. Panama Sunrise! Cole lowers the kneepad and LOWERS THE BOOM for the three count.
Winner: Adam Cole
Rating: ***1/2. Perfect opponent for Adam Cole’s return match. Absolute battle here between two great pro wrestlers, with the focus, as we expected, being the head and neck of Cole.
Dr. Britt Baker DMD makes her way to the ring and embraces her boyfriend, Adam Cole. Confetti and the whole nine yard, but a nice moment for Adam Cole as we lead in to AEW All Access!
Wait a second.
Judas hits! Jericho is powerwalking to the ring. Jericho consoles Garcia and declines to make eye contact with Adam Cole.
Final Thoughts: Interesting episode of Dynamite tonight. Very storyline heavy, but with some real solid wrestling throughout. I did NOT expect Danielson to come back to join the BCC, so a BCC vs. Elite (with Hangman) feud might be on the way and that will be all kinds of great. Tremendous to have Adam Cole back as well, as he seems to have a showdown with Chris Jericho on the horizon. Cassidy continues to deliver, Omega is on fire, FTR vs. Gunns in a title vs. career match… lots of good stuff this week. 8/10.Â