- AEW International Championship: Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Bandido
- AEW TBS Championship: Jade Cargill (c) vs. Taya Valkyrie
- Jeff Jarrett vs. Dax Harwood
- Konosuke Takeshita & Kenny Omega vs. Butcher & Blade
- Pillars Tournament Final Match: Sammy Guevara vs. Darby Allin
Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!
AEW Dynamite 4/26/23
Live from the FLA Live Arena in Sunrise, Florida! Taz, Excalibur, and Tony Schiavone are on the call tonight and we’re starting off with a big title match!
Match #1. AEW International Championship: Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Bandido
Pocket hands vs. finger guns to start. Both men trade double legs as Cassidy hits the slowest cartwheel of all time. Arm drags by both men as Bandido flips to hit feet. Cassidy puts the finger guns of Bandido into his own pockets and Cassidy responds with a tieres to the outside. Cassidy then mocks Bandido and fakes a dive. Hurricanrana by a hands-less Cassidy and a dropkick to send Bandido outside once more. Suicide dive by Cassidy but Bandido catches him on his shoulders and drops him throat-first on the barricade. Bandido in control now as we head into PIP. Cassidy powers out of a surfboard but Bandido locks in a camel clutch. Bandido holds Cassidy up for what feels like ever in a stalling vertical suplex, but Cassidy eventually counters to Stundog Millionaire. Satellite DDT attempt by Cassidy but Bandido now gets the suplex. Chop for chop here in the center of the ring now as Cassidy is delivering minimal effort. Superkick by Bandido and a pump kick. Running European uppercut in the corner but Cassidy now drivers Bandido’s head into the top turnbuckle ten times and heads up top. Diving crossbody and a Michinoku Driver by Cassidy get two. Cassidy goes up top but Bandido catches him and sends him to the apron. Bandido pulls Cassidy up to the top and delivers a single-arm deadlift superplex! Pop-up cutter by Bandido gets two! Bandido has Cassidy on the top now but Cassidy fights Bandido off… momentarily. Bandido waits for Cassidy and catches him coming off the top. One-armed military press by Bandido followed by a frog splash! Two count. Cassidy grabs the Mouse Trap but Bandido counters into a roll up for two. Pop-up by Bandido but Cassidy delivers the Orange Punch in mid-air! Beach Break and this one is over!
Winner and STILL AEW International Champion: Orange Cassidy
Rating: ***1/2. Lots of fun stuff here. These guys delivered down the stretch as you would have expected them to, despite a few awkward moments here and there. Bandido could benefit from some wins now, though.
Adam Cole is with Renee. Cole says he’s going to call out Chris Jericho tonight, and if he doesn’t come to the ring, he’s going to find him. Orange Cassidy and Bandido show up together and Cassidy asks if Renee is there to interview them, and Renee says she was not. “Oh” – Orange Cassidy. “Oh” – Bandido.
Renee is here with Darby and Jungle Boy. They both said some things last week that went a little too far, but Darby should have been ringside just in case. Jungle Boy agrees. Darby said if Jungle Boy won, he would have beat him again.
Match #2. Dax Harwood vs. Jeff Jarrett
What a pairing here. Arm drag by Jarrett. Jarrett with a series of offensive moves, seemingly outwrestling Dax and finishing with a body slam. Strut by Jarrett but Dax responds with some heavy chops. Snap suplex by Dax but Jarrett regains the upper hand. Elbows to Dax on the apron now before Jarrett throws Dax into the guard rail a few times. Both men back in the ring as Dax takes the turnbuckle sternum-first. Jarrett with a sleeper now and we are full on Memphis style, here. Both men exchanging right hands right in the center of the ring before Jarrett grabs a shin breaker. Jarrett misses a charge in the corner and Dax comes off the top with a diving headbutt for a long two count. Piledriver by Dax plants Jarrett and gets another two count. Jarrett looks to leave and Dax follows, lighting him up with heavy chops at ringside. Dax rolls Jarrett back in the ring and tries to come off the top with a dropkick that misses. Jarrett attempts a pair of figure fours but can’t lock them in, so settles for a catapult into the top turnbuckle that gets two. Jarrett looks for another figure four but Dax rolls him up for two. Dax responds with a short-arm clothesline that forces Jarrett to the apron. Suplex from the outside in by Dax but Dutt grabs the leg and Jarrett falls on Dax for a two count. Dax chases Dutt around the ring and when he finally gets back in the ring, he walks right into The Stroke from Jarrett that gets the win!
Winner: Jeff Jarrett
Rating: **. Hah. Jeff Jarrett pins Dax Harwood. Classic. This felt like neither guy were ever really on the same page, and I’m a sucker for southern wrasslin’.
Tony Khan is here an announces that the Owen Hart Memorial Tournament will be returning. The finals will be in Owen’s hometown of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, in July.
Match #3. Wardlow w/ Arn Anderson vs. ???
Headbutt by Wardlow. Big lariat. Powerbomb. X2. X3. X4.
Winner: Wardlow
Rating: NR
Arn Anderson has the mic. Arn’s been in the business for 40 years, and he’s finally figured out who’s who in that dressing room. Arn compares Wardlow to a dynasty in the NFL. Arn says nobody in the locker room has what Wardlow has, but there’s one thing Wardlow needs to agree with Arn Anderson on. You’re going to have to bite a guys ear off, gouge a guys eye out, and..
Enter Christian Cage and Luchasaurus. Both men walk all the way to the ring… and then back down the apron. Alright then.
Renee is here with Sammy Guevara and MJF. They exchange forehead kisses. Both men say they don’t care that MJF paying Sammy Guevara ruins the sanctity of the title. Sammy got MJF a present. Matching vests! MJF got Sammy a gift… matching scarfs!
Match #4. Four Pillars Tournament Final: Darby Allin vs. Sammy Guevara
Both men exchange head lock takeovers as MJF joins commentary and eats pickles. Double jump arm drag by Darby and an arm drag by Sammy. Twisting drop kick by Sammy. Jackknife cover by Sammy gets two but Darby rolls through into a Texas Cloverleaf. Sammy powers out and sends Darby crashing to the floor before following up with a hard head shot on the ring post. Darby back in the ring now and catches Sammy coming back in with a big palm strike. Darby trying to German suplex Sammy off the apron but Sammy low blows Darby behind the referee’s back. Asai moonsault by Sammy! Sammy mounts Darby and delivers some vicious looking elbows that may have busted him open. Darby crashing hard into the guard rail. Twice. Sammy throws Darby back in the ring and locks in a Boston Crab. Sammy up top now and delivers a picture-perfect frog splash that gets two. Sammy looking to the Three Amigos but Darby reverses into a Scorpion Death Drop! Sammy retreats to the outside and Darby follows with a suicide dive under the middle rope but Sammy counters with a cutter on the floor! Sammy now looks to set up a table on the outside. Darby fights Sammy off and sets him up on the table but Tay Melo provides a distraction, allowing Sammy to catch Darby with an avalanche Spanish Fly! One, two, no! Sammy now sets Darby up on the table and CRUSHES Darby with the 630 senton! Darby somehow makes it in the ring before the ten count as MJF heads to the ring himself. Darby heads up top but MJF is here and MJF throws Darby the skateboard as Tay is distracting the referee. Referee Paul Turner turns around and Sammy fakes the injury a la Eddie Guerrero! The referee calls for the bell!
Winner via Disqualification: Sammy Guevara
Rating: ***1/2. These two were well on their way to something great here but you could tell there was still some in the tank. The storyline prevails here, and that’s where this was going the entire time.
MJF and Sammy puts the boots to Darby as Jungle Boy makes the save, but it’s too late. MJF runs down everyone.
Wait, Tony Schiavone has an announcement. Tony Khan has told Tony Schiavone that Sammy Guevara has earned the shot, but next week Jungle Boy and Darby Allin will take on MJF and Sammy in a tag team match. If Darby and Jungle Boy win, it will be a Pillars Four-way Match for the title!
Sammy wants to get in the car in the back with MJF, but MJF tells him it’s full. The car is actually NOT full, and Sammy looks perplexed.
Adam Cole is here and he’s not wasting any time getting to the ring. Cole calls Jericho out and says he wants to beat him within an inch of his life. Cole says he doesn’t have all day. Cole’s not wasting any more time, but here comes Jericho!
Jericho isn’t here, but he’s on the big screen. Jericho doesn’t want to be anywhere near anyone a man like Cole, who would allow the love of his life to be viciously beaten like that. Cole is a coward and Jericho doesn’t want to be anywhere near him… but his guys will be.
The entire Jericho Appreciation Society jump Cole! Orange Cassidy and Bandido are here to make the save, but the numbers are still against them.
Cole and Roddy embrace in the middle of the ring! WHAT A MOMENT!
QTV now. Powerhouse Hobbs is mad but QT has a plan b. Alright then.
Match #5. AEW TBS Championship: Jade Cargill (c) vs. Taya Valkyrie
If Taya uses the Road to Valhalla, she’s disqualified. Taya in control early and looks for Road to Valhalla but thinks better of it, allowing Jade to capitalize. Jade charges but Taya gets the boot up and sent to the floor. Jade skins the cat but Taya thrust kicks her in the stomach. Taya follows but Jade swipes the leg and Taya lands in a split on the apron. Jade drops Taya HARD on the floor from the apron and is in control throughout the break. Jade misses a pump kick and Taya returns with some knees and a rolling elbow. Blue Thunder Bomb by Taya gets another two count. Taya goes up top but Jade follows with a big superplex! Jade with a Canadian Destroyer out of nowhere! One, two, no! Jade looks for Jaded but Taya frees herself and hits a double stomp for two. Taya looks for the Road to Valhalla but thinks better of it, and Jade is able to roll her up for the three count… with the trunks.
Winner and STILL AEW TBS Championship: Jade Cargill
Rating: **1/4. Fiercely competitive match here, and they had me, I thought Taya would take the title. There’s still more meat on the bone but these two women worked really well together.
Jamie Hayter and Britt Baker say the only way this is over is when someone gets sent to the morgue.
Jay White and Juice Robinson are now the Bang Bang Gang and that’s amazing.
Bryan Danielson is here to join the commentary before the main event.
Match #6. Kenny Omega & Konosuke Takeshita vs. Butcher & Blade w/ Kip Sabian & Penelope Ford
Blade lights up Takeshita with some big chops but Takeshita responds with a brutal elbow. Single leg lariat by Takeshita and Omega gets the tag. You Can’t Escape by Omega and a diving senton off the middle rope by Takeshita gets a two count. Frankensteiner by Omega and Blade is sent to the outside. Terminator dive by Omega but Kip Sabian trips up Omega and Omega follows him to the outside. Running body block by Butcher and a moonsault behind the referee’s back by Sabian. Blade in control now, putting the boots to Omega during the commercial break. Back breaker and leg drop combo by Butcher and Blade get a two. Omega fighting back with chops and palm strikes, before dropkicking the knee and landing the Kitaro Crusher. Takeshita gets the tag and so does Butcher. Crossbody by Takeshita and a big lariat. Helluva kick in the corner by Takeshita. Make that two. Sheer drop brainbuster by Takeshita gets a two count. Butcher blocks a big knee from Takeshita as Blade hits the ring. Half and half backbreaker by Butcher into a stunner from Blade and lariat from Butcher. Powerbomb neckbreaker combo by Butcher and Blade but Omega grabs the leg of Blade as Takeshita hurricanranas Butcher. Rolling elbow by Tkeshita into a V-Trigger by Omega and a Blue Thunder Bomb! Blade makes the save at two. Rissing knee to Blade into a snap dragon by Omega! Terminator dive takes out both Blade and Sabian. Takeshita with the Power Drive Knee and this one is over!
Winners: Kenny Omega & Konosuke Takeshita
Rating: ***1/2. Omega is one of the greatest singles wrestlers of all time, and certainly current day… but there’s something there with Omega and Takeshita as a team if they want there to be. Excellent match, Butcher & Blade are always solid and play their roles perfectly. Hard-hitting, good win, good drama.
Danielson takes the mic and puts over Takeshita while saying Omega’s best days are behind him. If Takeshita trained with The BCC then… as Moxley and Claudio attack! Danielson has the screwdriver but The Bucks are here to make the save! Claudio charges up the ramp but walks right into a double superkick. Yuta does the same! Snap dragon by Omega to Moxley and a double superkick to Moxley! On the outside, Takeshita is being talked to by Danielson. Takeshita gets in the ring to stop Omega from stabbing Moxley, as Moxley shoves Takeshita into Omega and Omega and Moxley hits the Deathrider. The BCC then raise Takeshita’s hand as Yuta goes low on him! Moxley stabs Takeshita in the face with the screwdriver as we go off the air!
Final Thoughts: Super quick show this week, paced perfectly, easy two hour watch. The wrestling was consistent throughout (aside from Dax & Jarrett, that is), and the main event delivered. I’d personally like to see more of Jade and Taya, as well. The BCC vs. Elite angle is very entertaining and the matches that can come out of it will be a heck of a lot of fun. The best moment for me this week, is the debut of Roderick Strong. I’ve been a fan of his for a long time and having Roddy aligned with Cole vs. Jericho and company… let’s just hope Kyle O’Reilly is healing up and maybe even give Bob Fish a call? Lots of options. Fun, storyline-heavy show this week. 7.5/10.