All Elite Wrestling returns with this week’s episode of AEW Dynamite tonight, featuring the semi-finals of the ongoing TNT Championship Tournament, a No-DQ/No Count-Out match, the return of Jon Moxley and more.
Featured below are AEW Dynamite results for Wednesday, April 29, 2020.
Darby Allin & Cody Vignette
This week’s show opens up with a look at Darby Allin with a special vignette that begins with him proving himself by hanging with Cody Rhodes at AEW Fyter Fest.
Then we move on to show Cody’s side of the story heading into tonight. Allin and Cody each describe the importance of their TNT Championship Tournament Semi-Final showdown tonight.
Allin refers to Cody as a “corporate sheep.” He questions the most important part of a story — the beginning, middle or end.
Chris Jericho & Tony Schiavone Run Down Tonight’s Action
From there, we shoot to Chris Jericho and Tony Schiavone at the announce desk breaking down some of the action scheduled for this week’s show, which includes the semi-finals of the TNT Championship Tournament in a double main event.
They also tease Jon Moxley’s return, as well as the return of the third installment of The Bubbley Bunch. “The Exalted One” Brodie Lee vs. Marko Stunt, Jimmy Havoc & Kip Sabian vs. Best Friends in a No-DQ, No Countout match, an update on MJF and Wardlow to smash another poor soul.
TNT Championship Tournament Semi-Finals
Darby Allin vs. Cody
Now, we head to the ring for the first of two TNT Championship Tournament Semi-Final matches scheduled for tonight, as Darby Allin’s theme hits and he begins making his way to the ring.
Jericho and Schiavone talk about being impressed by Allin’s performance against Sammy Guevara in the Quarter-Finals last week.
The audience is noticably bigger and louder this week than in past weeks since the beginning of the COVID-19 Era.
Now, pyro and smoke explodes from the entrance way as Cody, accompanied by Brandi Rhodes, begins making his way to the ring to a “Cody! Cody!” chant.
Our opening bout of the evening here on AEW Dynamite is up now. The bell sounds and here we go. Schiavone points out these two are 1-0-1 against each other in two meetings heading into tonight, with a Draw and a win for Cody in their first two matches.
The match quickly hits the floor where moments later, Darby, full-force, charges at Cody but misses him and accidentally takes out his wife, Brandi, who was still at ringside.
A violent and pissed off Cody takes over the action as the match resumes inside the ring while Brandi is helped to the backstage area by ringside officials. On that note, we head to a mid-match commercial break.
We’re back from the break and we see Cody still in control of the action until Allin bashes his knee into Cody’s head on the way up for a Cody suplex attempt. Allin goes to work on the hurt knee of Cody that he softened up early in the match. Allin hits Cody with Code Red.
Allin is starting to enjoy a comfortable run in the offensive driver’s seat for the first time since the beginning of the bout. Allin hangs Cody in the tree of woe and runs at him with an awkward flying knee, and then a backwards butt-blast. Think Andre The Giant’s backwards butt-smash if he were to sprint across the ring and jump-and-turn in mid-air, and it were played in fast forward.
Dr. Britt Baker gets involved from the front row of the crowd, hitting Cody with her shoe. Shortly after that, we head to another mid-match commercial.
When we return from the break this time, we see both guys charging at and colliding into each other. They follow that up with a double clothesline, with each man knocking the other down. They are slow to get up, but they beat referee Aubrey Edwards’ count and now the action continues in this TNT Championship Tournament Semi-Final contest.
Cody with a release suplex and a step-up enzugiri kick, which Jericho calls The Disaster Kick. Cody takes the weight belt off, ala Hollywood Hulk Hogan in WCW, however he decides against it, instead opting to take Aubrey Edwards’ advice and throw it out of the ring.
Allin ends up blasting Cody with his own finishing move, blasting him with the Cross-Rhodes out of the blue for a close near fall. Allin now looking for Cody’s own Figure-Four Leg-Lock submission finisher. He gets it. Cody is yelling out in pain as Allin tightens up the hold.
We see a still hurt Brandi slowly making her way back to the ring with a bottle of water. As she goes to hand it to him, Allin takes it and smashes it over Cody’s head. Cody takes Allin down with a clothesline moments later and now both guys are down as the fans in attendance break out in a dueling “Let’s Go Cody!” and “Let’s Go Darby!” chants.
Allin is flying all over the place now with high spots, however he goes for one too many, as Cody catches him coming off the ropes with a Cross-Rhodes. He covers him, but Allin manages to kick out at two. Cody slaps his knee to test its’ durability before heading up to the top rope backwards. Cody comes sailing off the top with a Coffin Drop, but Allin had it scouted and avoids it, getting the knees up just in time.
Now he goes up to the top and hits his own Coffin Drop. As he falls backwards on the pin, Cody rolls him up and steals the pin. With the win, Cody advances to the finals of the TNT Championship Tournament, where he meets the winner of tonight’s other Semi-Final between Dustin Rhodes and Lance Archer. After the match we head back to another commercial break.
Winner and ADVANCING to the TNT Championship Tournament Finals: Cody
Scorpio Sky’s Journey To AEW & SoCal Uncensored (SCU)
We return from the commercial break directly into the vignette that left off last week documenting the journey into the pro wrestling business and eventually AEW of Scorpio Sky.
This week’s vignette picks up with Sky talking about being uncomfortable at first trynig to find his spot with the already established, decorated duo of Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian as part of SoCal Uncensored.
Sky concludes this week’s vignette by pointing out that he doesn’t just want to be a star, he wants to be a f*cking legend.
MJF Injury Update
Now we shoot to a promo from Maxwell Jacob Friedman (MJF), who updates fans on his hang-nail injury. His doctors words, not his, are that he has the strongest nail on planet earth now.
MJF claims that while shaving, however, he nicked his neck. He gets choked up when talking about the injury while revealing a giant neck brace to protect his nicked neck. He claims he’s a warrior because most mortal men would have bled to death.
He goes on to sarcastically claim he cares about the fans “so much,” after joking that his latest injury cost him the chance to perform in front of … well, six or seven of his peers in the crowd … on AEW Dynamite. He closes by informing us, in case we forgot, that he is better than us. And he knows it.
Musa vs. Wardlow
We head back into the arena where a talent named Musa makes his way to the ring. He will be the unfortunate wrestler forced to compete against the dangerous “Mr. Mayhem” Wardlow this week.
With that said, Wardlow makes his way to the ring while Jericho and Schiavone react to MJF’s recent “injury claims.” Jericho puts over Wardlow as a monster as he finishes up his entrance and gets into the ring.
The bell sounds and here we go with our second bout of the evening here on this week’s edition of AEW Dynamite. Musa charges at Wardlow, who doesn’t flinch, and hoists him up before slamming him down with ease.
Wardlow goes to work on Musa in the corner, assaulting the AEW rookie with some big shots before launching him from one side of the ring to the other like a rag doll, leading to a Steven Tyler/Aerosmith reference.
Now Wardlow hoists Musa up again and in lazy disrespectful action, marches around the ring with him. Musa takes advantage of this opening, blasting an unsuspecting Wardlow with a big shot before following up with a cool cartwheel kick.
Wardlow takes back over, yanking Musa off the top rope into a big blasting shot that elicits a big scream from Jericho on commentary. Wardlow now picks up Musa after taking down a strap, ala Kurt Angle. He helicopter spins him around into a big slam for the easy victory.
Winner: Wardlow
The Bubbly Bunch Feat. Celebrity-Cameo-Filled “Manitoba Melee”
We return from the break with the latest edition of The Bubbly Bunch, which as usual features the members of The Inner Circle — Chris Jericho, Jake Hager, Sammy Guevara, Santana and Ortiz all having fun, clowning around from their homes on camera like a Saturday Night Live “SNL At Home” sketch from one of the past two Saturday night’s shows on NBC.
This week we see the guys goofing around before talking about a Manitoba Melee, which features the gang pretend-fighting the camera, with each guy selling the offense. We get cameos from Kevin Smith, Gabriel Iglesias, Virgil, Vickie Guerrero and others.
No Disqualification/No Countout Match
Jimmy Havoc & Kip Sabian vs. Best Friends
Jimmy Havoc makes his way out to the ring as we shoot back live inside the arena. Out next is his tag-team partner, being accompanied by Penelope Ford, is “Superbad” Kip Sabian. Out they come, joining Havoc.
As the trio makes their way to the ring, we are shown some highlights from recent weeks that led into this tag-team contest tonight against The Best Friends. With that said, the music hits and out comes Chuckie T. & Trent, along with “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy.
Havoc and Sabian waste no time getting things started, attacking Chuckie T. and Trent before they take their entrance gear off. The bell sounds as the brawl continues, culminating with The Best Friends hitting some cool dives onto the heel duo on the floor.
Havoc grabs a steel chair and ala Sabu in ECW, throws it into Orange Cassidy’s face. The brawl with the four men in the match continues at ringside outside the ring, with more weapons being brought into play from under the ring.
We see a slam onto a steel chair and another big dive from the ring to the floor, as well as a heel smashing on the floor and Jericho explaining that it’s one of the worst injuries a wrestler can sustain and still work through. As the action resumes inside the squared circle, a ladder is thrown into the ring.
The ladder, which is smaller than most used in wrestling, is wedged under the top rope and above the middle rope in the corner of the ring. Havoc smashes one of the Best Friends into the chair face-first from the ring mat flying north at rapid-speed. Havoc and Sabian show some good double-team offense now as they isolate one opponent in the ring and beat him down with every weapon in sight.
Trent finally starts fighting back, but his comeback is cut extremely short as Havoc and Sabian double-team him to cut him off. Kip opens up a chair and sets it in the corner of the ring. He kicks Trent and knocks him down seated in the chair. Nothing happens as the other members of the match get involved as the action gets more chaotic.
The Best Friends do an Edge & Christian style Con-Chair-To, however instead of each guy swinging the chair from opposite sides of one mans head, they instead each threw their chairs into the dome of Sabian. The Best Friends are now in firm control of the bout for the first time in a while. Chuckie T. wedges a chair in the corner the same way the midget ladder was earlier in the bout. Sabian throws Chuckie T. head-first into the chair before turning around into a Tornado DDT from Trent.
Trent is now laid out on an opened up ladder sitting sideways in the ring. Sabian comes flying off the ropes with a double stomp while he’s laying on the ladder. Ouch. Penelope Ford finally gets involved for the first time in the bout, providing the save for her man at a crucial point deep into the match.
Orange Cassidy gets involved now, giving Havoc a receipt for throwing the chair in his face earlier by taking him out. Ford goes to kick him but kicks her own man. Now she spears the wrong man when Orange moves again on the floor. Orange climbs to the top and is knocked off into the heels on the ground. In the ring, Chuck hits a big move for the pin. The Best Friends music plays, as they pick up a hard-earned win in this exciting No DQ/No Countout match.
Winners: Best Friends
Dr. Britt Baker, D.D.S & Rebel The Makeup Artist
We return to a Dr. Britt Baker, D.D.S. vignette in her Dentist’s Office. We get to meet her makeup artist Rebel, who she calls Reba and treats like crap. She flips through some giant pages with some instructions and remniders to fans, the first of which is just her Twitter address. “Whoops! How’d that get there?” she says in believable fashion, making it that much more hilarious, as she turns the page and begins her list. She runs through the list, taking many shots at Tony Schiavone and his teeth along the way, and then tells us she’ll see us next time.
Shawn Spears vs. Baron Black
Tony Schiavone and Chris Jericho have some fun with the aforementioned Britt Baker segment and her shots at the longtime pro wrestling announcer as “The Chairman of AEW” Shawn Spears makes his way down to the ring for our next match of the evening.
Spears climbs into the ring, where his opponent, Baron Black, is already waiting for him. The bell sounds and here we go. Spears jumps off to an early offensive lead, hitting Black with some strikes and slamming him down, before Black gets in some shots of his own. Black nails Spears with some punches and chops.
Spears cuts his offense short, blasting him with chops of his own. Now Spears shows off his twerking ability, to the shock of Schiavone. Black gets in some more chops that surprise Spears and as Schiavone points out, his demeanor changes now, taking the action more serious now.
Moments later he gets back to clowning. He points at Jericho on commentary and does the, “Yeah, baby!” flexing arrogant pin attempt for a two count. Black blasts Spears with some big chops again. Spears hits the C4, however, and then puts on a modified Sharpshooter. Black taps out and the bell sounds.
Winner: Shawn Spears
What Does AEW World Champion Jon Moxley Have To Say?
We head to a break as the announcers inform us that up next, AEW World Heavyweight Champion Jon Moxley returns.
They tease the promo, questioning “What will Jon Moxley have to say?” before also telling us that “The Exalted One” Brodie Lee vs. Marko Stunt is coming up next inside the ring.
On that note, we head back to another commercial break.
Marko Stunt vs. “The Exalted One” Brodie Lee
We return from the break to see video highlights of “The Murderhawk Monster” Lance Archer making his AEW Dynamite debut against Marko Stunt. Then we shoot to a backstage interview with the Jurassic Express member talking about Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy not being here tonight as he takes on another big challenge, “The Exalted One” Brodie Lee.
From there, we shoot back live inside the arena where Marko Stunt makes his way to the ring by himself. After that, his opponent, “The Exalted One” of The Dark Order — Mr. Brodie Lee makes his way out.
The camera closes in on Mr. Brodie Lee’s cold dark expression-less eyes as the bell sounds. Marko immediately charges at Lee, attempting offense but getting the no-sell treatment before slapping him in the face. That, unfortunately for the Jurassic Express member, woke up the leader of The Dark Order — and not in a good way.
“The Exalted One” begins his assault on Stunt, delivering a one-sided beat down to his much smaller foe as the camera again closes in on his cold dead eyes, as Jericho points out on commentary that his facial expression has not once changed during this entire contest.
As Mr. Brodie Lee heads out to the floor, Stunt comes flying through the ropes towards him, but eats a super kick that comes lightning fast from the hip of Mr. Brodie Lee. He stands in the ring now expression-less again as the referee begins counting out Stunt. Stunt finally rolls back into the ring at the count of nine.
Stunt gets in the ring and flips over Lee and blasts him with a kick before walking right into a crazy turning sidewalk-slam from “The Exalted One.” Mr. Brodie Lee follows that up with a sit-out power bomb for the 1-2-3.
Winner: “The Exalted One” Mr. Brodie Lee
The AEW World Champion Returns LIVE Next Week
Jon Moxley is shown walking through the streets with graffiti filled walls talking about how crazy it is that eight weeks ago he was in a sea of AEW fans celebrating his AEW World Championship victory.
He then calls Jake Hager a “b*tch” when referencing his title defense over The Inner Circle member in his last AEW World Heavyweight Championship bout.
He thanks god for his wife, Renee Young, for being able to put up with being stuck in a house with him for so long. He then announces that at next week’s live AEW Dynamite, he will make his return in person.
He asks if everyone is paying attention and says, “don’t forget to call your grand mother!” We head to a commercial break after the Moxley segment.
On Tap For Next Week’s AEW Dynamite
As we return from the commercial break, the announce team of Chris Jericho and Tony Schiavone run down some of the action on tap for next week’s live episode of AEW Dynamite.
It is announced that MJF will make his live return, Jon Moxley will go one-on-one against SCU’s Frankie Kazarian and Chris Jericho will join forces with fellow Inner Circle member Sammy Guevara as “The Sex Gods” take on “the dip-sh*ts from The Elite,” according to “Le Champion” on commentary — the team of Kenny Omega and Matt Hardy in an “Anything Goes Street Fight.”
TNT Championship Tournament Semi-Finals
Dustin Rhodes vs. Lance Archer
Now it is time for our second and last TNT Championship Tournament Semi-Final match, as Dustin Rhodes and “The Murderhawk Monster” Lance Archer each make their respective ring entrances for this final semi-final bout in the ongoing tourney to crown the inaugural TNT Champion in All Elite Wrestling.
The bell sounds and here we go. After Archer takes out someone on his way to the ring during his entrance, he knocks down his second body of the evening, blasting Dustin Rhodes, who has Brandi Rhodes in his corner by the way, with a big shot that knocks him out to the floor for a momentary breather.
Archer cuts off Dustin’s drop-down punch attempt, blasting the wrestling veteran with a big shot. Dustin then fights back and hops off the apron, taking Archer off his feet on his way down outside the ring. Dustin stares down Archer from inside the ring as “The Murderhawk Monster” angrily paces back-and-forth.
He re-enters the ring and nails Dustin with a pounce shoulder-block that launches him out of the ring, nearly taking out referee Aubrey Edwards in the process. Brandi Rhodes backs up as Archer heads over to Dustin to deliver further punishment. He reaches under the ring and pulls out a steel chair. He whacks it into the ring post, which allows Dustin to take notice, givnig him time to avoid the chair shot that was coming moments later.
Regardless, Archer ends up blasting Dustin in the forehead with a massive steel chair shot as Edwards was distracted. Now we see a close-up of Dustin on the floor as blood begins to free-flow from his forehead. The camera closes in on him again as Archer throws him back into the ring. We see Dustin’s entire face is now a dark red bloody crimson mask. On that note, we head to a mid-match commercial.
The bloody ass-kicking that Dustin Rhodes is suffering at the hands of “The Murderhawk Monster” continues through another segment, as we head back to another mid-match commercial break with Dustin still on the wrong end of a one-sided blood-filled beat down.
We’re back from the break and after Archer enjoys some more time in the offensive driver’s seat, Dustin starts to finally fight back. The Natural hits a Code Red and a Cross-Rhodes on Archer, but only gets a one-count when he attempts to pin him.
Archer starts taking over again, dominating the older veteran with vicious offense. He goes for his finisher off the top in the corner, but Dustin escapes. Archer ends up chokeslamming him for his efforts. He blasts him with a big boot when he gets back to his feet.
Now as Archer dominates the action some more and the blood continues to flow from the head of the legend, QT Marshall and Cody come down to ringside with a towel. Instead, the bout continues and Archer immediately takes Dustin out for the win. He stares down Cody with an evil look as Cody kneels over his beaten down brother while the scary monster looks down at him in a very Rocky Balboa-Ivan Drago post Drago-Apollo Creed-like moment from Rocky 4.
Winner and ADVANCING to the TNT Championship Tournament Finals: “The Murderhawk Monster” Lance Archer
That will do it for this week’s show. Make sure to join us here again next week — same bat time, same bat channel, for the best AEW Dynamite results coverage. For additional AEW and WWE news and rumors, follow me on Twitter @MattBoone1984.