- Double Jeopardy: Claudio Castagnoli vs. Rey Fenix
- Anna Jay vs. Julia Hart
- AEW World Trios Championship: House of Black (c) vs. Best Friends & Bandido
- AEW International Championship: Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Daniel Garcia
- Steel Cage Match: Kenny Omega vs. Jon Moxley
Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!
AEW Dynamite 5/10/23
Live from the Little Caesar’s Arena in Detroit, Michigan! Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, and Taz are on commentary and the wrestlers are already in the ring!
Match #1. Double Jeopardy: Claudio Castagnoli (c) vs. Rey Fenix
Fenix wins and he gets a shot at Claudio’s ROH title, and if Claudio wins, he and a partner of his choosing get a shot at the Lucha Bros tag team titles. Handspring by Fenix but Claudio catches him and Fenix backflips out. Double jump hurricanrana by Fenix sends Claudio to the outside and Fenix follows with a pair of suicide dives and the crowd is on fire! A third dive but Claudio catches him in a military press and drops him on the steel guard rail! Fenix runs the barricade and hits another hurricanrana! Back in the ring and Claudio catches a charging Fenix with a huge Death Valley Driver for a two count. Danielson and Yuta are shown watching the fight from the backstage area. Claudio has Fenix on hit shoulders and climbs to the middle rope with him, but Fenix fights off and comes off the top with a twisting hurricanrana for a two count. Claudio back in control with a military press on the outside before chucking Fenix to the third row. Fenix makes it back in before the count as Claudio grounds him with a body scissors. Fenix up but runs into a big clothesline and Claudio gets another two. Fenix goes up top after a moment but Claudio catches him with a shot to the stomach and a gutwrench suplex off the middle rope. Two count. Both men exchange chops until Claudio cuts Fenix off with a European uppercut. Claudio ducks a rebound hook kick and eats a superkick instead. Rolling Thunder Cutter by Fenix! Two count. Claudio rolls to the outside and Fenix comes off the top with a moonsault to the floor. Running Code Red by Fenix inside the ring gets a long two count. Superkick to the teeth lands HARD by Fenix and that’s another two count! Firemans carry by Fenix is blocked and Castagnoli with a deadtlift inverted Olympic Slam! Ricola Bomb finishes this one.
Winner: Claudio Castagnoli
Rating: ****. YES. More Claudio. More Fenix. More opening matches like that. 15-minutes of awesomeness between two of the best right now. Fenix is an absolute start but there’s nobody more consistent than Claudio, who now will pick a tag team partner for a shot at the Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship.
Miro is back and he’s stopped by Renee… who he walks right by and right into Tony Khan’s office!
A recap of the rivalry between Kenny Omega and Jon Moxley is shown.
FTR have joined us and ask Mark Briscoe to come to the ring. Jay Lethal and crew come to the ring instead, and Sonjay Dutt challenges FTR for the titles. Dax said he’ll accept the challenge for Double or Nothing if they admit to using Mark Briscoe.
Mark Briscoe is here! Mark tells everyone to simmer down, and everyone has to relax. FTR vs. Jay Lethal and Jeff Jarrett at Double or Nothing… and Mark Briscoe is going to be the special guest referee. Mark Briscoe has plastic cups for everyone and would like to everyone to toast with some Tequila. Sonjay spit the tequila in Dax’s eyes and a brawl ensues! Dax winds up accidentally piledriving Mark Briscoe.
Renee is with Chris Jericho and wants to know why Jericho is so happy that Adam Cole created an unsafe working environment in AEW. Jericho has legal papers drawn up that said if Jericho is in the arena, Cole is legally not allowed in the venue. Roderick Strong is here! Strong says that while Cole may be banned, he isn’t, so he challenges him to a Falls Count Anywhere match. Jericho accepts, but Roderick has the JAS banned from the arena too.
Renee is waiting for Miro to come out of Tony’s office… but here’s Thunder Rosa instead! What’s happening!
Back from break and Tony Khan lets us know he’s got a lot of talent wanting to be on TV… so he’ll have a big announcement next week.
Match #2. AEW International Championship: Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Daniel Garcia
Both men trade arm locks as Garcia goes for a drop down and Cassidy gently walks over him. POCKET HANDS. Shotgun dropkick and a kip up. Cassidy tries to run Garcia’s head into the turnbuckle but Garcia goes right for the hand and drops Cassidy on the top rope. Cassidy back up and hits a suicide dive but lands awkwardly on his knee. Garcia back in control with a back suplex on the apron and a hip toss into the turnbuckle. Garcia keeps Cassidy grounded throughout the break, taking advantage of all the injuries Cassidy has accumulated throughout his 20 straight title defenses of the International Title. Cassidy goes up top and Garcia follows. Garcia hits a superplex from the top rope and rolls through looking for a brainbuster, but Cassidy gets a little bit of the Stundog Millionaire. Cassidy trying to fight back but Garcia attacks the knee and the hands. Dropkick to the knee by Garcia and Cassidy can’t get back to his feet. Garcia now taunts Cassidy with some Orange kicks of his own. Jumping piledriver by Garcia gets a long two count. Garcia looks for the DragonTamer but Cassidy rolls him up for two. Cassidy hits the Beach Break but can’t hook the head with the bad hand. Garcia locks in the DragonTamer! Cassidy is almost out but Cassidy transitions into a triangle choke and now a crossface! Garcia stars stomping on the hands! Cradle by Cassidy, reverses by Garcia, reversed by Cassidy gets the three!
Winner and STILL AEW International Champion: Orange Cassidy
Rating: ***1/2. Heck of a match and I really expected we would be seeing that title change tonight. Cassidy’s body is breaking down over the winning streak and someone will take advantage of it eventually, but until then, he continues to deliver.
Tony Schiavone is here with Christian Cage and Luchasaurus. Tony wants to know how Christian gave himself a title. Christian says he’s got stroke because of his career. Christian says that unlike his previous opponent, this one has a father, but nobody cares about Wardlow’s father so let’s move on. Arn Anderson was looking for a new son, anyway. WOW. Christian then runs down Brock Anderson… and frankly, I don’t think Christian was referencing Arn’s recently deceased son, Barrett.
Christian calls Arn a lapdog for Ric and “the other guy” in the team with Tully Blanchard. The entire arena is chanting “Edge is Better” as Christian gets flustered and tells Detroit to kiss his ass.
Match #3. No Holds Barred: Julia Hart vs. Anna Jay
Jay attacks Hart during her entrance with a chair to the back and here we go. Jay throws Hart into the guard rail a bunch before grabbing a kendo stick from under the ring and going to work. Hart bounces Jay’s head off the announcer’s table a few times and then chokes her with the kendo stick. Both women make their way back into the ring during the break and exchange open hand slaps in the center of the ring. Spinning back kick by Jay floors Hart and allows Jay to set up a chair in the corner. Hart reverses and sends Jay head-first into the chair in the corner. Hart now goes under the ring and gets about six chairs and lays them out on the floor. Hart looks for a suplex but Jay counters with the Noshigami on the stack of chairs! Jay now with a trash can laying in to Hart. Jay puts the trash can on Hart and hits a spinning back kick into the corner. Jay goes up top and Anna follows her, hitting a superplex off the top. The pile of chairs was in the ring and they just missed them, but Hart locks in the Hartless and Jay is forced to tap!
Winner: Anna Jay
Rating: **1/4. Both women worked hard and brutalized each other, but the match was kind of all over the place.
Let’s not forget, this is an Open House Rules match. Best Friends decide their chosen rule is that all witches are banned from ringside. 20-count outside of the ring and no disqualification, as well.
Match #4. AEW World Trios Championship: House of Black (c) vs. Best Amigos
Darker lighting treatment for this match and it’s a nice touch. Snap mare by Black but Bandido flips out. Kitchen sink by Black. Inside leg kick and a rising knee by Black, before locking in a straight ankle lock. Bandido crawls under the bottom rope as Trent gets the tag and they hit a triple team facebuster. Blind tag to King and a huge running senton to Trent. Outside the ring the House of Black take control, big cannonball into Bandido into the guard rail by King. Matthews works over Chuck in the corner outside. King and Trent are legal now, as King unloads some big chops and boots in the corner. Diving dropkick off the top by Trent but Matthews makes the tag AND eats a big tornado DDT. Superkick by Trent gets two. Matthews misses a curb stomp but gets caught with a double stomp by Trent. Bandido with a tag and a tornillo from the top. Crucifix Bomber to King! King and Black roll to the outside and Bandido with a big dive takes both men out. Springboard by Bandido but Matthews with an anti-air knee to the face. Chuck gets the tag and it’s a ripcord Soul Food to Matthews. King gets the blind tag and Black is in with a spinning back kick to the face right in to Dante’s Inferno.
Winners and STILL AEW Trios Champions: House of Black
Rating: ***. I don’t know if the House of Black necessarily need the gimmicks in their title defenses, but it is a cool touch both aesthetically, and each match can seemingly have different parameters. Nice win here for the champs.
In the back, Orange Cassidy is laid out thanks to Kyle Fletcher .
Match #5. Steel Cage Match: Jon Moxley vs. Kenny Omega
Omega attacks Moxley on the ramp and we’re starting early! Both men fight to the crowd where the rest of the BCC are here and jump Omega. The Young Bucks quickly make the save and brawl with Yuta and Claudio. Danielson is on commentary and Nick makes his way over, as Danielson tells him to focus on the other guys. Nick does and dives off the ramp with a cross body. Omega is inside the ring and calls Moxley in and here.. we… go! Both men exchange strikes in the center of the cage as the bell finally rings. Running boot to the face by Omega and YOU.. CAN’T… ESCAPE! Quick two count. Omega reaches under the ring and picks up a steel chair WRAPPED IN BARBED WIRE. Moxley takes one chair shot to the face and one to the back, as Omega grinds the chair in with his feet and hits a double stomp! The camera catches the blood forming on Moxley’s back in real-time. Sick. Moxley is BUSTED OPEN. High kick by Omega who looks for a springboard from the apron but Moxley throws Omega into the cage. Chair shots by Moxley to the back of Omega, but Omega counters with a dropkick to the knee. Kitaro Krusher by Omega to Moxley on the chair, followed by a body slam. Omega runs up top but Moxley catches him and superplexes him off the top on to the chair! Moxley deconstructs the turnbuckles and fish hooks Omega with it! “You Sick F!” – the fans. Moxley now chokes Omega out with the ropes. Regal Knee by Moxley! Moxley goes under the ring and finds a goodie bag full of… broken glass! Brainbuster onto the knee of Omega and a V-Trigger! One Winged Angel by Omega but Moxley slithers out the back and locks in the rear naked choke OVER the broken glass. Omega walks on top of it and JUMPS BACKWARDS as Moxley gets driven back-first into the glass! Moxley Undertaker’s up and locks in the choke again but Omega gets a two count. Gotch style piledriver attempt by Moxley but Omega escapes… V-Trigger! Both men are down but slowly get to their feet and exchange open hand strikes .V-Trigger by Omega but Moxley is up… one more! Snap dragon on to the glass! Moxley is up but he’s resting against the cage… V-Trigger THROUGH the cage! Omega’s knee got trapped under the ring and as the doctors went to check, Moxley rolled him in the ring. Moxley grabs a screwdriver but Don Callis makes the save! Ripcord V-Trigger by Moxley and the One Winged Angel! One, two, DON CALLIS STABS OMEGA IN THE HEAD WITH THE SCREWDRIVER! Moxley rolls over for the one… two… three!
Winner: Jon Moxley
Rating: ***3/4. Just brutality from start to finish here. Moxley and Omega have never disappointed and this was no exception. Surely this would have been better as a PPV main event without the time constraints, but this delivered on all fronts.
After the match, Callis picks up Omega and whispers something to him, before leaving the ring by himself.
Final Thoughts: Heck of a show tonight. Dynamite delivered on all fronts, never took its foot off the gas, but also let the segments breathe. Claudio and Fenix started the show on a high note and never let up. Main event was great with a huge swerve at the end, leaving the audience wanting more next week, which is what you look for in an episodic show. Nice to see Miro and Thunder Rosa pop up as well, as I’m sure we all know what’s Tony’s announcement will be next week, but let’s stay tuned, just in case… 8.5/10.