- AEW International Championship: Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Kyle Fletcher
- Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship: Lucha Brothers (c) vs. Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta
- AEW World Trios Championship Open House: House of Black (c) vs. Metalik, Blake Christian, & AR Fox
- Danny Garcia vs. Roderick Strong
- Taya Valkyrie vs. Lady Frost
Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!
AEW Dynamite 5/24/23
Live from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada! Taz, Tony Schiavone, and Excalibur are on the call tonight. VEGAS BABY, VEGAS!
Match #1. AEW International Championship: Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Kyle Fletcher
Cassidy is sporting a bandage on his hand and one on his back, as per the guy has wrestled darn near every week for the last four months. Running boot in the corner and a sheer drop brainbuster by Fletcher! Two count. Running boot sends Cassidy to the floor and Fletcher follows up with a suicide dive. Back in the ring quickly as Fletcher follows up with a lariat that gets two. Cassidy rolls out and Fletcher goes up top, but Cassidy throws Fletcher off and he lands HARD on the apron. Diving DDT on the apron by Cassidy, who follows up with a Beach Break on the floor! Cassidy rolls inside and waits for the countout, but Fletcher gets back in just in time. Orange Punch misses but it’s pocket hands now. Dropkick by Cassidy but Fletcher drills him with a superkick. Delayed vertical suplex, like, thirty seconds long here, by Fletcher, for a two count. Cassidy rolls outside yet again, this time inviting Fletcher to follow. Fletcher does and Cassidy rolls back inside the ring. This goes on the entire time we’re in PIP. Half-and-half suplex by Fletcher, who looks for another brainbuster but it’s Stundog Millionaire by Cassidy and a satellite DDT for another two count. Deadlift superplex attempt by Fletcher from the outside in, but Cassidy shoves him off the top and comes off with a diving cross body but gets caught in mid-air! Spinning Michinoku Driver by Fletcher! One, two, no! Powerbomb by Fletcher is countered but Fletcher hits a brutal elbow that drops Cassidy. Hard elbows in the corner and a running boot. Brainbuster by Fletcher is countered as Cassidy hits one of his own! Orange strikes by Cassidy and Fletcher charges but eats a superkick. Michinoku Driver by Cassidy! Tombstone by Fletcher, who holds on, and hits a second! One, two, no! Both men are on the top now and Fletcher is looking for an avalanche tombstone before transitions into an avalanche Michinoku Driver! 2.99! Grimstone attempt by Fletcher but Cassidy counters with another DDT. Orange Punch but no, superkick by Fletcher! Fletcher looks for the Grimstone one more time but Cassidy rolls through and grapevines the legs for the win!
Winner and STILL AEW International Champion: Orange Cassidy
Rating: ****1/4. I’m an unbelievably huge fan of Aussie Open, and Kyle Fletcher is continually proving himself as a singles wrestler. Tremendous match here with Cassidy showing the signs of his title run, physically.
Ricky Starks is in the back with Renee, and Starks says he’s done with getting jumped and he’s entering himself in the Blackjack Battle Royal this Sunday. That doesn’t last long, as Juice and Jay jump starks in the back with a chair and let Starks know that they aren’t done with him just yet.
FTR are here and they run down Jeff Jarrett, calling them carnies and saying they won’t lose the titles to some TNA rejects. Also, Jeff should make sure he has job security with the queen of the mountain, not his bitch wife Karen, he means Dixie Carter.
Enter Mark Briscoe.
Cash says he shouldn’t let Jeff and Jay make him look stupid. Mark wants to know what the piledriver was about and Dax said to shake his hand like a man. Mark slaps his hand away then slaps Dax in the face before a pull apart. Jarrett and company are on the apron as Mark shoves everyone out of the way one by one, before grabbing Lethal by the face and telling him he doesn’t give an s about any of his other goons, only him.
Sammy is in the back and says he won’t lay down for anyone, as Renee tells him that MJF said his offer still stands.
Match #2. AEW World Trios Title Open House Match: House of Black vs. Metalik, AR Fox, & Blake Christian
Dealer’s choice rule tonight is one man in the ring and tags aren’t necessary, in essence, lucha rules. Head scissors by Metalik sends Matthews to the floor as Black kicks him from behind. AR Fox with a dropkick to Black, who retreats to the floor as King splashes Fox in the corner. Christian and Black are in as Black delivers a leg kick and a leg sweep that sends Christian crashing to the mat. Christian back flips out of a German suplex as Metalik springboards into a knee strike. Matthews in now as Metalik walks the ropes and takes out Matthews and Black with a cross body. Stereo dives by Metalik and Christian leaves Fox and King in the ring. Pump kick by Fox. Two. Shotgun dropkick now sends King to the floor as Fox comes off the top with an imploding senton that takes out everyone. Fox misses a 450 in the ring and gets curb stomped by Matthews. Standing Texas Cloverleaf by Matthews as Fox gets to the ropes but there are NO rope breaks in the Open House Challenge match. Black hits a diving straight ankle lock on Metalik but Christian superkicks Matthews in the face. Matthews holds on and King grabs him, drags him over the apron, and chokes him in the air as all three men tap at once.
Winners and STILL AEW World Trios Champions: The House of Black
Rating: **3/4. It wasn’t long but it was action packed. Metalik, AR Fox, and Christian are a good trios team in ROH, but they’re not match for the HOB. Good win for the champs.
The Blackpool Combat Club are here. Danielson says after Claudio and Yuta win the ROH titles tonight, only one thing matters, and that’s the Anarchy in the Arena this weekend. Moxley says they’re “BEST IN THE WORLD” and his hand doesn’t shake when he says that, because it’s the truth.
MJF is here and throws Tony’s drink in his face before heading to the ring. MJF runs down all of his competitors but says all of his opponents have been here since day one, and all four of the men in the title match at Double or Nothing have given the fans not just the best matches, but the best moments, and they aren’t a part of AEW, they ARE AEW. MJF says he’s kind of bored around AEW and he’s sick of the place. Sick of the lack of competition, the lack of competency, and the fans not showing MJF the respect he deserves.
MJF reminds us that his contract is coming up soon, and it’s no coincidence he’s in a four-way match where he doesn’t have to get pinned to lose. MJF just may take his ball and go home, because it’s his ball, he earned it. MJF acknowledges the other guys are supremely talented, but none of them are on the level… of the devil.
Darby Allin is here. Darby says he moved from Seattle to Atlanta, and he used to live in his car, telling himself that he didn’t deserve to leave that car until he made it as a pro wrestler. AEW has afforded Darby Allin a lot of things, skating with Tony Hawk, jumping his house in a car with Travis Pastrana, and climbing Mt. Everest next year. Darby isn’t’ a moldable puppet, but he is taking MJF’s title on Sunday and he might just do it with a headlock takeover.
MJF goes low on Darby!
Sammy Guevara is here to make the save as MJF bails, but Jungle Boy’s music hits and he lays out MJF with a clothesline. Jungle Boy holds the belt up as we head out.
Match #3. Taya Valkyrie vs. Lady Frost
Mat return by Taya and hair whip. Tieres by Frost and an arm drag by Taya. Running back elbow by Taya and a sliding lariat gets two. Clothesline in the corner and a hard shop by Taya. Taya misses a charge and a step-up high kick in the corner before a handspring but Taya counters with a big clothesline. Jade and Smart Mark Sterling make their way to the ramp to take the match in. Double knees to Frost, who’s seated on the bottom rope. Both women on the outside now as Taya lays in the chops. Back inside the ring Taya runs into a boot in the corner and Frost comes back with a handspring cannonball in the corner. Frost goes up top and hits a spinning tornillo but Taya rebounds quickly with a spear. Stomp to the head of Frost but Jade catches Taya’s attention and Frost looks for a headscissors which gets countered into a back breaker. Knee to the face and the Road to Valhalla finish this one.
Winner: Taya Valkyrie
Rating: *3/4. I wasn’t feeling this one at all and I’m a big fan of both these two women. Seemed like there were some things that were off here, but I do have high hopes for the TBS title match on Sunday.
Tony Khan is here and announces that the first episode of AEW Collision will take place in…
The United Center in Chicago, Illinois on Saturday, June 16th!
*cue CM Punk chants*
Adam Page is here with Alex Marvez. Marvez wants to know what the status of the friendship is between he and the rest of The Elite. Page said he realized they were more than that, they were family. The price that the BCC ran up was too high, and this Sunday, the BCC pays in blood.
Tony Schiavone is here for the contract signing between Adam Cole and Chris Jericho. There has been an agreement between the two men for no physicality, by the way. Adam Cole is here with Roderick Strong, as Jericho is here with the entire JAS. Cole wonders why Jericho orchestrated the attack he did, maybe it’s because he’s a scumbag, maybe it’s because he thinks he’s invincible. Cole will prove he’s not invincible this weekend, when he breaks Jericho’s legs, hands, and teeth.
Jericho is going to remind Jericho how the attack on Baker happened, as he plays the replay on the big screen. Cole is seething as the table, and Jericho wants to know what kind of a man would allow the love of his life to get the crap kicked out of her just inches away from him. Jericho says Cole is a coward. Jericho says Cole can’t beat the Ocho. There are five of the JAS, and only two of them.
Cole says he made a call to someone who he idolized growing up, that lives in Vegas. The suicidal, homicidal, genocidal… SABU.
Sabu hits the ring and throws a chair in the face of Menard.
I.. uh. I’ve got.. I’ve got nothing here.
Match #4. Daniel Garcia vs. Roderick Strong
Headlock by Strong, forcing Garcia to fight off the ground. Strong hits a step-up knee on a charging Garcia and a back breaker before getting a two count. The fight spills to the outside now as Garcia connects with a drop toe hold that sends Strong face-first into the steel steps. Garcia runs Strong head-first into the top turnbuckle and puts the boots to him on the apron. Garcia putting the boots to Strong’s knees here. Leg-lacked arm trapped curb stomp by Garcia. Strong reverses a suplex into a gordbuster before connecting with a pair of clotheslines and a dropkick with his crappy little boots. Running knee by Strong and a back suplex into a face buster for two. Leg capture back breaker by Strong gets another two count. Strong sets Garcia up on the top rope but Garcia fights him off and rolls him up for a two count. Uranage by Garcia gets a two count. Garcia goes at the eyes and hits a beautiful scissor takedown into the DragonTamer. Strong gets to the bottom rope quickly. Double kne gut buster by Strong and the End of Heartache finishes this one.
Winner: Roderick Strong
Rating: ***1/4. These are the types of matches that Roderick Strong excels at, and he’ll have plenty of opportunity in AEW. Fun match here as Garcia is just so good himself.
Match #5. Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship: The Lucha Bros vs. Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta
Sorry but I’ve got 12 matches on tap for ROH tomorrow night and they couldn’t have put this on there?! Stereo dives by the Lucha Bros. Triple jump springboard by Fenix takes out the BCC as back in the ring Penta connects with the Fear Factor to Yuta out of nowhere! Two count. Claudio breaks up another Fear Factor/double stomp attempt but Fenix walks the ropes and punts Claudio in the face. Superkick to Yuta by Penta on the outside as Claudio catches Fenix with an anti-air European uppercut back inside the ring. Yuta and Fenix are legal as Yuta grapevines the leg and bridges into a pin for a two count. Quick tags by the BCC as Fenix is isolated in their corner. Wishbone by Yuta and Claudio right into a kravat. Big boot by Yuta to Penta sends him flying from the apron, but Fenix back body drops Yuta and Fenix has no one to tag. Claudio in now with a giant swing as Yuta dropkicks Fenix in the middle of it. Ricola Bomb attempt by Claudio but Fenix flips out and makes the tag to Penta. Superkick to Yuta and a hurricanrana to Claudio. Powerbomb on the knees to Yuta gets a two count. Penta traps the arm and wants to snap the shoulder of Yuta but Claudio makes the save. Enziguiri by Penta to Claudio and one for Yuta. Fenix in with a spinning back kick in the corner and a superman punch to Yuta. Double superkicks to Yuta. Fenix gets caught by Claudio in a military press but Penta kicks him and Claudio drops Fenix on top of Yuta. Canadian Destroyer to Claudio by Penta and a Rikishi Driver by Fenix to Yuta. Claudio drops Fenix with a vicious European elbow and follows with a Rocket Launcher! One, two, no! Claudio drills Fenix from the outside and Yuta gets superkicked. Double stomp Fear Factor by Lucha Bros as the Bucks come out from underneath the ring and prevent Claudio from making the save! One, two, three!
Winner and STILL Ring of Honor World Tag Team Champions: Lucha Bros
Rating: ***1/2. Man, I would have loved to see this match have about ten more minutes but what they did with what they had was awesome. I’m still not quite sure AEW knows how to handle the ROH/AEW relationship.
Moxley grabs the mic and tells the Bucks to talk to the fans while they still have teeth, because on Sunday, they will get plastered on the pavement. If you’re squeamish, then buckle your seatbelt, because you haven’t seen anything yet.
Final Thoughts: This felt like an important episode of Dynamite, and it was. There are a ton of matches on the PPV this weekend, and AEW tried their hardest to touch on every single one of them. Clearly the Anarchy in the Arena is going to be the de-facto main event, but Darby Allin has done a heck of a job getting me invested in the title match… even though I think MJF has a 0% chance of losing. Check out Orange Cassidy and Kyle Fletcher! 7.5/10.