It’s Friday night, and this week, you know what that means …
All Elite Wrestling returns at Daily’s Place amphitheater in Jacksonville, Florida with the latest edition of their weekly AEW on TNT television program.
On tap for tonight’s Double Or Nothing 2021 pay-per-view “go-home” episode of Dynamite on TNT is a stacked lineup, including a Celebration of The Inner Circle’s greatest moments hosted by Eric Bischoff, the weigh-ins for Cody Rhodes vs. Anthony Ogogo at Sunday’s PPV hosted by Paul Wight, a celebration of the one-year anniversary of Hikaru Shida’s AEW Women’s Championship reign and a response from Orange Cassidy to Kenny Omega’s offer.
Additionally, Jade Cargill will issue an open challenge, “Hangman” Adam Page goes one-on-one against “The Bad Boy” Joey Janela, Darby Allin takes on Cezar Bononi, Miro defends his TNT Championship against Dante Martin and Ethan Page & Scorpio Sky take on Evil Uno & Stu Grayson of The Dark Order in featured tag-team action.
Featured below are complete AEW Dynamite results from Friday, May 28, 2021 at Daily’s Place amphitheater in Jacksonville, Florida.
The “go-home” show for this Sunday’s Double Or Nothing pay-per-view kicks off with the usual video opening sequence that starts the program every week.
From there, we shoot inside Daily’s Place amphitheater in Jacksonville, Florida, where Jim Ross does a modified version of his “you know what that means” catchphrase, with Friday obviously replacing Wednesday in the opening line.
Darby Allin (w/ Sting) vs. Cezar Bononi (w/ Ryan Nemeth)
After that, we immediately head down to the squared circle where we hear “The Dapper Yapper” Justin Roberts formally introduce former TNT Champion Darby Allin. Allin makes his way down to the ring accompanied by “The Icon” Sting for this week’s opening match.
With Allin now settled in the ring and “The Icon” at ringside, and his opponent — Cezar Bononi (with Ryan Nemeth at ringside in his corner) — already waiting for him, the bell sounds and we’re off-and-running with our first bout of the evening.
Allin jumps off to an early offensive lead, using his speed and quickness to get in the first handful of shots and attacks on his much larger opposition. Bononi then takes over and uses his strength advantage to dominate the action for a minute or two before Allin makes a comeback, capped off by his Coffin Drop off the top-rope for the pin fall victory in what was a quick opening contest.
Winner: Darby Allin
After The Match: Darby Allin & Sting Attacked Ahead Of DoN
Once the match wraps up, Allin jumps on the microphone as his theme music cuts off. He essentially calls out “All Ego” Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky, noting he and Sting aren’t going to wait to get attacked from behind once again before their big showdown at this Sunday night’s PPV.
This brings out Sky and Page, who cut a quick response promo before we see “The Icon” and the former TNT Champion attacked from behind by the opponents earlier in the opening match, as well as others, until finally Page and Sky join in on the beatdown.
We see a steel chair brought into the mix as they look to take out Allin’s leg with vicious intentions until several members of The Dark Order hit the ring to make the save, chasing off Page, Sky and the rest of the heels who were involved in the Darby Allin and Sting post-match ambush.
Weigh-Ins For DoN Hosted By Paul Wight
The commentators run down the advertised lineup for tonight’s show and then send things back down to the ring, where “The Dapper Yapper” Justin Roberts is back on the house mic to bring out Paul Wight.
Former WWE Superstar known as Big Show and one of the voices of the weekly AEW Dark: Elevation digital series, Paul Wight, makes his way down to the squared circle for the scheduled weigh-ins for the Cody Rhodes vs. Anthony Ogogo match at this Sunday night’s AEW Double Or Nothing pay-per-view.
As Wight settles into the ring and plays to the fans inside Daily’s Place amphitheater in Jacksonville, FL. as the commentators take us to a commercial break before this segment officially gets underway.
When we return from the break, we see Wight still in the ring playing to the crowd when he himself formally introduces the first of the two men who will be weighing in for their match at Sunday’s AEW PPV show — Anthony Ogogo.
The former Olympic medalist in boxing makes his way out accompanied by the rest of The Factory, as QT Marshall cuts a promo on his way to the ring. Wight ends up cutting Marshall off and telling him the fans didn’t come out tonight to watch him speak. He then tells Ogogo to quit eye-balling him or it might be his last time.
Now Wight brings out who he refers to as the new “American Dream” — Cody Rhodes. The leader of The Nightmare Family makes his way out accompanied by “The Enforcer” Arn Anderson and the rest of The Nightmare Family / The Nightmare Factory students.
Wight now formally begins the proceedings, joking that he has no idea why he was selected to host this weigh-in and then noting that Cody is scheduled to tip the scales first. Wight jokes about things heating up inside Daily’s Place as “The New American Dream” strips down and steps on the scale. Wight jokes that Cody is definitely north of 200 pounds, and then asks the guys in the ring to help him out and stop moving around so much. He announces Cody’s official weight as 218 pounds.
Finally, the official weight is announced and then Wight tells Ogogo that it is his turn to get on the scale. The Factory member strips down and hops on the scale, weighing in at 219 pounds. Wight says that’s our official weigh-in, however before he can wrap things up, QT Marshall hops back on the mic. and points out that Ogogo has already scored the first victory over Cody, bringing up that he weighed in one pound more than “The New American Dream.” Ogogo then poses on the top-rope as J.R. reacts in disgust on commentary at the notion from Marshall that weighing one more pound than your opponent means anything.
Cody then hops on the top-rope and plays to the fans, obviously getting a much better reaction from the fans in attendance in the process. Marshall then tells Ogogo to pose on the top-rope for the fans on another side of the building. They obviously boo again. Marshall and Ogogo head out of the ring with the rest of The Factory. Cody then jumps on the mic and thanks Paul Wight for coming out and telling the fans to get ready for their match this Sunday night at AEW Double Or Nothing on pay-per-view. His music plays again and he throws his warm-up suit to the crowd to end the segment.
Special Look At Stadium Stampede 2 Between Inner Circle & The Pinnacle At DoN
The commentators transition and send us to a video package for the Stadium Stampede 2 showdown scheduled between The Inner Circle and The Pinnacle at the aforementioned Double Or Nothing PPV going down this Sunday night in Jacksonville, FL.
We see an elaborate video package with members of both factions talking about what went down in their first faction versus faction battle at the special first-ever AEW Blood & Guts WarGames-style showdown on Dynamite earlier this month, and then highlights are shown of the first Stadium Stampede match.
Finally, the package wraps up with some highlights of recent promos building to Stadium Stampede 2 from both factions on recent episodes of Dynamite. The official match graphic for the big battle at this Sunday’s PPV flashes across the screen to end the promotional segment.
Christian Cage & Powerhouse Hobbs Brawl Backstage At Daily’s Place
While the commentators are wrapping up the Stadium Stampede 2 vignette and promoting the big match at Double Or Nothing, they start talking about something going on backstage at Daily’s Place right now.
Cameras catch up with the action, in progress, which shows Christian Cage and Team Taz member Powerhouse Hobbs engaging in a violent brawl behind-the-scenes.
We follow the brawl for a few moments and then head back inside the building where coincidentally enough, Taz himself has joined the gang on commentary for the next match of the evening here on Friday Night Dynamite.
“Hangman” Adam Page vs. “The Bad Boy” Joey Janela
Now as we head back down to ringside, Taz banters back-and-forth with J.R., Tony Schiavone and Excalibur as they react to what we just witnessed between Christian Cage and Powerhouse Hobbs backstage moments ago.
From there, the familiar sounds of “Hangman” Adam Page’s theme plays as he makes his way down to the ring. Out next is his opponent, “The Bad Boy” Joey Janela. Both men have made their way into the ring and this match is about to get underway.
The bell sounds and here we go with a rematch of the Chicago Street Fight from the ALL IN pay-per-view back in 2018, which Excalibur points out on commentary as these two get after it here in the early goings of our second match of the evening.
We see Janela get in some good offense at the jump, however it isn’t long before “Hangman” takes over control of the offensive driver’s seat, controlling the action, which has now found its’ way outside of the ring. With both guys on the floor at ringside, we see Page hit a big fall-away slam to Janela before rolling him back into the ring and continuing his attack.
Once the action resumes in the ring, we see Page deliver a few shots to Janela, who then yanks Page’s tights, sending him face-first into the middle turnbuckle in the corner of the ring. On that note, Excalibur talks us into a mid-match, picture-in-picture commercial break as Janela starts to shift the offensive momentum in his favor.
When we return from the break, we see Janela is still dominating the action, as he is taking it to Page. He heads to the top-rope after a couple of minutes in control, and he hits his trademark flying elbow smash for a close near fall attempt. The commentators point out that “Hangman’s” face is turning into a crimson mask as blood is now free-flowing from his forehead.
It isn’t much longer later, however, when “Hangman” turns things into his favor and culminates his comeback with his Buckshot Lariat finisher for the pin fall victory.
Winner: “Hangman” Adam Page
After The Match: “Hangman” Gets Into The Head Of “The Machine”
Once the match wraps up, “Hangman” Adam Page is yelled at by Taz from the commentary table, as the leader of Team Taz jumps on a house microphone to deliver a message to Page.
Page ends up cutting Taz off and telling him that he’s seen this routine plenty of times in the past to know what’s coming. “The Machine” Brian Cage makes his way to the ring as Page points out that he knows Hook, Ricky Starks and Powerhouse Hobbs likely aren’t far behind.
Before the expected numbers game advantage beatdown begins, Page gets on the mic and gets in Brian Cage’s face, telling “The Machine” he’s not surprised at Taz, but is surprised at him, noting he didn’t think he needed all of Team Taz’s help to kick his ass.
This leads to “The Machine” telling the Team Taz members to head backstage and leave him alone in the ring with Page. Instead, Page ups the ante, telling Cage he should be a real man and face him one-on-one, with no outside involvement from Team Taz or anyone else, in their showdown at Sunday’s Double Or Nothing PPV.
Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston Promo Segment Cuts Out Early …
The commentators send things to Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston, who are backstage. Unless it was just my cable provider, a backstage promo segment with Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston was cut off just as it was getting started — literally a second or two into their first words — as commercials began airing instead.
Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston Promo Segment — Take Two!
When we return from the break, we return to the start of the same promo segment, which shows Mox and Kingston in a backyard somewhere with a shovel. Mox talks about how he trusts Kingston with his life.
Mox brings up some past stories that explain how solid a bond he and Kingston have before switching gears and talking about how he needs the AEW World Tag-Team Championship belts. He tells Kingston he needs them. Kingston says he knows. Mox asks what The Young Bucks are gonna do when they bite down and get lock-jaw on those boys.
Kingston tells Mox to calm down. He says when they do that, it’s simple — The Young Bucks are gonna quit. Kingston talks about how he and Mox speak for the underdogs. He says The Young Bucks might just quit when it’s over, and maybe he’ll be the new EVP in AEW.
He says maybe Mox will, too. Mox says he’s not interested. Kingston closes out the promo by promising The Young Bucks that at Double Or Nothing this Sunday night — the pressure is coming. This ends the segment.
Update On AEW Title Match At Double Or Nothing
After the Mox and Kingston promo segment wraps up, we return inside Daily’s Place where J.R. and Excalibur send things down to the ring where Tony Schiavone is standing by.
Schiavone brings up the situation surrounding the confusion over the AEW Championship main event at this Sunday’s Double Or Nothing pay-per-view. He mentions that it’s time to get the response from Orange Cassidy to the offer made to him last week by Kenny Omega.
Instead of “The Freshly Squeezed” one coming out, however, out comes “The Bastard,” as PAC makes his way down to the ring and immediately tells Schiavone to take a walk.
PAC goes on to talk directly to the camera, delivering a message to the aforementioned Omega, noting that regardless of what happens with Cassidy, he is the one he needs to worry about at DoN this Sunday night.
This brings Don Callis on the big screen to react to the comments made by PAC just now. We essentially discover that Callis is doing nothing more than attempting to provide a distraction to allow Omega to sneak in the ring behind PAC and attack him.
Things didn’t turn out as planned for The Elite duo, as PAC notices “The Cleaner” hitting the ring behind him and turns and begins blasting him with an assortment of strikes. Out comes The Good Brothers — Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson and others, but then the familiar sounds of The Best Friends’ theme music plays.
Out comes Orange Cassidy and The Best Friends. The fans break out in a “Freshly Squeezed” chant as Cassidy settles into the ring and pulls out an envelope. It is the one containing the contract given to him by Omega and Callis last week as part of their special offer. Cassidy hands it to Omega, who opens it only to find that it has been torn in a trillion little pieces.
This leads to a brawl breaking out in the ring with each of the three competitors who will be vying for the AEW World Championship at this Sunday’s Double Or Nothing PPV — Omega, Cassidy and PAC. The segment ends with Cassidy standing tall as The Best Friends’ catchy-ass theme plays again and the “Freshly Squeezed” one picks up the AEW World Championship title belt and slowly raises it and looks at it as the fans explode with approval and we head to a commercial break.
Mark Sterling Threatens Matt Hardy With Restraining Order
We return from the break and we’re informed that the open challenge issued by Jade Cargill for tonight’s show has been accepted and that match will be up next, but first, they tell us about something that took place earlier today between her new manager and Matt Hardy.
This leads to an “earlier today” segment being shown, where Jade Cargill was taking part in a backstage interview when “Big Money” Matt Hardy approaches her and again tries to offer his services to her and secure her as the newest addition to his stable.
Instead, up walks Mark Sterling, who says he’s disappointed in Hardy as Cargill has already accepted his offer to join his team of talent and notes he only gets paid when Cargill wins and gets paid herself. He then threatens to slap a restraining order on Hardy if he doesn’t stop harrassing his client, noting it would be a shame because he’s a fan of Hardy’s, but makes it clear it won’t stop him.
Jade Cargill vs. KiLynn King
Now we head back down to the ring where “The Dapper Yapper” Justin Roberts introduces Jade Cargill. The most saught after talent in the AEW women’s division makes her way down to the ring for our next match of the evening, as her “open challenge” issued for tonight’s show has been accepted.
Cargill settles into the squared circle as her music fades down and the music of her opponent for this open challenge bout, KiLynn King, makes her way down and to the ring. The bell sounds and we’re officially off-and-running with this match in the AEW women’s division.
Jade Cargill is proving why she calls herself “that b*tch” as she quickly starts taking it to King, dominating the action from the opening bell. She continues to dominate her foe as we head to a mid-match, picture-in-picture commercial break as the action proceeds in the ring.
We’re back from the break and J.R., who is in the midst of losing his voice right now — that can’t be good news for his call at Double Or Nothing this Sunday, by the way — points out that King has been competitive with Cargill throughout the break. It doesn’t appear that way now, however, as Cargill quickly hits King with her Jaded finisher for the victory.
Winner: Jade Cargill
TNT Championship
Miro (C) vs. Dante Martin
After a quick backstage promo segment featuring Jake “The Snake” Roberts and “The Murderhawk Monster” Lance Archer, each who deliver a message to the TNT Champion Miro ahead of Double Or Nothing this Sunday night, we head back down to the ring for our next match of the evening.
Dante Martin is introduced by “The Dapper Yapper” Justin Roberts. Martin is accompanied by his brother and teammate from Top Flight, and he awaits the ring entrance of his opponent for this TNT Championship bout.
On that note, Roberts introduces the reigning and defending champion heading into the lone title bout scheduled for tonight’s show — “The Best Man” himself — Miro.
The bell sounds and the fans inside Daily’s Place immediately break out in a “Miro’s gonna kill you! Miro’s gonna kill you!” chant as “The Best Man” immediately jumps off to a dominant one-sided offensive lead in this title match, taking it to Dante with relative ease thus far.
We see Martin start to put together a bit of a comeback, including some high spots off the top-rope, however it isn’t long before Miro is back to dominating and pummeling his smaller opponent, finishing him off with his trademark submission hold for the win.
Winner and STILL TNT Champion: Miro
After The Match: Miro & Murderhawk Monster Melee
Once the match wraps up, we hear Jake “The Snake” Roberts come out and address the TNT Champion while he is still in the ring. Out comes “The Murderhawk Monster” Lance Archer.
Miro gets on a microphone in the ring and taunts Archer, which leads to the two big men breaking out in an all-out brawl in the ring and around the ringside area.
We hear the fans inside Daily’s Place explode with approval and the commentators hype their title match at Double Or Nothing this Sunday night as we head to another commercial break.
One-Year Anniversary Celebration For AEW Women’s Champion Hikaru Shida
We return from the break and things are sent down to the ring where Tony Schiavone is standing by. He introduces AEW Women’s Champion Hikaru Shida.
Shida makes her way down to the ring as Schiavone points out that tonight marks the one-year anniversary celebration of the title reign of the top dog in the AEW women’s division. He points out that this is the longest title reign of any kind in All Elite Wrestling history.
With Hikaru Shida now in the ring, she is presented with a brand new-and-improved AEW Women’s Championship title belt. She gets on the mic and talks about how there were no fans in attendance when she won the title, but mentions how tonight they are back.
She says this title is for all of these fans. As she tries to continue talking, we hear the familiar sounds of the entrance theme song of Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D.
The number one ranked contender in the AEW women’s division makes her way out to the top of the entrance stage. She mentions that when she told Jim Ross during their sit-down interview that she is the face of the women’s division in AEW, she misspoke.
She goes on to correct herself, claiming that she is the face of the whole new era in AEW. She says while a previous era was all about “3:16,” this era will be all about “D.M.D.” Her music hits again to end the segment, with the commentators promoting the Shida-Baker showdown for the title at Double Or Nothing this Sunday night.
“All Ego” Ethan Page & Scorpio Sky vs. Stu Grayson & Evil Uno
We head back down to the ring for our next match of the evening, which will be tag-team action. On that note, out comes the team of “All Ego” Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky, as well as Stu Grayson and Evil Uno from The Dark Order.
These two teams are squaring off in this next bout, as the bell sounds to officially get the match underway. We see the heel duo jump off to an early offensive lead, utilizing smart tag-team tactics such as quick tags to keep a fresh man in the ring on their weakened opposition at all times.
We head to a mid-match, picture-in-picture commercial break as the action continues in the ring. We see a big senton over the top-rope from Grayson to Page on the floor. Sky then sweeps Grayson’s legs out from under him and he lands hard on the apron. Sky hits a springboard cutter after tagging in.
Now The Dark Order duo start to fight back into competitive form, as they begin a big offensive comeback. We see teamwork from the two leading to a big belly-to-belly suplex from Grayson to Page, with “All Ego” landing on his opponent, Scorpio Sky, in the corner of the ring. That is followed up by a combo cannonball and a 450 splash for a super close near fall.
From there, things went bad for The Dark Order team, as Sky gouged the eyes of his opposition to turn the tables and shift the momentum in his team’s favor. This leads to Sky locking Grayson in a heel hook as Page, who is now the legal man in the ring, hits his Ego’s Edge on Uno for the victory.
Winners: “All Ego” Ethan Page & Scorpio Sky
After The Match: Darby Allin & 1,000 Stings Arrive On The Scene!
Once the match wraps up, we see Ethan Page get on the mic and talk until he is quickly interrupted by Darby Allin, who makes his way out of the entrance tunnel followed by Sting and a ton of other people in Sting masks.
The former TNT Champion and charismatic fan-favorite hits the ring and begins attacking Page, while Sky starts fighting through all the fake Sting’s.
He continues to fight through the faux Sting’s until the real Sting unmasks to reveal himself, sending Sky packing and running to the back. The commentators mention there will be nowhere to run at DoN this Sunday when these two teams meet.
The Inner Circle’s Greatest Moments Ends On A Very Sour Note Ahead Of Stadium Stampede
We hear the familiar sounds of “Judas in My Mind” by the great rock-and-roll band Fozzy as Chris Jericho leads The Inner Circle down to the ring for the advertised “Inner Circle’s Greatest Moments Celebration” featured segment of the evening here on the Double Or Nothing “go-home” edition of Friday Night Dynamite on TNT.
As the fan-favorite faction makes their way down to the ring, the fans inside Daily’s Place sing along with the lyrics of the theme song, continuing to sing when it cuts off without any music.
A special video package is now shown that includes several key moments from the storied history of The Inner Circle and all of its’ members — Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara, Jake Hager, Santana and Ortiz.
Finally, the members of the group begin speaking, with each man taking turns talking about some of their favorite Inner Circle moments and explaining how the faction has changed many of their careers for the better, thanks largely due to “Le Champion.”
The guys all tell each other they love each other and that if at Double Or Nothing, if it’s the last time they get to fight together as a unit as the Inner Circle, it has been a great ride. As noted, the stipulation at Stadium Stampede between The Inner Circle and The Pinnacle calls for The Inner Circle to break up for good if The Pinnacle once again emerges victorious as they did in the first-ever AEW Blood & Guts match.
Now we hear the members of The Pinnacle interrupting The Inner Circle, which leads to them being shown on the big screen holding Dean Malenko hostage. The wrestling legend is tied to the goal post in the same part of Daily’s Place where the first Stadium Stampede took place. MJF warns that if they don’t get their asses over there now, it will be the end of Malenko.
We discover that this was merely a setup on the part of MJF and The Pinnacle, as one-by-one the members of The Inner Circle are attacked by various members of their rival faction, which includes the aforementioned MJF, along with Wardlow, Shawn Spears, Tully Blanchard and FTR — Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler.
The vicious one-sided beatdown sees a double jumping piledriver spot through a pair of tables. The Pinnacle says their catchphrase to end Friday Night Dynamite as the commentators plug Double Or Nothing taking place on PPV this Sunday night, including the Inner Circle vs. The Pinnacle in Stadium Stampede 2.
Ahead of tonight’s Live #AEWDynamite at 10pm ET/9pm CT, and #AEWDoN on ppv Sunday, AEW Owner/President @TonyKhan, aka the Forbidden Door, addressed rumors of a relationship between @WWE & @njpwglobal, + what this means to @AEW! Watch Dynamite tonight LIVE coming up on @TNTdrama!
— All Elite Wrestling (@AEW) May 29, 2021