- Saraya vs. Mariah May
- Killswitch vs. Swerve Strickland
- IWGP World Heavyweight Championship Eliminator: Jon Moxley (c) vs. Rocky Romero
- AEW World Heavyweight Championship Forbidden Door Gauntlet Eliminator
Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!
AEW Dynamite 5/29/24
Live from the Kia Forum in Inglewood, California!
The CEO is here, and Mercedes tells us that money changes everything. Mone says she and Willow tore the house down, but damn girl, she’s just way too nice. Mone says that she saw Statlander and Stokely turning on Willow a mile away, but she hopes Willow comes back and kicks their ass. There’s a big target on Mone’s back and she’s four weeks away from Forbidden Door…
“Mercedesssss. Mercedesssss. Up here!” Sky Blue pops up on the tron and shows the attack on Mone from a few months back and says it was some of her best work, but she hasn’t seen anything yet. Blue hits the ring and attacks Mone from behind, hitting her with a TKO before kneeling on her throat and leaving her laying.
The Young Bucks will address the future of the TNT Championship later on tonight, as per Adam Copeland is injured and will not be able to defend it.
Match #1. Swerve Strickland w/ Prince Nana vs. Killswitch
Killswitch sends Swerve up and over the top to the floor. Swerve kicks the knee of Killswitch from the floor and follows up with a neckbreaker, before holding on to the head and dragging Killswitch to outside. Swerve gets caught pump kicking Killswitch from the apron and tosses him hard into the steel steps. Killswitch now bounces Swerve’s head off the guardrail and then throws him back in the ring, before superkicking him in the face. Killswitch is in control now as we go to commercial break. Jumping triangle choke by Swerve but Killswitch fights his way to the ropes. Swerve looks for a suplex and finally gets it. Pump kick by Killswitch and a big chokeslam. Two count. Killswitch grabs a chair and tries to crack Swerve in the face but Prince Nana grabs the chain and Swerve pump kicks him from the apron a few times. Swerve looks for the Swerve Stomp off the top but lands on his feet. Swerve stomps on the foot of Killswitch and Killswitch chokeslams. Killsiwtch charges but Swerve ducks and sends him reeling with a rebound German suplex. Housecall! Swerve heads up top for the Swerve Stomp and this time he lands it! One, two, no! Another Housecall by Swerve and that’ll do it.
Winner: Swerve Strickland
Rating: **3/4. Perfectly fine match here that Swerve should be winning. Killswitch held his own but didn’t get too much offense in, and that’s fine.
After the match, Swerve grabs a pair of scissors and cuts the hair of Killswitch, taking a trophy back.
Tony Schiavone has an announcement! Tony Khan has made a special announcement. Mercedes Mone will defend her title against Skye Blue… tonight!
Moxley says he’s not 100%, but he’s never 100%, and that doesn’t matter, so he’s going to take on Rocky tonight, then he’s going to Japan, then he’s going to do Bloodsport, then he’ll be at Forbidden Door… because that’s what champions do.
It’s TV Time with Chris Jericho and Big Bill. Even though the leaves come down in the fall, they always come back in the spring stronger and brighter than ever… according to Big Bill. Jericho thanks all the fans, Shibata, and Hook as well. By the way, if adversity is ice cream… always put a cherry on top. Jericho says a lot of people talk the talk, but very few walk the walk, except for this man.
Bryan Keith.
Keith is shocked more people haven’t jumped at the opportunity to join the learning tree. Keith says the people don’t respect Jericho, as the fans chant “s t f u.” Jericho says this isn’t a yelling moment, this is a teaching moment. More corny puns about trees but here’s Hook to take care of security on the way to the ring.
Samoa Joe is here, too. Joe says something to Hook and both he and Hook go to the back.
A video package of Moxley and Takeshita’s match from Sunday was shown.
Excalibur now throws us to a video of Stepahnie Vaquer, a NJPW and CMLL veteran who will be competing at Forbidden Door.
Match #2. IWGP World Heavyweight Championship Eliminator: Jon Moxley (c) vs. Rocky Romero
Rocky attacks early, sending Moxley to the floor and following up with a suicide dive. Moxley is heavily taped on his left arm and shoulder, by the way. Rocky fires in some kicks to the arm but Moxley comes back with a big X-Plex. Hard chops in the corner by Moxley but Rocky goes back to the injured arm. Arm breaker over the bottom rope by Rocky. Fight spills to the outside as Moxley clothesline Rocky over the guardrail. Both guys make their way to the ring and exchange chops, until Rocky thinks better of it and throws roundhouses to the injured shoulder. Hammerlock in the center of the ring by Rocky as we go to PIP. Moxley deadlifts Rocky and sets him up on the top turnbuckle, superplexing him to the mat with one arm. Stiff right hands and elbows by Moxley now, but Rocky fires back with him to the arm. Ace Crusher out of nowhere by Moxley! Moxley runs into a European uppercut and a big Tornado DDT by Rocky. Straight armbar by Rocky! Moxley fights out with boots to the face before transitioning into a Bulldog Choke. Moxley can’t use both arms and Rocky snaps the arm! Moxley gets set up on the top rope and Rocky comes off the top with a flying armbar. Moxley is in trouble but makes it to his feet before stomping the face of Rocky. Clothesline by Moxley. King Kong lariat by Moxley! Death Rider finishes this one.
Winner: Jon Moxley
Rating: ***. Good match, good win, good story.
Renee is with Hook and Joe in the back. Joe said tonight we learned our first lesson… we do not exist on anyone else’s time. Nice.
Don Callis is here and he has something better than gold.. a contract to be a part of the Don Callis Family.
Enter Orange Cassidy.
Callis filled the contract out, Cassidy just needs to sign it.
Cassidy rips the contract up in Callis’ face and throws it on the ground.
“Hey Don, no.”
Callis rips Cassidy around and says nobody talks to him that way.
Wait, here’s Stokely and Kris Statlander. There’s nothing about Cassidy that Stokely likes, and he’s AEW’s number one hater. Statlander says that as his best friend, he accepts the invitation.
Wait, Trent is in the ring. Trent blindsides Cassidy and beats on him, to the delight of Don Callis. Trent shoves Don Callis off, only to give the people what they want and a big hug!
Will Ospreay and Kyle O’Reilly will do battle on Collision.
Daniel Garcia and Matt Menard are with Renee. Garcia says he sometimes gets stuck in his own head, but he wants to pull himself up by his bootstraps and take on the International Champion, Will Ospreay.
Match #4. AEW TBS Mercedes Mone (c) vs. Skye Blue
Tieres by Mone and Blue is forced to retreat. Mone follows up with a diving Meteora off the apron to the outside. Blue catches Mone with a thrust kick to the side of the head and a draping neckbreaker through the middle rope. Blue is in control with a chinlock throughout the PIP. Blue misses a charge in the corner and Mone flips over the top with a sunset flip, but rolls through and connects with a sliding knee. Backstabber by Mone gets two. Mone goes up top but gets caught with Cheeky Nandos from Blue. Full Nelson by Blue but she sits out with a spinning facebuster Mone hits a knee to the face but Blue responds with a superkick. Blue looks for the Code Blue but Mone holds on… Mone Maker! One, two, three.
Winner and STILL AEW TBS Champion: Mercedes Mone
Rating: **3/4. This match didn’t get a lot of time but what we got was really good. Blue got in a lot of offense.
Stokely and Kris Statlander take the mic from Renee. Stokely remembers the day this all started, during the four-way match on Dynamite to crown the next TBS Champion. Statlander says she does something for herself for once, and she gets booed for it. Statlander has been cleaning up messes for a long time, and she’s more than a woman, and doing being the protector. Now everyone will need protection from her.
Here come The Young Bucks. Kazuchika Okada, too. Oh, here’s Jack Perry. The entire Elite are here, and they’ve all gotten separate entrances. “Shut up, beaches” says Okada. The Elite run this s, according to Jack Perry. Team AEW pulled out all the stops, even set Jack Perry on fire, but The Elite won. Jack Perry took his piece of The Dragon, pinning Danielson. The Bucks are having a great week, so they bought Okada a Lamborghini. The Bucks, and then fans, chant “you deserve it!” Matthew says on to business, and Adam Copeland was badly injured. That’s Matt’s fault, because Matt told him to break a leg.
Matt officially strips Adam Copeland of the TNT Championship and awards Jack Perry.
Here’s Christopher Daniels. Tony Khan has named Christopher Daniels the interim EVP! Daniels announces that the title will not be given to anyone, and this is where the best *wrestle*. Perry will get an opportunity in the next few weeks in qualifying matches, with the winners competing in a ladder match. The first match will take place on Friday on Rampage. The Bucks try to approach and attack Daniels, but here’s The Acclaimed!
Match #5. AEW Forbidden Door Heavyweight Championship Casino Eliminator Gauntlet
Remember, we have no idea who’s in this, nor do we know what the order is, and it’s sudden death so first pinfall or submission wins. Jay White is the first entrant. Pac is number two. Pac blasts White early and sends him to the outside, beating him along the outside. Corkscrew plancha by Pac before rolling White into the ring and coming off the top with a shotgun dropkick. Two count. Mistico is number three. Enziguiri to White and a hurricanrana. Handspring off the ropes and a double jump armdrag to Pac. Crossbody off the top by Mistico takes Pac and White out. White dumps Mistico and throws Pac into the guardrail upside down. Number four is Will Ospreay and the Kia Forum has come unglued! Armdrag to White and both guys trade strikes. White rolls to the outside but Pac rolls him back in to Ospreay. Handspring kick to White who dives to the outside. Pac with a roll up to Ospreay from behind. Mistico comes off the top with a double crossbody and a superkick to Pac. La Mistica to Ospreay, but number five is here and it’s Shota Umino! Umino levels Mistico with an elbow and sends him into White on the apron. Amazing sequence between Ospreay and Umino I can’t begin to cover but it ends with a dropkick to Ospreay. Apron DDT to Ospreay and a Tornado DDT back inside the ring! Jau White breaks it up at two. Number six is Claudio Castagnoli, who chases Jay White around the ring and attacks Pac and Mistico en route. Shota rolls Claudio up for a two. Pop-up European uppercut to Shota. White breaks up the pin and grounds and pounds Claudio. Big Swing to Jay White. Big Swing to Shota. Springboard by Pac but Claudio catches him and he gets the Big Swing too! The referee was almost a victim, but Claudio regained his composure. The fans are losing their minds for this one. Nuber seven is Lio Rush. Rush uses his quickness to evade Claudio and deliver an enziguiri. Rebound toe kick on the jaw to Umino. Double clothesline by Claudio. Number eight is Orange Cassidy. Cassidy is wearing black this time and his head is still bleeding. Satellite DDT is countered by Claudio into a vertical suplex, but Orange counters that into Stundog Millionaire! Satellite DDT and a kip up, but Cassidy stumbles and Ospreay is in the ring. White hits the ring and catches Ospreay with a sleeper suplex and a high-angle Uranage to Cassidy for two. Number nine is Hechicero. Running knee in the corner to White and a guillotine tieres to Claudio. Backflip back take and rear naked choke to Ospreay but he gives it up and cradles Cassidy for two. Springboard head scissors to Hechicero by Mistico. Double rotation tieres to Claudio sends him outside, and Mistico follows up with a springboard hurricanrana on the floor! Shota wants the Paradigm Shift but Cassidy drills him with the Orange Punch. Pac is in and gets rolled up for two. Superkick by Pac to Cassidy. White is in the ring but gets pump kicked in the corner. Pac wants the Black Arrow but Juice is here again and he dumps Pac. Sleeper suplex by Jay White to Cassidy. White is looking for the Bladerunner but OSPREAY IS HERE AND IT’S A HIDDEN BLADE TO WHITE. STORMBREAKER TO CASSIDY BUT HE COUNTERS WITH A HURRICANRANA FOR TWO. OSCUTTER TO CASSIDY! ONE, TWO THREE!
Winner and New Number One Contender: Will Ospreay
Rating: ****1/4. This was excellent. AEW has tried a few different iterations of battle royals and gauntlets, and this, I believe, is the second Casino Gauntlet, and both were fantastic. The sense of urgency in the sudden death stipulation was on display and added a lot of creativity.
Swerve Strickland’s music hits and both guys stare each other down as the show goes off the air.
Final Thoughts: Felt like kind of a reset tonight, considering we have a Forbidden Door PPV in just four weeks. Will Ospreay challenging for the title at Forbidden Door instead of All In is certainly a choice, so we’ll see how that goes. The Casino Gauntlet was aces and you should go out of your way to see it, and it seems like we’ll have yet another tournament for the TNT championship, which should yield some good matches. Mercedes Mone… I can’t tell if she’s a good guy or a bad guy, to be honest, but either way she’s getting a reaction from the crowd. Let’s see what happens on our road to Forbidden Door. 7.25/10.Â