- Chris Jericho & Saraya vs. Adam Cole & Dr. Britt Baker DMD
- Bandido & The Lucha Bros vs. Blackpool Combat Club
- Darby Allin & Orange Cassidy vs. The Gates of Agony
- Swerve Strickland vs. Big Bill vs. Trent
- AEW World TBS Championship: Kris Statlander (c) vs. Nyla Rose
Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!
AEW Dynamite 5/31/23
Live from the Viejas Arena in San Diego, California! Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, Bryan Danielson, and Taz are on commentary and here come the BCC!
Match #1. Bandido & The Lucha Bros vs. Blackpool Combat Club
Triple super kick by the Super Lucha Bros but the BCC block a triple dive and the BCC are brawling on the outside. Wheeler and Bandido to start. Body slam and senton by Yuta get an early two. Bandido has Yuta up for a 60+ second delayed vertical suplex as the Lucha Bros have Moxley and Claudio trapped in armbars. Long two count. Super kick by Penta to Yuta, as Fenix follows up with the tight rope walk punt to the face. Cutter out of nowhere by Moxley and a corkscrew kick by Fenix. European uppercut by Claudio and a backstabber by Penta to Claudio. Whew. Bandido misses a springboard cross body before rolling out to the floor in the waiting arms of Moxley and Claudio. Spike piledriver on the floor to Bandido! Moxley tags himself in and sends Bandido into their corner with a half and half suplex. Quick tags here keeping Bandido isolated in the opposite corner. Running knee to the face by Moxley and some arm trapped stomps to Bandido. Moxley runs in to a boot and Bandido hits a tornillo off the top. Hot tags to Fenix and Claudio! Superkick sends Claudio to the floor and Yuta gets the double jump spinning back kick. Sandwich superkicks to Yuta and a Slingblade to Claudio. Cazadora into a DDT by the Lucha Bros to Moxley. Yuta and Bandido are back in and exchanging forearms in the center of the ring until Yuta goes at the eyes. Running dropkick by Bandido and a pop-up cutter. Double dives by the Lucha Bros and a frog splash by Bandido! One, two, no! Gory Bomb into a knee by Bandido before looking for the 21-Plex by Moxley holds on to Yuta and Yuta reverses. Running knee strike by Yuta floors Bandido, allowing Yuta to drop some heavy 12-6 elbows. Seatbelt by Yuta gets the pin.
Winners: Blackpool Combat Club
Rating: ***1/2. Awesome, hot opener. BCC are one of the best things in wrestling right now, and I would have loved to see this match get about 15 more minutes.
Alex Marvez is in the back with The Elite. Marvez said he heard Kenny is out of the country and in Canada… Page says Kenny is hurt, and he’s out of the country… but he’s not in Canada.
Bullet Club Gold is here. Jay White reminds us that Ricky Starks isn’t the champion either, because he lost. Juice wants to know why FTR made the save for Ricky Starks. FTR are from the south so they’re slow. And dumb.
Here come FTR.
Bullet Club Gold think FTR are here because they want to join the Biz Cliz!
White drops the mic as Dax went for the hand off and Juice drops Dax with a handful of quarters. Blade Runner on Cash and a Headlock Driver on Dax! Ricky Starks is here to make the save! Starks challenges Jay to a fight next week on Dynamite.
Tony Khan is here with an announcement about AEW Collision. Starting June 17th at the United Center in Chicago, Illinois… you will see the return of CM Punk!
Match #2. Big Bill vs. Swerve Strickland vs. Trent
Bill dominates both Trent and Swerve early but both men team up and dump Bill to the outside. Swerve and Trent wind up fighting on the apron but here comes Bill with a big boot, and Trent pulls Swerve directly into it. Trent dropkicks Bill to the floor and hits an orihari moonsault off the middle rope. Swerve hits a running pump kick off the apron. Swerve goes up for the Swerve Stomp but Bill catches him. All three men are on the top and Bill teases a double goozle, but Swerve and Trent superplex Bill to the mat! Swerve walks into a half-and-half suplex by Swerve and follows up with a dive attempt but Bill is there with a big Bossman Slam. Swerve Kick to Bill and Swerve gets a two count. Rolling Thunder Flatliner by Swerve to Trent and the Swerve Stomp misses. Flying knee from Trent and a stalling piledriver but Bill breaks it up before the three. Trent and Bill fighting on the apron and Bill choke slams him from the apron, over the top, inside the ring! Swerve Stomp off the top to Bill on the apron before rolling in the ring and getting a cradle on Trent for the win!
Winner: Swerve Strickland
Rating: ***. Really fun triple threat match here and the whole thing made sense. Bill is lowkey a heck of a worker and it’s nice to see him get some more TV time.
A video package of Kris Statlander is shown.
Renee Young welcomes The Acclaimed & Daddy Ass to the stage. Daddy Ass blames himself for the loss at Double or Nothing. Caster says they are the people’s choice and they were undefeated until that loss on Sunday. Bowens reminds the fans they were screwed out of tag team gold and says Daddy Ass deserves to hold gold one more time.
Tony Schiavone welcomes Don Callis and Konosuke Takeshita to the ring. Callis says that the boos better not be for him and this arena is INSANE. Callis actually can’t get a word out! Callis blames Omega for the scar on his face and says Omega has destroyed his family. Callis says he lost a nephew but he gained a son, in Takeshita. Takeshita is better than Omega, and the greatest athlete he’s ever seen in wrestling. Better than Rikidozan, better than Mutoh, better than Inoki, better than Okada.. and better than Kenny Omega!
Takeshita cuts a promo in Japanese and the crowd isn’t letting up. Takeshita says he will destroy The Elite and Callis says the new family will cut the Elite out of All Elite Wrestling.
Match #3. Orange Cassidy & Darby Allin vs. The Gates of Agony
Toa goes right after Cassidy, who’s clearly bandaged up from his insanely long run as the AEW International Champion. Overhead belly-to-belly by Toa inside the ring as Darby poses Kaun on the outside. Darby too, is banged up with bandages on his shoulder. Running crossbody block by Toa flattens Darby. Toa misses a charge in the corner as Darby looks for a springboard Coffin Drop but Toa hits an anti-air POUNCE that levels Darby. The rest of the Mogul Embassy have arrived on the stage. GOA are taking turns beating on Darby in their corner. Hammer throw by Toa and Darby takes out Kaun, but gets hammered by Toa anyway. Up and over by Darby and a guillotine over the top roe to Toa. Kaun drags Darby outside and ping pongs him off the ring apron and the guard rail on the outside. Toa runs over Cassidy on the floor the GOA are in command throughout the week, beating down on Darby. Backbreaker on the top turnbuckle by Kaun and a running senton on the apron by Toa. Uranage by Toa gets a two count on Darby. GOA looking to finish off Darby but Darby fights back with strikes to both men. Darby avoids both men’s charging attempts and Cassidy gets the tag! Pocket hands, baby. Cassidy evades everything and dropkicks Toa. Satellite DDT to Kaun. Two count. Samoan drop to Cassidy and a sandwich lariat get a two count as Darby makes the save. Double chokeslam attempt but Cassidy counters with a double hurricanrana. Darby gets the tag and it’s coffin splashes to everyone. Toa posts himself and Cassidy with an Orange Punch that sends him to the floor. Cannonball by Darby! Stundog Millionaire to Kaun! Running Code Red to Kaun as Cassidy takes out Toa with a suicide dive. Coffin Splash and this one is over!
Winners: Orange Cassidy & Darby Allin
Rating: ***. Solid tag match here and really cool to see the Gates of Agony on AEW TV. Darby and Cassidy are two true pillars of this company and they gave a lot to the lesser known tag team.
The rest of the Mogul Embassy looks to take out Cassidy and Darby, but IT’S STINGGGGG!
Sting is back at Darby’s side! Mogul Embassy want no part of The Stinger!
Tony Schiavone was here and tells us we’re about to have a very special —
Actually, here’s Hook, out of nowhere. Tony asks Hook about last Sunday but instead, here’s La Faccion Ingobernable.
Jose the Assistant says LFI can’t get any TV time, so Preston and Dralistico are going to take it. Hook gets jumped now by both members of LFI but here’s Jungle Boy with a chair.
It’s the return of JungleHook! Jose gets dumped by Hook inside the ring as Jungle Boy takes out Dralistico and Preston on the ramp with a chair.
Match #4. AEW TBS Championship: Kris Statlander (c) vs. Nyla Rose
Stat looks for a body slam and can’t but Nyla can. Senton by Nyla misses and Stat locks in a body scissors. Both women trade suplex attempts but Nyla scores with one into the corner. Single leg crab by Nyla as we head to commercial. Running back elbow in the corner by Nyla and a clothesline get a two count. Stat comes back with a rolling lariat and a series of strikes that staggers Nyla. Running boot in the corner followed by a running knee and a Blue Thunder Bomb. Two count. Nyla drills Stat in the corner and follows her outside with a cannonball off the apron. Nyla whips Stat into the guard rail and hits another cannonball. Chokeslam by Nyla back in the ring. Two count. Jawbreaker by Stat and a 450 off the top finish this one!
Winner: Kris Statlander
Rating: **1/4. Kind of a cold match here but Kris Statlander is just getting her feet wet after being out of action for a while, and it got fun down the stretch.
Match #5. Chris Jericho & Saraya vs. Adam Cole & Dr. Britt Baker DMD
Jericho and Cole in a hockey fight to start. Running clothesline by Jericho but Cole reverses and delivers some heavy chops. Both men are laying them in now. Jericho goes to the eyes before throwing Cole to the outside and into the guard rail. Back in the ring and Jericho runs into a clothesline before tagging Saraya, which means Britt has to come in automatically. HOCKEY FIGHT. Slingblade by Baker and an exploder. Two count. Air Raid Crash by Baker, who then taunts Jericho. Saraya distracts the referee as Jericho trips Baker from the outside! Cole sprints over but the referee gets in-between them. Jericho rolls in the ring to taunt Baker as Saraya remains in control. Snap suplex gets a two count. The Outcasts are here and Jericho distracts the referee as they lay in to Baker on the outside. Shida is here with a kendo stick to even the odds and does! Cole and Jericho are in now and Cole with a big enziguiri, but misses a dropkick and Jericho connects with the Lionsault. Saraya and Baker are legal now and Baker connects with a pair of clotheslines and a neckbreaker. Saraya puts Baker on top and Baker looks to jump off but Jericho covers Saraya. Baker jumps anyway and squashes both of them. Cole in now, pump kick and backstabber to Jericho! Cole looks for the Panama Sunrise but Jericho catches him with the Walls of Jericho! Saraya drops Baker from the apron and Cole is fighting to get to the ropes. Britt is on the apron and she’s got the glove! Britt with the Lockjaw on Jericho! Britt locks in the Lockjaw in the center of the ring but Saraya makes the save! Shouldn’t that be a DQ? Nonetheless. Cole tuns up the band but walks right into the Codebreaker. One, two, no! Both men exchanging some heavy strikes before a double clothesline. Baker and Saraya are in now and continuing where Cole and Jericho left off. Saraya counters a fisherman’s neck breaker with an elevated sit-out DDT and that was an UGLY landing. Two count. Jericho has Floyd but gets superkicked by Cole. Baker connects with Saraya. Double superkick on Jericho! Baker tags Jericho who drops the kneepad and lowers the boom!
Winners: Adam Cole & Dr. Britt Baker DMD
Rating: ***. Sloppy at times, but the story was well told and the crowd was into it from beginning to end. Solid main event with some big names here. This seems to be the end of the Adam Cole and Chris Jericho feud.
After the match, Jericho throws a tantrum at ringside.
Final Thoughts: Very consistent and fun episode of Dynamite this week. Any show that starts off with BCC vs. Lucha Bros is going to bring it, and it didn’t let up. The triple threat match overdelivered, Darby and Orange Cassidy are a heck of a lot of fun as a team, CM PUNK IS BACK! A lot happened this week and the show absolutely flew by. 7.5/10.