Lots of title implications on tonight’s Dynamite!
- The Premier Athletes vs. Samoa Joe & Hook
- Rush vs. Deonn Rusman
- Trios Match: Kyle O’Reilly, Mark Briscoe, & Orange Cassidy vs. Konosuke Takeshita, Kyle Fletcher, & Roderick Strong
- AEW TNT Championship Forbidden Door Eliminator: Dustin Rhodes vs. Jack Perry
- AEW TBS Championship: Mercedes Mone (c) vs. Zeuxis
- AEW International Championship: Will Ospreay (c) vs. Rey Fenix
Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!
AEW Dynamite 6/12/24
Live from the Wells Fargo Arena in Des Moines, Iowa! Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, and Taz are on the call tonight and here comes the champ.
Here comes Swerve Strickland with Prince Nana! Two absolute killers, Swerve and Will Ospreay. Well, one killer. Swerve takes us back to last year’s Forbidden Door, and Swerve saw an assassin get the job done vs. Kenny Omega. Against Takeshita? Got the job done. Against Danielson? Got the job done. Double or Nothing? Not really. Swerve isn’t a target you hesitate on. Swerve got the nickname Killshot for a reason. Swerve respects Ospreay, who’s a fighting champion. Unlike the EVPs, who haven’t defended their titles since they won them.
Stop stop stop! Who’s House? It’s Okada’s house, bitch. The Elite are here. The Elite have been destroying everything in their way. All the trolls still doubt them, but half of the AEW roster are gone. Some guys in the locker room don’t think that The Elite are violent enough. So, The Elite want to remind people, in… Blood & Guts! Matt wants to know if Swerve will stand side-by-side with The Elite and offers him a pair of their new sneakers. Swerve tells The Elite thanks but no thanks and tosses the sneakers into the crowd. Matthew says the injury bug is about to bite…
Here’s The Acclaimed to make the save! Christopher Daniels is here on the mic and says everyone needs to get to the back immediately, except for Jack Perry, who’s about to wrestle Dustin Rhodes.
Match #1. AEW TNT Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes vs. Jack Perry
Dustin on the attack early and the fight quickly spills to the floor. Perry rips the flooring up and exposes the concrete. Perry looks for a piledriver on the floor but get back body dropped! Dustin is somehow already busted open, too. Perry attacks Dustin as he tries to get in the ring and beats on him, choking him over the middle rope as blood pours from his head. Perry charges and Dustin catches him with a snap powerslam and a bulldog! Dustin sets Perry up for Shattered Dreams and uses a chair as a distraction, kicking Perry low behind the referee’s back! Flip, flop, and fly by Dustin. Dustin looks for the CrossRhodes and drills him! One, two, no! Dustin looks for the Final Reckoning but Perry kicks him in the knee and sends him into the exposed middle buckle. Perry rolls Dustin outside and DDTs him on the concrete floor! Perry rolls in and looks for a count out, but Dustin somehow makes it in before the ten. Aubrey Edwards goes to check on Dustin, but Perry kicks him low behind the referee’s back! Perry makes the sign of a cross on his chest in Dustin’s blood before hitting the tunning knee to the face and covering for the three.
Winner: Jack Perry
Rating: **1/2. Nice little brawl here showing just how much of a jerk Perry is, cheating to beat a beloved dude in Dustin Rhodes.
Renee is here with Mark Briscoe, Orange Cassidy, and Kyle O’Reilly. Kyle said he just fought Orange Cassidy but they’re pros, and they’re focusing on their opponents tonight. Cassidy says these guys seem to have his back, but he knows one person that definitely does, and that’s Willow. Mark Briscoe then cuts one of the greatest most hilarious promos I can’t even comprehend and it fires everyone up. Amazing.
Match #2. Rush vs. Deonn Rusman
Superman punch by Rush! Rush tosses Rusman outside and does Rush things. Bull’s Horns. Finito.
Winner: Rush
Rating: NR
Rush stalks Justin Roberts and takes the mic, but before long, here’s MJF!
MJF hits the ring and so does security, so Rush and MJF dispatch of security and then fight each other. More security, more whoopings. MJF and Rush fight into the crowd and the arena is going nuts. MJF stands atop the crowd and the fight now spills to the back. Rush whips a shipping container at MJF and MJF double legs Rush through a table. Finally, the locker room empties and here’s Daniels.
Match #3. Kyle O’Reilly, Orange Cassidy, & Mark Briscoe vs. Roderick Strong, Kyle Fletcher, & Konosuke Takeshita
Fletcher and O’Reilly to start. Kitchen sink by O’Reilly and an arm ringer before tagging Briscoe. Hard chops by Briscoe and here comes Takeshita. Palm strike to the stomach of Takeshita and here’s Orange Cassidy with a diving cross body, but he gets caught, and then uses Cassidy as a weapon before dropping him with a face buster. A brawl breaks out and Briscoe hits a suicide dive. Dive by Fletcher. Springboard somersault plancha by Cassidy on everyone! Cassidy comes face-to-face with Trent, allowing Takeshita to drop him with a rolling elbow. Back in the ring and Cassidy tries to fight up with some overhand chops, but Takeshita drops him with another elbow strike. Fletcher and Strong clear out Cassidy’s corner and Fletcher is now legal. Big body slam by Fletcher. Takeshita in and Cassidy looks for a Satellite DDT, but Takeshita catches him and levels him with a huge lariat. Strong gets the tag and immediately looks for the Stronghold, but Cassidy upkicks his way out. Roll up for two by Cassidy but O’Reilly gets the tag. Roundhouse kicks and forearms to Strong, but Strong holds on to the ropes and tags Takeshita. O’Reilly catches Takeshita coming in the ring with a dragon screw between the ropes. O’Reilly ducks a clothesline and Fletcher and Takeshita meet in the middle. Dragon screw to Fletcher, who dragon screws Takeshita! Briscoe gets the tag and it’s dropkicks for everyone. Red Neck Kung Fu to Strong and Fletcher! Enziguiri by Briscoe. Briscoe sends Strong to the floor and delivers a spicy dropkick. Blockbuster off the apron to Fletcher! Briscoe rolls him into a diving DDT from Cassidy off the top! One, two, no! Cassidy looks for the Orange Punch but Takeshita grabs the leg. Running leg lariat by Fletcher and a full nelson suplex. Rising knee by O’Reilly. Backbreaker by Strong. Fisherman’s Buster by Briscoe. Blue Thunder Bomb by Takeshita! Satellite DDT by Cassidy! Stundog Millionaire by Cassidy to Fletcher and Axe and Smash by O’Reilly! Cassidy goes up top but Strong catches the leg, allowing Fletcher to follow Cassidy up and hit the BIG TURNBUCKLE BRAINBUSTER! Briscoe tagged himself in though and follows Fletcher with the Froggy Bow! One, two, NO! Strong breaks up the pin. O’Reilly locks Strong in a guillotine and they fall through the ropes. Hard elbow by Takeshita and the Powerdrive Knee behind the referee’s back, as he was looking for the JayDriller on Fletcher. Piledriver down to the KNEES by Fletcher and he gets the win over Briscoe!
Winners: Roderick Strong, Kyle Fletcher, and Konosuke Takeshita
Rating: ****. Yeah, this ruled. All action. Six of the best in the business. I hate seeing the ROH World Heavyweight Champion lose, but it was via nefarious means so I’ll allow it.
After the match, Trent jumps Orange Cassidy but Willow’s music hits. Nowhere to be found, Kris Statlander rolls an almost unconscious Willow out from the back. Stokely tells Willow the next time they have to do this, they’ll be going to the ER.
Shingo is coming to the Owen Hart Cup Tournament!
Christopher Daniels tells us that next week, The Elite will be competing in eliminator matches.
Match #4. Hook & Samoa Joe vs. The Premier Athletes
Nese and Daivari are making their entrance as Joe and Hook are behind the scenes, discussing why Taz loves orange, before attacking The Premier Athletes on their entrance. Amazing. It turns out, Shibata is working the camera. The bell finally rings and Joe lays in some hard right hands in the corner to Nese. Running clothesline in the corner by Joe, who sends Nese into a flying clothesline by Hook. Joe locks the Kokina Clutch in on Nese over the top rope as Hook ducks a lariat by Daivari and he gets put out with the RedRum! Shibata chokes out Smart Mark Sterling on the outside for good measure.
Winners: Hook & Samoa Joe
Rating: NR. However, awesome.
Match #5. AEW TBS Championship: Mercedes Mone (c) vs. Zeuxis
Deja vu tieres by Mone and a low dropkick gets two. Step up arm drag by Mone. High kick by Zeuxis out of nowhere and the fight spills to the outside. Mone takes advantage with another step-up arm drag, this time off of the announcer’s desk. Mone wants a suplex from the apron to the floor, but Zeuxis trips out the leg and then follows up with a low dropkick that sends Mone crashing to the floor. Suicide dive by Zeuxis flattens Mone, and then she rips up a fan’s sign for good measure. Running European uppercut in the corner by Zeuxis, and a pair of knees to the face for good measure. Surfboard by Zeuxis but Mone fights out and reverses it into a surfboard of her own. Zeuxis now with a bow and arrow submission but Mone flips out. Fireman’s carry by Zeuxis right into a Liger Bomb for two. Mercedes counters a second Liger Bomb into a hurricanrana for two. Double knee drop by Zeuxis for two. Wheelbarrow by Zeuxis but Mone counters into a bulldog. Running double knees in the corner by Mone and a diving Meteora off the middle rope gets a two count. Mone with two of the three amigos, but Zeuxis counters with underhooks into a Code Breaker by Zeuxis for two. Moonsault by Zeuxis gets two. Zeuxis picks up Mone but Mone slides off the back right into the Mone Maker for the win!
Winner and STILL AEW TBS Champion: Mercedes Mone
Rating: ***1/4.
It’s time for TV Time with The Learning Tree. Jericho introduces us to Private Party. Jericho says Private Party have been doing a lot of great things, but one of those things they’re not doing is winning matches. Whoever trained Private Party wasn’t that good, unlike Jericho, who learned from the great Stu Hart. Jericho says that Private Party don’t even climb the ropes properly. Kassidy said Jericho should show the, so he does. Quen then swipes Jericho’s feet out and he lands hard on the top rope. Bill and Keith get dumped over the top and to the floor as Private Party follows up with a pair of suicide dives. Shooting Star Press by Quen and a Swanton by Kassidy as they escape through the crowd.
Match #6. Daniel Garcia vs. Nick Comoroto
Saito suplex. Guillotine choke by Garcia as Comoroto fades… Bloody Cross! That was quick.
Winner: Daniel Garcia
Rating: NR
Will Ospreay was shown watching the match, and Renee catches up to him. Ospreay said he’s got a lot on his mind, including Forbidden Door… and he’s got a contract to sign and a match to win.
Pac says he’s been extorted and turned on by everyone. Pac’s supposed to be a bastard, but he feels like a bitch. That ends… now. Pac’s angry again, and that’s when he’s at his best. Pac is officially entering the Owen Hart Cup Tournament. Also, Bang Bang Gang? The Death Triangle doesn’t forget.
Match #7. AEW International Champion: Will Ospreay (c) vs. Rey Fenix
AEW chants to start this one, and they haven’t even locked up yet. Rebound kick by Fenix as Ospreay ducks and whiffs on a head kick of his own. Handspring by Fenix into a Lethal Injection but Ospreay handstands and pops up. Stale mate. Hurricanrana by Fenix sends Ospreay to the outside. Fenix tries to rope walk but Ospreay ducks the kicks and big boots Fenix to the floor from the apron. Fenix evades a plancha and launches off the bottom rope with a hurricanrana to the floor. Frog Splash back inside the ring gets a two count. Fenix works over the neck and back as we go to commercial. Ospreay chops his way into a striking battle but Fenix drops him with a spinning back kick. Around the world goes Fenix as he locks in a standing Octopus, but Ospreay deadlifts Fenix and tosses him. Phenomenal Forearm by Ospreay, as we see Swerve watching from the front row. Handspring twisting kick off the ropes by Ospreay gets two. Ospreay looks for Stormbreaker but Fenix back body drops him and follows up with a rolling uppercut in the corner. Double jump spinning back kick by Fenix. Both guys on the top rope now and Fenix springboards into a hurricanrana off the top and Ospreay lands on his feet! Rebound hook kick by Fenix! Back heel kick by Ospreay! Double high kicks. Ospreay back flips over Fenix, holds the head, and lifts him up with a sit-out reverse Air Raid Crash! Two count. Ospreay calls for the OsCutter but Fenix rolls out of the ring instead. Ospreay waits in the middle of the ring and puts his hands behind his back, telling Fenix to take his best shot. Kawada kicks by Ospreay now, nearly kicking Fenix’s mask off. Crucifix Bomb by Fenix gets a long two count. Fenix now backflips over Ospreay, grabs a waist lock, and delivers a German suplex with a bridge for two. Victory Roll by Fenix for two. Enziguiri by Ospreay and the OsCutter! One, two, no! Ospreay drops the elbow pad but Fenix with a hurricanrana driver for two. Superkick by Fenix and a Rolling Thunder right into the Open Blade! Ospreay makes eye contact with Swerve in the front row and DRILLS Fenix with the Swerve Stomp! Hidden Blade. One. Two. Three!
Winner and STILL AEW International Champion: Will Ospreay
Rating: ****. Excellent main event here, as expected. Ospreay is operating on a level above almost anyone in the world, and Fenix is just so fun to watch. Good story here as Ospreay made sure to remind us he’s thinking of Swerve.
After the match, Swerve and Ospreay come face-to-face. Swerve berates Ospreay and tries to leave, but Ospreay grabs him title and puts it around his shoulder. Swerve rips the belt back and says “you’re lucky we’re still friends. If anyone else did this, I’d put them in the grave.”
Final Thoughts: BIG show tonight. Forbidden Door has really taken shape and we had some excellent wrestling tonight to help get us there. Ospreay and Fenix stole the show, as everyone expected it would. The interaction between Ospreay and Swerve at the end was great, too. The All-Star trio match helped push a few different agendas, including giving us some good wrestling. Mercedes continues to establish her title reign, while MJF and Rush added some real emotion to their match next week. 8.75/10.