It’s Saturday night, and this week you know what that means …
All Elite Wrestling returns to their home base at Daily’s Place amphitheater in Jacksonville, Florida this evening for a special Saturday Night Dynamite on TNT show.
On tap for this week’s Dynamite is a featured attraction main event, with Kenny Omega defending his AEW Championship against the recent Casino Battle Royale winner Jungle Boy.
Also advertised for tonight’s show is Adam “Hangman” Page vs. “Powerhouse” Hobbs, Dante Martin vs. Matt Sydal, Kris Statlander vs. The Bunny, Ethan Page vs. Bear Bronson, a Konnan & Tully Blanchard face-to-face in-ring interview and more.
Featured below are complete AEW Dynamite results for Saturday, June 26, 2021.
This week’s show opens up with the usual weekly video intro and then we shoot inside Daily’s Place amphitheater in Jacksonville, FL., as Jim Ross does his signature “you know what that means” opening line while the camera pans the packed venue.
Shawn Spears Attacks Sammy Guevara
From there, we shoot backstage where Alex Marvez catches up with Sammy Guevara. “The Spanish God” tells him to do a walk-and-talk, as he makes his way inside Daily’s Place.
As the two talk about Guevara vs. MJF headlining next Wednesday night’s edition of Dynamite on TNT, the Inner Circle member is blasted out of nowhere with a sneak-attack chair shot from “The Chairman of AEW.”
Shawn Spears from The Pinnacle knocks him out with the chair shot. He kneels down next to a knocked out Guevara and tells him that he told him he was gonna get him, and informs him that this was a message on behalf of MJF. He tells him MJF will see him next Wednesday.
Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Hangman Page
After that, the theme music for Team Taz member Powerhouse Hobbs plays as the big man makes his way down to the ring for tonight’s opening bout. As he settles into the ring, Taz is introduced on special guest commentary for this match.
The music dies down and the familiar sounds of Adam “Hangman” Page’s theme plays as he makes his way to the squared circle as the fans give him a big reception coming out.
We hear the bell and we are now officially off-and-running with our first match of the evening. The two exchange back-and-forth offensive leads coming out of the gate and then it is Page who starts to take things over. The action spills out to the floor where Page continues to dominate.
Once back in the ring, it is Hobbs who takes over and begins a prolonged dominant run in the offensive driver’s seat, while Taz sings his praises on commentary and the fans try and rally behind him.
Briefly, Page turns the momentum in his favor, as he catches Hobbs coming off the top with a boot to the grill. He ends up diving through the turnbuckles in the corner, blasting his shoulder into the steel ring post in the process. This allows Hobbs to take another comfortable lead in control of the offense.
Hobbs takes Page out to the floor and starts ramming him shoulder-first into the steel ring post over-and-over again. Page gets in a good shot that slows down the big man, but he quickly goes back on the attack. Page ends up breaking free and shoving Hobbs face-first into the ring post and while face-down on the mat, the commentators speculate that Hobbs busted his head open upon impact just now.
Finally, Hobbs emerges on his feet and we do, indeed, see that he is busted open and bleeding. He heads back into the ring where Page is waiting for him. Hangman catches him with three consecutive high boots to the grill of Hobbs. On the third, Hobbs semi-no-sells it and growls at Page, only to march after him and spill out to the floor when Page ducks down and pulls the top-rope down with him.
He dives out onto Hobbs on the floor and then rolls him back in the ring as the fans chant his name. He heads to the top-rope and connects on a moonsault for a near fall. The fans chant “Let’s go Hangman!” as he goes to hit a belly-to-back suplex on the big man. Hobbs blasts him with elbows to escape and then floors his smaller opposition. The fans chant “You still suck!” at Hobbs as he stomps away at a grounded Page.
Hobbs goes for a middle rope head butt on a grounded Page, however Page counters and goes back on the attack. This doesn’t last long, however, as Hobbs hits a big cross-body off the ropes for a near fall. After this, we see Ricky Starks and Hook from Team Taz heading down to the ringside area as the fans boo.
Hook goes to the floor, while Starks talks with Hobbs on the ring apron. Before much can happen, however, Brian Cage emerges and stops Starks from passing Hobbs his belt to use as a weapon, running him off to the back as Taz freaks out on commentary. Still, Hobbs counters the Buckshot Lariat attempt by Page and goes for a near fall, however Page hangs on. Back up, Page hits a big dead-lift German suplex. He follows that with a Dead Eye on the big man for the pin fall victory. Great opener.
Winner: Hangman Page
The Young Bucks Aren’t Overrated, Are Ready For Kingston & Penta
We see a special video looking at the Kenny Omega vs. Jungle Boy match tonight for the AEW World Championship and then head to a commercial break.
We’re back from the break and the commentators send us to a special message from the AEW World Tag-Team Champions. We see The Young Bucks, Nick and Matt Jackson, holding their titles and talking to the camera.
The Jackson Bros talk about being called overrated by their haters online. They question how this can be, pointing out that they are the longest reigning tag-team champions in AEW history. They list some of the people they have beat and then hype their high-stakes showdown against Eddie Kingston and Penta El Zero Miedo on next week’s Dynamite.
Konnan & Tully Blanchard Face-To-Face Interview Ends With Sneak Attack
From there, we shoot back inside Daily’s Place where we see Tony Schiavone standing in the ring with the legendary Tully Blanchard, manager of FTR — Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler — members of The Pinnacle.
Schiavone then introduces Konnan. He comes out and enters the ring. Blanchard tells Konnan he can go first. Konnan says the mind games are starting already. He claims no one is getting into the head of the Proud ‘N’ Powerful duo of Santana and Ortiz.
Konnan goes on to talk about how men of color have it harder than Santana and Ortiz. He says Blanchard is a mentor to FTR, but he is the father of Santana and Ortiz. Blanchard tries to interject, but Konnan says he has more to say. He tells a story and finishes it in Spanish, telling Blanchard he might wanna learn it so he can speak to his grandkids.
Blanchard gets in Konnan’s face and says as great a star as he was, he obviously doesn’t know who he’s dealing with. He claims he only has to snap his fingers and his guys will come out and end him. Konnan says he wants to say one thing. He claims Tully should be happy to know that after all this, Wal-Mart will still be hiring greeters.
He says he knew Tully might try this so he has his boys waiting in the back. He tells them to come out. Out comes two men with hoods up, masks and sunglasses on, so you can’t see who they really are. Tully tells Konnan he needs to take a look at the big screen. We see Santana and Ortiz are down and out in the back right now.
The men in the ring pull their hoods down and take their masks and sunglasses off to reveal they are FTR. They attack Konnan and hit a spike piledriver off the top-rope as Tully taunts him on the mic.
Vickie Guerrero & Andrade El Idolo Interrupt, Get Interrupted
We hear the theme music of Top Flight play as Dante Martin makes his way down to the ring. As he does, his ring introductions by Justin Roberts is interrupted by Vickie Guerrero who yells out her trademark “Excuse me!” line.
She says she knows everyone is waiting to see this match, but notes she is here to introduce us to the future world champion of AEW, Andrade El Idolo. Some music begins playing and then in the entrance tunnel emerges the former WWE Superstar and the significant other of “The Queen” Charlotte Flair himself.
Vickie is joined by Andrade on stage and she says she has a special announcement to make right now. Before she can say anything else, the theme for Matt and Mike Sydal plays.
Dante Martin vs. Matt Sydal
With both men finally in the ring following the interruption by Vickie Guerrero and Andrade El Idolo, the bell sounds and we’re off-and-running with our next singles match of the evening here on Dynamite, as Matt Sydal goes one-on-one with Dante Martin of Top Flight.
These two are flying all over the place early on, with Martin getting the better of the exchange early on, until a corkscrew splash from Sydal shifts the momentum in his favor. We see Sydal hit a couple of additional high spots and remain in control as the commentators lead us into a mid-match, picture-in-picture commercial break as the action continues.
We’re back from the break and we see this match still in progress, with both guys trading offensive leads. Sydal starts to take over, as we see Mike Sydal still at ringside watching the action. He hits a Meteora off the top-rope for a close near fall, however Martin hangs in there and keeps this one alive. He hits a near finisher himself for a close near fall that prompts the fans to chant “This is awesome.”
Seconds later, Sydal cuts off another high-spot attempted by Martin and then pulled off the pin fall out of nowhere to finish him off.
Winner: Matt Sydal
Christian Cage With Some Encouraging Words For Jungle Boy
The commentators run down highlights of the Sydal-Martin match and then bring up tonight’s main event between Kenny Omega and Jungle Boy for the AEW World Championship.
From there, we are sent backstage where Jungle Boy is standing by with a message ahead of his big opportunity later this evening.
Jungle Boy talks about how this is a special night for him, and perhaps the biggest in his life. Before he can continue, up walks Christian Cage who tells him this will be the biggest night in his life.
He tells him he already shocked the world once to get here, he tells him just making it here shouldn’t be enough and that he should set his sights on shocking the world once more this evening. He wishes him luck and walks off as we head to another commercial break.
Mark Sterling With Another Jade Cargill Update
We return from the break to an “earlier today” message from Mark Sterling who is standing by with Jade Cargill. He talks about reaching a deal with Shop AEW for two new t-shirts for his client, Jade Cargill. Cargill tears up one after reminding us that she is, in fact, “that b*tch.”
Sammy Guevara Saves Inner Circle From Attack By The Pinnacle
From there, we head backstage where Alex Marvez is standing by with three members of The Pinnacle — MJF, Wardlow and Shawn Spears.
MJF handles the verbiage in this segment, bringing up the recent actions by the group, including FTR’s attack of Konnan tonight, the chair attack from Spears to Sammy Guevara in tonight’s opener and how fans had issues with his attack of a man old enough that the rainbow was in black-and-white in his day, Dean Malenko.
Before MJF can say anything else offensive about Malenko, up comes some members of the Inner Circle, as Chris Jericho and Jake Hager ambush the aforementioned trio from The Pinnacle.
The five men brawl from the back through the entrance tunnel and into the ring. After enjoying a moment or two of offensive success, the numbers game ends up taking affect and we see the three members of The Pinnacle beating down the two members of the Inner Circle.
MJF holds Jericho down, isolating his arm and keeping him down while Wardlow grabs a steel chair from under the ring. He heads back in with intentions of taking out the arm of “Le Champion.”
Before he can, however, the monster babyface push of Guevara continues, as his theme hits resulting in an explosion from the AEW fans packed inside Daily’s Place. He sprints down to the ring and makes the save before they can attack Jericho’s arm with the chair.
He clears the ring of The Pinnacle members and he grabs a microphone. He tells MJF that next Wednesday everyone finds out what he already knows. He says that is “they chose the wrong person.”
He says they chose the wrong person to feature and make action figures of. He tells MJF he’s the best and he knows it and on Wednesday he’ll find out first-hand. He drops the mic and his theme plays as the Inner Circle duo recover behind him and play to the fans. After this, Excalibur on commentary talks us into another commercial break.
Miro With A Message For Brian Pillman Jr.
We return from the break and the commentators send us to the TNT Champion Miro backstage. The man himself appears and after briefly mentioning his “hot wife,” he delivers a message to Brian Pillman Jr., saying you don’t attack Miro and he vows to teach him a lesson when the two meet in the ring on Dynamite on TNT next Wednesday night.
Ethan Page vs. Bear Bronson
From there, Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky make their way down to the ring as the commentators talk about them looking pleased with themselves after beating Darby Allin last week, noting they shouldn’t be because they did it in a two-on-one handicap match.
“All Ego” settles into the ring as Sky takes his place at ringside and then the theme for his opponent hits. Out comes Bear Bronson, accompanied by his tag-team partner Bear Boulder, who takes his place at ringside.
The bell sounds and we’re off-and-running with our next bout of the evening. Page delivers a big right hand slap that only pisses off Bear Bronson, who goes on the offensive, attacking Page with a flurry of punches that drops him in the corner.
He clotheslines him down but when he gets back up this time, Page goes to work on him himself, stopping to mock him with a bear gesture by saying “roar,” which elicits a laugh from the fans in Daily’s Place. This again only serves to anger his larger foe, who goes back to work, punishing “All Ego” as the fans cheer him on.
Bear Bronson knocks Page out to the floor and then looks around the venue. He hits the ropes and sprints across the ring, diving through the ropes, only for Scorpio Sky to take the proverbial bullet for his partner, pushing Page aside and taking the onslaught from the large man flying through the ropes in his direction.
The ref comes out to restore order and while doing so, Page notices Bear Boulder behind him. He complains to the ref that Boulder touched him. The ref turns to deal with him and then Page and Sky sneak-attack Bear Bronson with a two-on-one attack. As the action continues back inside the ring, the commentators lead us into a mid-match, picture-in-picture commercial break.
We return from the break to see the match still in progress in the ring. Page looks to hit his Ego’s Edge finisher, but to no avail. Bronson takes back over control of the offense until another brief Ego’s Edge attempt from Page that fails, this time resulting in Bronson countering with a big butt-drop on his chest for a near fall of his own.
Page finally starts to slow Bronson down, taking him to the top-rope and hitting a big superplex for a close near fall of his own. Page looks for an off-the-ropes lariat on Bronson, but Bronson saw it coming and countered in mid-stride with a sidewalk slam. He heads to the top-rope backwards. We see Scorpio Sky running over in that direction, but he is met by Boulder who punches away at him.
While distracted by the brawl ensuing between those two in front of him on the floor, Page walks up behind him in the ring and grabs him in the Ego’s Edge position. He hits it successfully this time after using a low-blow to set it up and then he scores the pin fall victory.
Winner: Ethan Page
Ethan Page Is Gonna Be The Nail In Darby Allin’s Coffin
Once the match wraps up, “All Ego” Ethan Page grabs a microphone. After Scorpio Sky cheerleads on his behalf at his victory over Bear Bronson, we see Page grab the mic.
The fans respond with a ton of boos and then chant at Page that he is stupid. Page says he is not, in fact, a stupid person. He then brings up Darby Allin and says he is going to be the nail in his coffin.
Page then goes on to challenge him to a Coffin Match at the AEW Road Rager special event scheduled for July 7th in Miami, Florida.
Britt Baker & Rebel, Vickie Guerrero & Nyla Rose Hype Tag-Team Bout
We are then sent backstage to a message from Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. and Rebel, not Reba. She talks about Vickie Guerrero and how she is going to teach her a lesson next week on Dynamite.
She informs her that next week, they will beat down she and Nyla Rose in a tag-team match. From there, we are sent to a message from Vickie and Rose.
The two respond to their comments and promise to deliver a message of their own when they meet in the ring on Dynamite next Wednesday night on TNT. They also announce Nyla Rose vs. Britt Baker at an upcoming AEW special. After this, we head to another commercial break.
The Bunny vs. Kris Statlander
We return from the break as The Bunny settles into the squared circle for our next match of the evening here on Dynamite, which will be a singles bout contested in the AEW women’s division.
Out next comes her opponent, Kris Statlander. The commentators talk about her association to Orange Cassidy and The Best Friends since returning to AEW following a lengthy hiatus, and bring up her new diet and ring shape.
The bell sounds and we are off-and-running with this one. We see Bunny get in some good shots early on, but Statlander quickly takes over and starts taking it to Bunny. We head to a mid-match, picture-in-picture commercial break as The Bunny starts to shift the momentum back in her favor.
We return from the break to see The Bunny still dominating the action, prompting J.R. on commentary to question if this is the biggest test Statlander has faced since returning. The action spills out to the floor where Statlander starts to take back over control of the offense after connecting with a big power slam.
Orange Cassidy is shown looming at ringside as Statlander brings The Bunny back in the ring. Bunny cuts Statlander off and tries to mount some offense, but Statlander ends up hitting a Blue Thunder Bomb out of nowhere for a close near fall. The Bunny keeps this one alive by kicking out, however, and moments later turns the tide on Statlander, shifting things back into her favor after a big spot on the top-rope.
The Blade hops on the ring apron to provide a distraction. While doing so, he passes brass knuckles to The Bunny. The ref, distracted by The Blade, doesn’t see Cassidy hit the ring from behind to get rid of the brass knuckles given to The Bunny before she can use them. Statlander hits her Big Bang Theory finisher for the pin fall victory.
Winner: Kris Statlander
TH2, Blade Attack Orange Cassidy
Once the match wraps up, we see Orange Cassidy celebrating with Kris Statlander in the ring following her victory until out of nowhere, the “Freshly Squeezed” one is attacked from behind by The Blade.
Out comes Angelico and Jack Evans, TH2, to join in on the ambush of Orange Cassidy. The tag-team duo holds Cassidy while Blade blasts him with a free, wide-open shot with the brass knuckles that knocks him out.
They leave him laying and head off as the fans boo.
Tony Schiavone Interviews QT Marshall
We then shoot backstage where Tony Schiavone is standing by with QT Marshall. Marshall talks about recent matches involving himself and The Factory and then brings up his upcoming showdown at AEW Road Rager against Cody Rhodes.
Brian Pillman Jr. With A Message For Miro
Now we head to a message from The Varsity Blondes’ Brian Pillman Jr. The second generation performer talks about Miro having a messiah complex.
He brings up being born on the wrong side of the tracks before warning Miro that he picked a fight with the wrong guy. He vows to capture the TNT Championship when the two meet in the ring on Dynamite next Wednesday night.
The commentators then run down the rest of the advertised lineup as it currently stands for next Wednesday night’s AEW on TNT television program. They plug the AEW World Championship showdown between Kenny Omega and Jungle Boy coming up next and then lead us into another commercial break.
Eddie Kingston, Penta El Zero Miedo Respond To The Young Bucks
We return from the break to a brief message from the duo of Eddie Kingston and Penta El Zero Miedo.
The duo address recent happenings and then get down to business by delivering a message in response to the comments made earlier this evening by Nick and Matt Jackson — The Young Bucks.
Kingston and then Penta, via Alex Abrahantes, vow to move one step closer to taking those titles off of The Elite duo on next Wednesday night’s Dynamite when they meet in their high stakes tag-team showdown on TNT.
AEW World Championship
Kenny Omega (C) vs. Jungle Boy
From there, we head back inside Daily’s Place where the familiar sounds of the theme song of Jungle Boy plays as the fans in Jacksonville, FL. begin humming along with them as always.
Accompanying the challenger to the ring is his fellow Jurassic Express members, Luchasaurus and Marko Stunt. The trio settle in the ring and their music fades down, however the passion and enthusiasm from the fans inside Daily’s Place does not — not even a little bit.
The smoke clears and now the familiar sounds of the entrance music of the reigning, defending AEW World Champion plays and out comes “The Cleaner” Kenny Omega, accompanied by Don Callis and The Good Brothers — Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson.
“The Dapper Yapper” Justin Roberts gets down to business, handling the final pre-match obligations as he begins the formal introductions of the champion and challenger.
Before the match begins, Marko Stunt gets a little too familiar in the ring and is ejected from ringside by the ref, as is Luchasaurus and eventually The Good Brothers.
Now, the bell sounds and we’re off-and-running with our main event of the evening, as the AEW World Championship showdown between Kenny Omega and Jungle Boy is now officially underway.
We hear Don Callis join the familiar commentary trio of Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone and Excalibur for the special guest announcer role in tonight’s featured attraction headline bout.
Early on, Omega toys with Jungle Boy, who is slow to get started. He backs him into a corner and picks at hairs on his face and belittles him in this fashion a few more times before the heat turns up and the action gets going for real.
Jungle Boy fires up and picks up the pace, flying all over the ring and knocking down Omega over-and-over again as the fans inside Daily’s Place begin to come unglued. Omega eventually cuts his offensive efforts short and takes back over control of the bout.
The match spills out to the floor where the commentators lead us into a mid-match, picture-in-picture commercial break as the action continues.
When we return from the break, we see Omega in the middle of a pin attempt, which Jungle Boy kicks out of. From there, the Jurassic Express member begins a fired up offensive comeback, taking it to the champion with a wide-variety of high-flying offensive moves, including a pair of dives from the ring through the ropes and onto Omega on the floor.
Back in the ring, Jungle Boy continues coming close to finishing off the champ, however “The Cleaner” ends up shifting the momentum back in his favor. He hits his semi-finisher a couple of times, however he can’t finish off his smaller opposition. The never-die spirit of Jungle Boy continues as Omega looks for the One-Winged Angel.
After some brief interference, we see Jungle Boy lock Omega in his Snare Trap submission-finisher in a scary moment in this match for the champ, who ultimately escapes. Omega goes back on the attack and after one last comeback attempt from Jungle Boy, Omega turns the tide again. He hits the V-Trigger and the Tiger Driver ’98, but Jungle Boy kicks out of the subsequent pin attempt. Omega then goes for, and this time connects with, his One-Winged Angel finisher. No one kicks out of that one, folks! Jungle Boy’s shoulders stay down for the three count and Omega retains his AEW World Championship in a very, very competitive, and equally entertaining, main event here on Saturday Night Dynamite.
Winner and STILL AEW World Champion: Kenny Omega
Kenny Omega, The Young Bucks & Matt Hardy End Show Standing Tall
Once the match wraps up, Omega’s music plays and the commentators recap the action we just witnessed while we see Jungle Boy’s wife looking on emotionally from the front row as Jungle Boy is still laid out.
The AEW World Champion stalks a still laid out Jungle Boy while holding his title belt and appears to be setting him up for a post-match attack with the belt. Instead, Christian Cage hits the ring and takes him out.
This leads to Christian Cage being confronted by “Big Money” Matt Hardy and his hench-men. Christian ends up getting the better of him, too, but unfortunately things didn’t end there, as The Young Bucks come in the ring and from behind hit stereo super kicks on him to take him out.
Hardy follows up with a Twist of Fate. The show then goes off the air with Kenny Omega, The Young Bucks and Matt Hardy standing tall as J.R. plugs the return of Dynamite to Wednesday night’s on TNT next week with a loaded show.