- AEW International Championship: Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Swerve
- CHAOS vs. Blackpool Combat Club
- Texas Tornado Tag: JungleHook vs. La Faccion Ingobernable
- Ricky Starks vs. Jay White
- AEW TBS Championship: Kris Statlander (c) vs. Anna Jay
Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!
AEW Dynamite 6/7/23
Live from the Broadmoor World Arena in Bloomfield, Colorado! Let’s get to business!
Match #1. AEW International Championship: Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Swerve Strickland w/ Prince Nana
Cassidy is taped up from the neck and shoulders. Hands in the pockets early and an arm drag by Cassidy. Arm drag by Swerve into a straight arm bar. Cassidy transitions into an octopus in the middle of the ring but Swerve fights his way to the ropes. Tieres by Cassidy but the satellite DDT is blocked. Cassidy low bridges Swerve to the floor but Swerve lands on his feet and catches Cassidy trying to follow him in. Electric Chair back in the ring by Swerve and both men go over the top, and end up in the Electric Chair on the floor before Cassidy hurricanranas Swerve into the barricade. Diving crossbody back in the ring by Cassidy gets two. Stiff right hand by Swerve in response. Both men are fighting on the top rope now as they both fall and hit the turnbuckle on the way down as we go to PIP. Diving European uppercut to the back of Cassidy by Swerve gets a two count. Vertical suplex by Swerve who holds on for a second but it’s Stundog Millionaire in reponse by Cassidy. Cassidy hits the roles but Swerve counters with a leaping flatliner and both men are down. Swerve works the injured body of Cassidy but Cassidy hits the backslide for two. Satellite DDT by Cassidy! One, two no! Cassidy goes up top but Swerve rolls to the apron and brings him down HARD with a Death Valley Driver! Swerve looks for the Swerve Stomp but Cassidy butt scoots to the far side of the apron so Swerve can’t reach. Triple superkicks by Cassidy sends Swerve retreating and standing on the stairs, as Cassidy runs and DDTs Swerve off the steps to the floor! Diving DDT inside the ring now by Cassidy but it only gets two. Orange Punch attempt but Swerve counters with a pop-up and Cassidy rolls him up for two, but Cassidy couldn’t get the cover because of the injured hand. Swerve inadvertently hits Prince Nana on the apron and Cassidy catches him with the Orange Punch! One, two, and NO! Swerve kicks out and rolls to the outside. Cassidy follows with a suicide dive but Swerve catches him and it’s a BRAINBUSTER ON THE FLOOR! Swerve misses the House Call and Cassidy rolls him up for two. Swerve fakes the pump kick and hits the knee. Now it’s the House Call! Swerve Stomp only gets two! JML Driver attempt by Swerve but Cassidy rolls through, Swerve counters with a roll up of his own and holds the tights, but Cassidy rolls through and grabs Swerve’s tights for the win!
Winner and STILL AEW International Champion: Orange Cassidy
Rating: ****. Two pro wrestlers that can do no wrong and they opened up the show with an absolute banger here. Cassidy’s title run is bordering on legendary in terms of work rate, consecutive wins, and quality of matches. Cassidy’s body slowly breaking down due to the sheer amount of wrestling makes for a great story.
The Embassy attacks after the bell but the lights go out and…
Sting and Darby make the save!
Bryan Danielson is here to join commentary and we get a Kazuchika Okada video package!
Match #2. Blackpool Combat Club vs. CHAOS
Chuck throws a chair at Moxley’s face as Rocky comes off the top with a plancha to the outside! Trent brings Yuta in the ring with a superplex and the bell finally rings. Piledriver by Chuck but Claudio makes the save at two. Claudio in now putting the boots to Chuck. Hart Attack attempt by Mox and Claudio but Rocky cuts him off with a dropkick. Plancha by Chuck to Claudio and a running knee off the apron by Rocky to Moxley! Triple hug by CHAOS. European uppercut into Soul Food into the half and half suplex to Moxley by CHAOS. Chuck hits the ropes but Yuta trips him up as Moxley catches him with an Ace Crusher. Hart Attack to Chuck as Yuta covers for two. Claudio works over Chuck as we go to PIP. Gutwrench suplex by Claudio. Yuta gets the tag but walks into a Complete Shot by Chuck. Yuta rebounds with a German but runs into a big knee by Chuck who makes the hot tag to Trent. Spear by Trent and a Saito suplex. Rocky tags himself in and comes off the top with a diving cross body to Moxley. Hurricanrana to Claudio as Rocky runs into a pair of double knees by Roppongi Vice. Trent sets Moxley up over the top rope as Rocky comes off the top with a double drop kick and a running knee by Trent! Two count. Gotch Style Piledriver attempt by Moxley here but Trent counters and it’s Strong Zero! One, two, no! Claudio breaks it up. Claudio floors Chuck with a European uppercut. Rocky is in and misses a Sliced Bread but comes back with a rolling arm bar. Trent moonsaults to the floor but is met with an anti-air European uppercut! Moxley counters the armbar and locks in the Bulldog Choke! Pyscho Knee by Yuta takes out Trent and Rocky is forced to tap!
Winners: Blackpool Combat Club
Rating: ***3/4. This was awesome and I’ll continue to say it, the BCC are the best faction in the game right now. Every member brings something different to the table and CHAOS were the perfect opponents tonight.
The Hung Bucks are in the back and Page challenges The BCC next week in a trios match. No Danielson, no Takeshita.
MJF is here and runs down all the drug addicts in Colorado, which is fair. Colorado fans are chanting that MJF sucks, and he reminds them that their mother swallows. Nice. MJF also tells us that nobody is on the level, of the devil.
MJF is excited, finally some competition. When Punk left MJF as a kid, he thought his fandom was over, but then he found Ring of Honor. MJF thought Ring of Honor sucked because it was filled with indie jabronis. MJF puts over Cole’s accomplishments and say all of that… is undisputed. MJF says he followed Cole’s footsteps and knew deep down that Cole would make that jump and they would have the rivalry of a lifetime. MJF says Cole used to be the Panama Playboy and now he’s the Panama Gameboy. Britt Baker keeps leaving the house with Cole’s balls firmly in her purse, and Cole used to have the body and physique of a world champion… but now Cole is so frail he makes crack _____s jealous.
MJF says fans think the company isn’t showcasing Cole properly, but MJF says quite the opposite, they’re doing everything to make Cole cool like video games, reality shows, etc. MJF says he’s beaten every top guy that the fans thought was on his level, what makes Cole any different? MJF also read a rumor that the reason Cole left WWE was because a certain higher up in Titan Tower didn’t think Cole has top guy potential. That guy… was Vince McMahon. And frankly… MJF doesn’t see it either.
Really? That was the best MJF had? Cole thinks MJF is coming across as a toxic internet troll. Cole wants to know what MJF’s obsession with other people’s relationships is, considering his fiance left him. Cole says MJF is world class.. a world class douchebag. Cole brings up his body, his body of work, and says that MJF can’t touch him. Cole says they should both go in the back and piss in a couple of cups and they can see who’s natural and who’s not. Wow.
Cole says he appreciates MJF studying his career, but they’re nothing alike. Cole has the respect of the locker room, and not a single person respects MJF. Cole says MJF does the bare minimum to collect his check and hold the world title. If MJF was a real champion, he would shut up and fight, but instead, he runs his mouth. Cole says he’s wasting his breath, but if MJF remembers anything… MJF won’t fight Cole, because Cole is better than him.. and the fans know it.
MJF loses it and says he’ll wrestle Cole any day of the week and beat his ass.
In the back, Ethan Page has joined the Hardy Party. Page apologizes for injuring Brother Zay. Matt Hardy wants to make Page a better man.. and Brother Zay says it’s going to be a lot of fun.
Match #3. JungleHook vs. La Faccion Ingobernable
The fight erupts quickly and spills all through the crowd. Hook hits a dozen crossfaces on Vance as Jungle Boy tries to rip Dralistico’s mask off inside the ring. Hook delivers some knees and try to throw Vance down a flight of stairs as Jose and Dralistico set up some tables on the outside of the ring. A pair of pump kicks by Dralistico and a diving double stomp on the apron! Hook hits a Superman punch off the guard rail on Vance with a chain around his wrist! Vance is busted open BAD and that shot was clean on the face. Vance and Dralistico toss Jungle Boy into the guard rail about five times before trying to chokeslam Hook through a table, but Hook evades. Exploder suplex by Hook on Dralistico but Vance hits a brutal looking discus lariat on the floor! Vance looks for something off the apron through the table but Jungle Boy cracks him with a chair to the face and Hook connects with an exploder off the apron through both tables! DDT by Jungle Boy on a chair to Dralistico! Jose breaks up the pin, but Hook is here! Hook locks in the RedRum on Jose as Jungle Boy gets the tap with the Snare Trap!
Winners: JungleHook
Rating: ***. This was quick, violent, and to the point. JungleHook might have something here.
Tony Khan announces that the main event for the first ever AEW Collision is…
Jay White, Juice Robinson, and Samoa Joe vs. FTR & CM Punk!
Match #4. Konosuke Takeshita w/ Don Callis vs. Damon Ace
Rolling elbow by Takeshita. Powerdrive knee. Finito.
Winner: Konosuke Takeshita
Rating: NR. Hilariously enough, on the big screen, Don Callis stabbing Kenny with a screwdriver and Takeshita being unveiled as the masked man are playing on loop.
Christian and Luchasaurus destroy Brock Anderson in the back, as payback for Arn throwing Christian off the ladder at Double or Nothing.
Match #5. AEW TBS Championship: Kris Statlander (c) vs. Anna Jay
Both women trade headlocks before a mat return by Kris. Back suplex by Kris and a kip up. Double bicep pose as Jay ducks out of the ring. Kris follows and Matt Menard gets in the way, allowing Anna to come off the apron the apron with a punt. Kris catches it and hits a couple of shoulder tackles. Kris misses a charge and Jay hits a running back kick into the turnbuckle. Jay in control throughout the break until Kris fights back with a series of elbow and a running European uppercut in the corner. Running boot and a huge powerslam by Kris get two. Kris goes up top but Menard gets in the way again, allowing Anna to toss Kris off the top rope. Noshigami by Jay! Two count. Kris ducks a clothesline and rebounds with a discus lariat of her own. Menard gets on the apron AGAIN as Statlander turns her attention to the apron. Jay locks in the Queenslayer from behind but Stat powers out and hits a lariat/neckbreaker combo. Tombstone finishes this one.
Winner and STILL AEW TBS Champion: Kris Statlander
Rating: **1/2. The ladies didn’t get too much time here and the break really hurt the flow of the match, but both women had a great outing here. Anna Jay is really coming along as a pro wrestler and Kris is still getting her sea legs. Good stuff.
A woman’s four-way match on Rampage will determine the next challenger for Toni Storm’s AEW Women’s World Championship. Storm and Ruby are here to let the women know… they’ll be watching.
Match #6. Ricky Starks vs. Jay White
Brawl on the outside to start as Starks bounces White’s head off the apron a couple of times. Back in the ring, back body drop by Starks and White rolls to the outside. Starks looks underneath the ring, seemingly forever, for something he can’t find. White runs up the ramp to escape and Starks tries to follow as both men brawl on the ramp. White now trying to use the steps but Starks hits a snap suplex on the floor. Starks grabs a chair and throws it in the ring, only for the referee to throw it out the other side and White to launch White from the apron to the guard rail. Gordbuster on the apron by White. Chops by White on the outside now as we’re killing time during PIP. Hammer throws by White now back inside the ring. More heavy chops by White but Starks fires back with heavy rights. Spinning DDT attempt by Starks but White plants him on the top rope and follows up with a superplex. White looks for Bladerunner but Starks fights out. Diving clothesline by Starks and a running back elbow in the corner. Tornado DDT by Starks! Two count! Full Nelson slam by Starks gets another two count. Starks wants the RoShamBo but White counters with a high angle uranage for a long two. Chop by White. Chop by Starks. Dueling chops here and both men are landing. White looks for the sleeper suplex but Starks hits the ropes looking for the spear and eats nothing but knee! Bladerunner but Starks counters and NOW it’s the spear. RoShamBo and he nails it but the referee got hit! Gunn Club are here and they attack Starks with the 3:10 to Yuma before running through the crowd. White picks up Starks… Bladerunner! Referee is up and this one is over.
Winner: Jay White
Rating: ***. This match had a lot of potential but it started slow and took a while to get going, no thanks to a giant commercial break. The match picked up down the stretch as both men are familiar with each other at this point and Jay White is “lowkey” building a lot of momentum.
Final Thoughts: When Dynamite starts with a great match like they did tonight, it’s usually a recipe for continued success. Swerve and Cassidy didn’t disappoint, it was followed with the BCC greatness, and THEN an MJF/Adam Cole segment? Hard to go wrong there. The second hour tapered off a bit but the wrestling was still good. Really fun watch tonight. 8/10.Â