It’s Wednesday night, and you know what that means …
All Elite Wrestling returns this evening with the latest installment of their weekly Dynamite on TNT television program, which this week emanates from the Blue Cross Arena in Rochester, New York.
On tap for tonight’s show, which is dedicated to the memory of Brodie Lee, is Miro vs. Sammy Guevara for the TNT Championship, Adam Cole vs. Jungle Boy, Cody Rhodes & Lee Johnson vs. Dante Martin & Matt Sydal, Tay Conti & Anna Jay vs. Penelope Ford & The Bunny, as well as a big 16-man tag-team match pitting HFO vs. The Dark Order.
Featured below are complete AEW Dynamite results from Wednesday, September 29, 2021.
This week’s show starts off with an “In Memory of” graphic for Brodie Lee. From there, the regular Dynamite signature open plays.
After the opening package wraps up, Jim Ross welcomes Tony Schiavone and Excalibur and mentions that tonight there will be a fourth member of the commentary team.
CM Punk On Commentary All Night Long
“The Best in the World” makes his way out as “Cult of Personality” plays and he comes out teasing the stage dive that he is not allowed to do in New York due to the state athletic commission. He will be on commentary all show long.
Adam Cole vs. Jungle Boy
As Punk settles in alongside the commentary trio, they run down the lineup for tonight’s show. After that, Adam Cole’s theme hits and out he comes for tonight’s opening contest.
Cole settles into the ring to a hot crowd on his side and then his theme dies down. The familiar sounds of Jungle Boy’s theme plays and he comes out as the fans sing along with it like always.
Jungle Boy gets in the ring and immediately gets in Cole’s face. He backs up, as does Cole, and then the bell sounds to officially get this one off-and-running. They close-in on each other and lock up. Cole goes behind him and slaps on a side head lock as the fans break out into “Adam Cole!” chants.
We see Jungle Boy reverse Cole and take him down, but Cole escapes, returns to his feet and sinches the side head lock right back in. Cole grinds him down on the mat as the commentators remind us that his first shot landed in AEW was on Jungle Boy at All Out.
The Jurassic Express member fights back into the lead, stopping to taunt Cole, however Cole pops back up and takes back over. This time it isn’t long-lived, however, as Jungle Boy picks up the pace and starts taking it to Cole, knocking him out to the floor with a dropkick and then soaking up the adulation from the fans in Rochester.
Jungle Boy chases Adam Cole around at ringside and then we see The Super Kliq member take over things, working on the knee of Jungle Boy, and settle back into the offensive lead. He brings Jungle Boy back in the ring and grinds him down to the mat again.
A big comebacker from Jungle Boy helps him regain the offensive control of this contest. The fans start singing Jungle Boy’s theme on their own out of the blue as he goes to work on Cole. Cole starts fighting back, exchanging big shots back-and-forth with the Jurassic Express member as the fans react to each shot. Jungle Boy connects with a suplex and both guys are down and recovering.
We see Jungle Boy hit a big brainbuster and German suplex for a near fall. He goes to hang Cole upside down in the tree of woe, but Cole knees Jungle Boy in the face. Jungle Boy ends up hanging him upside down in the tree of woe anyways and then hits a running kick to the face for a near fall.
Cole hits a back-stabber to kill Jungle Boy’s momentum. He follows up with another high spot and goes for the cover, however Jungle Boy hangs in and keeps this one alive. Jungle Boy fights back into the offensive lead and hits a couple of crazy high spots for a near fall of his own. The fans react with a loud “This is awesome!” chant as the action continues.
Jungle Boy walks into a super kick from the man from the Super Kliq that knocks him out to the floor. Cole looks for a panama sunrise on the floor, but Jungle Boy avoids it. He hits the ring and goes for a slide onto Cole but Cole counters him on the way out. He goes to head to the top-rope but Jungle Boy runs the ring apron and hurricanrana’s Cole down to the floor. Jungle Boy sells his knee upon landing but keeps going.
Back in the ring, Jungle Boy walks right into another big super kick. This time, Cole follows it up with a huge panama sunrise off the ropes. He goes for the cover but somehow Jungle Boy kicks out at two and a half. Cole lowers his knee pad and looks to lower the boom, but Jungle Boy moves and then counters and slaps Cole in the snare-trap. Cole crawls to the ropes to break the hold. Jungle Boy pulls him back but Cole kicks him out to the floor.
The two go back in the ring and tie up into referee Aubrey Edwards in the ropes. Cole hits Jungle Boy with a low blow that she doesn’t see and follows up by lowering the boom with the running knee to the dome of Jungle Boy. Cole follows this up with the pin fall victory.
Winner: Adam Cole
State Of The Elite Address Interrupted By Bryan Danielson
Once the match wraps up, we hear the familiar sounds of The Elite theme song. The Elite make their way down to the ring, including Kenny Omega, The Good Brothers, The Young Bucks and Michael Nakazawa and Brandon Cutler.
We head to a break as they head to the ring. When we return from the break, each member of The Elite take turns talking and babbling, with Brandon Cutler being cut off when he tried to speak. Cole gloated about beating Jungle Boy as he vowed to do.
Michael Nakazawa tries to get in a word but the fans drown him out with “CM Punk!” chants. Kenny Omega says he’s heard those a time or two and doesn’t care. He goes on to talk about how he had potentially the best match ever with Bryan Danielson at Grand Slam last week.
Omega goes on to say that he won’t be giving Danielson a rematch because he’s a winless competitor in AEW. As soon as he says this, Bryan Danielson’s theme hits and out he comes to a ton of “Yes!” chants. He asks if the fans want to see a rematch between himself and Omega. They pop huge and break out into “Yes!” chants again.
Danielson goes on to say Omega doesn’t have the balls to give him a rematch. The fans chant “No balls!” He then introduces him as Kenny “No Balls” Omega. Fans chant “Kenny No-Balls!” Danielson then goes on to challenge anyone from The Elite to a match on Rampage. Omega says why Rampage, how about right now. Danielson asks if they want to see a fight right now. The fans chant “Yes!” He says he’s not coming alone.
On that note, Frankie Kazarian, Christian Cage, Jungle Boy, Luchasaurus and Marko Stunt come out and join him. They all head to the ring but The Elite bail out to the floor. The fans chant “No Balls!” as Omega backs off and then again they chant “Kenny No Balls!”
Andrade El Idolo Confronts The Lucha Bros Over AAA Tag-Team Titles
We head to another break after the The Elite and Bryan Danielson segment. When we return, we shoot backstage to Tony Schiavone is standing by with The Lucha Bros and Alex Abrahantes when in comes Andrade El Idolo. He mentions it’s been a long time since they have defended their AAA Tag-Team Titles and mentions having some friends who will beat them for the belts.
Matt Sydal & Dante Martin vs. Cody Rhodes & Lee Johnson
From there, we head back inside the Blue Cross Arena in Rochester where Matt Sydal and Dante Martin make their way out and head down to the ring as highlights are shown of their recent victory on AEW Dark.
With the duo settled into the squared circle, their theme dies down and now the familiar sounds of Cody Rhodes’ music plays as “The American Nightmare” emerges. He is joined by Lee Johnson, as well as Arn Anderson and Brandi Rhodes, and then heads down to the ring for our next match of the evening.
Punk comments about Cody’s ring entrance sure costing a lot of money. They plug his “Rhodes To The Top” show. The fans seem to be booing Cody again. Punk brings that up as well. A loud “Cody sucks!” chant breaks out as the bell sounds to get this one off-and-running.
Cody goes right to work on Martin and the fans are all over him with boos. The action picks up as he tags out and the high spots start coming as we head to a mid-match, picture-in-picture commercial break.
When we return from the break, Sydal is working over Johnson in the center of the ring. Johnson fires back up and hits a dropkick to fight back into competitive form. We are shown a big high spot from Dante Martin flying out to the floor during the break.
Back in the ring, Dante tags in, as does Cody. The fans immediately start booing. J.R. tries soft-stepping on the subject but Punk makes it clear that the fans simply don’t like him. Punk also jokes about Excalibur knowing all the names to these little-known moves. Cody hits a crazy vertebreaker in the ring for a close near fall on Dante.
Cody keeps fighting off Sydal and Martin by himself, and finally Johnson yanks Cody into their corner by his trunks and tags himself in. He hits the ring and starts going to work on Martin. He hits a nice super kick and a crazy spot for the pin fall victory.
Winners: Cody Rhodes & Lee Johnson
Arn Anderson Doesn’t Want To Coach A Loser In Cody Rhodes
After the match, Tony Schiavone gets in the ring for a post-match interview with the winners. Cody gets booed by the fans like crazy when he speaks. He calls out Malakai Black. Arn Anderson jumps in and tells him to stop talking. He gives him a dose of honesty by telling him everything Malakai has done since he has arrived in AEW. He goes on to tell Cody that he’s too stubborn and doesn’t listen. He tells Lee to come with him because he doesn’t want to coach a loser. He and Lee leave Cody alone in the ring as we head to another commercial break.
Jon Moxley, Eddie Kingston & Darby Allin vs. Anthony Greene & Bear Boulder & Bear Country
We return from the break to the sounds of “Wild Thing” and out comes Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston. Also coming to the ring with them is their partner for this one, Darby Allin.
Accompanying the trio to the ring for this AEW Trios match is “The Icon” Sting. The familiar sounds of “Wild Thing” wraps up.
As soon as the babyfaces hit the ring, the fight is on, as their opponents, Anthony Greene, Bear Country and Bear Boulder are already in the ring.
The six guys brawl and then we see Bear nearly injured. Kingston drops one on their head as Darby hits a crazy Coffin Drop and then we get the pin fall victory in a basic match.
After the match ends, Moxley, Kingston and Darby hold up “Brodie Lee” tribute signs and then bring Sting in the ring to hit a Scorpion Death Drop for good measure that pops the crowd.
Winners: Jon Moxley, Eddie Kingston & Darby Allin
Ruby Soho And Dr. Britt Baker Address Grand Slam Showdown
We shoot to a special vignette video package that shows the latest chapter in the ongoing rivalry between Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. and Ruby Soho. They talk about their showdown for the AEW Women’s Championship at last week’s Grand Slam special. Soho vows things will be different the next time they meet.
Orange Cassidy & The Dark Order vs. The Hardy Family Office
It’s now time for 16-man tag-team action. Matt Hardy tries cutting a promo in the ring along with The Hardy Family Office, however Orange Cassidy’s theme cuts him off.
“The Freshly Squeezed” one makes his way out and heads down to the ring. He waits and then The Dark Order theme hits and the entire group comes out and heads down to the ring for this tribute match in honor of Brodie Lee, the former leader of the group that tonight’s show is dedicated to.
The bell sounds and we’re off-and-running with this match featuring 16 competitors. The fans break out into loud “Thank you Brodie!” chants early on. Cassidy tags in and does his routine and then everyone hits the ring when he’s attacked from behind. On that note, we head to a mid-match commercial break as the action continues in the ring with chaos breaking out among all members of both teams.
We return from the break and we see things are still unfolding with one man after the other hitting the ring for a shine spot before leaving the ring to someone else to do the same. Evil Uno ends up walking out on the match until Negative 1 and Amanda Huber make their way out and demand he goes back, as do the other members who started walking out as well. The fans chant “Brodie!” and they do head back to the ring to finish handling business. They all hit high spots and then win. After the match, Negative 1 and Amanda Huber get the ring and The Dark Order stay together to give the crowd a nice moment.
Winners: Orange Cassidy & The Dark Order
Lio Rush Schools Fans On LBO
Now we head to a vignette hyping Lio Rush. He talks about Tony Khan wanting him to become All Elite. He then goes on to rant about what LBO’s are and how they are relevant to him. After this, we head to another commercial break.
FTR Are Back
We return from the break to a special message from FTR. They talk about excuses being for the weak and saying maybe they were worried about their partners health but now they are refocused and that’s good news for FTR and The Pinnacle.
Dan Lambert & Men Of The Year With Words For Chris Jericho
Now we settle back in the ring where Dan Lambert is yapping like he does every week. He talks about Jorge Masvidal’s flying knee on Rampage last week. He goes on to give Chris Jericho credit for having a legendary career and helping launch AEW.
The fans break out into a loud “Shut the f*ck up” chant aimed at Lambert. Scorpio Sky talks about how he asked a while back if everyone is paying attention. He mentions all that he’s done still not being good enough. He says you know who was paying attention — Dan Lambert.
Sky says Lambert sees what fans ignored — Sky as a main eventer. Just like Ethan Page. Page says these idiots are paying attention after they do the “What?” chant after every sentence they speak into the microphone. Page talks about his accomplishments and how he’s been overlooked.
Hikaru Shida vs. Serena Deeb Set For Next Week
Hikaru Shida is featured in a special vignette. She talks about the second year anniversary of AEW and how she is going to earn her 50th win over Serena Deeb on next week’s show. They make it official for next week’s two-year anniversary special edition of Dynamite in Philadelphia.
The Bunny & Penelope Ford vs. Tay Conti & Anna Jay
The Bunny and Penelope Ford make their way down to the ring as the commentators plug the Shida-Deeb match for next week’s show in Philly. They mention the frequent use of brass knucks from these two in the past.
Now they settle into the ring and their music dies down. The theme hits to bring out Tay Conti and her partner for tonight, Anna Jay.
The bell sounds and we’re off-and-running as all four of these ladies immediately go at it. The heel duo of The Bunny and Penelope Ford take turns dominating the action and then we head to a mid-match, picture-in-picture commercial break as the match continues.
We’re back from the break and we see the action still in progress. Finally, we see the heel choked out and the team of Anna Jay and Tay Conti pull off the victory.
Winners: Tay Conti & Anna Jay
Special Message From Jade Cargill, Thunder Rosa & Nyla Rose
We head to a vignette promoting the three-way showdown between Jade Cargill, Thunder Rosa and Nyla Rose on this week’s edition of AEW Rampage on TNT.
Darby Allin Confronts MJF
The Pinnacle leader Maxwell Jacob Friedman comes down accompanied by Wardlow. He tells the upstate NY fans to zip it. MJF calls Jungle Boy, Sammy Guevara, Darby Allin and himself the four pillars of AEW.
He talks about beating Jungle Boy and Sammy Guevara and says “whatever” about Darby Allin. He boasts winning the Dynamite Diamond Ring twice and says he’s better than us because he knows it. He says without him, quite frankly, this company ain’t shit.
He says he deserves to be the AEW World Champion. He goes on to talk about Tony Khan, calling him one of his two-favorite Khan’s in the business. He threatens to leave AEW for WWE through the help of Bruce Prichard. The fans chant “CM Punk” and MJF says whatever. He continues to talk but is interrupted by Darby Allin’s music. Allin heads down to the ring as MJF demands his theme be cut off.
Friedman says it’s okay to be number two, naming Scottie Pippen and others as great number twos. He says he’s Michael Jordan. Darby asks if he’s done speaking. He says he can go ahead and leave if he wants. He asks how MJF is number one if he’s never won a title and he has.
MJF brings up Darby being straight edge. He explains why he’s straight edge. He talks about being in a car accident with his uncle, who died the night of the unfortunate accident. MJF says it was a travesty because that night the wrong guy died. The fans chant “Assh*le!” at MJF as he dares Darby to hit him. Darby says he won’t because MJF won’t break him mentally. MJF questions off-mic not breaking Darby mentally. He tells Wardlow they’re done and begins heading to the back.
TNT Championship
Miro (C) vs. Sammy Guevara
Before we head to another commercial, the commentators run down the lineup for Friday’s Rampage and next Wednesday’s Dynamite two-year anniversary show and then we head to a vignette promoting our upcoming main event for the TNT Championship.
We return from the break to the familiar sounds of Sammy Guevara. “The Spanish God” makes his way down to the ring for our main event of the evening. The commentators talk about him looking all business tonight.
He settles into the ring as they talk about his vow to buy Fuego Del Sol a new car to replace the one he lost trying to challenge Miro for the TNT Championship for a second time on Rampage recently.
Now the theme hits to bring out “God’s Favorite Champion” as Miro heads down to the ring raising his TNT Championship high in the air. He settles into the ring and it’s time for our featured attraction of the evening.
The bell sounds and we’re off-and-running with this one. Early on we see Miro beat down and dominate Guevara with ease. He stops here and there to taunt “The Spanish God” and the AEW fans in attendance in Rochester, and then goes right back to work.
Guevara ends up hitting a crazy high spot on the floor that returns him into competitive form. Back in the ring, however, Miro takes right back over and begins beating him down some more as the fans boo and the commentators talk about his necklace staying on for the match and being too pricey for such an item. On this note, we head to a mid-match commercial with Miro dominating the action.
When we return from the break, we see Miro is still firmly in control, however Guevara starts fighting back. He hits a wicked high spot that the fans react to with a loud “Holy sh*t” chant. Moments later, however, Miro takes back over control of the offense. Guevara fights back into competitive form and looks for the GTH but Miro cuts him dead in his tracks and blasts him with a super kick. Guevara rolls out to the floor.
Miro walks over and yanks the padding off the top turnbuckle in every corner of the ring as Guevara sells on the floor. Fuego Del Sol arrives and hops on the apron. Miro knocks Fuego off. He turns around into a big shot from Guevara that sends him face-first into the exposed top turnbuckle. He follows that up with a tornado DDT. Guevara hoists Miro up and hits him with the GTH. He heads to the top rope instead of pinning him. He comes flying off with a 630 senton. He covers him and scores the pin. We have a new TNT Champion. The crowd goes nuts! Confetti falls from the ceiling to give Guevara a big moment as this week’s show goes off the air. Thanks for joining us!
Winner and NEW TNT Champion: Sammy Guevara