- Erica Leigh vs. Nyla Rose
- Kip Sabian vs. Nick Wayne
- Don Callis Family vs. KM & Rhett Titus
- The Conglomeration vs. The OutRunners & The Butcher
- Top Flight vs. MxM Collection
Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!
AEW Rampage 8/16/24
From the Chartway Arena in Norfolk, Virginia!
Match #1. The Conglomeration vs. The OutRunners & The Butcher w/ Erich Leigh
Kyle O’Reilly has joined the announce table with Excalibur, Matt Menard, and Tony Schiavone. Mark slaps the chest off both Floyd and Magnum. Ishii gets the tag and continues the chops. Double hip toss and a back body drop. Double shoulder block to Butcher. Floyd tries to chop Ishii and realizes that’s a mistake, and eats a few of his own. Mark gets the tag and delivers a Russian Leg Sweep for a two count. Red Neck Kung Fu by Mark, but Butcher pulls him outside and drops him on the guardrail with a back suplex, before rolling him back inside to Magnum. Mark now in the opposite corner and fights his way out, tagging Ishii. German suplex to Floyd and a clothesline in the corner. Truth hits his own partner and Ishii brainbusters him. Butcher cuts him off but Ishii dumps both OutRunners to the floor. Shoulder block by Ishii to Butcher and a tag to Cassidy. Suicide dive by Cassidy! Cassidy sets up the chain in the ring for Briscoe… who launches off of it and NO! Butcher cuts him off, but Briscoe powers out of a powerbomb with an uppercut. Orange Punch by Cassidy, who took a seat on the chair! Lariat by Ishii to Magnum. JayDriller! Finito.
Winners: The Conglomeration
Rating: **3/4. Not a lot of offense from The OutRunners and The Butcher.. but man oh man The Conglomeration have so much fun in there it’s easy to enjoy their matches.
Here comes Nyla Rose, as Erica Leigh is in the ring, anyway.
Match #2. Nyla Rose vs. Erich Leigh
Truth throws Leigh into Rose… and she apologizes. Powerslam by Rose. Senton. Floyd gets on the apron to distract Rose and does, momentarily, but here’s a crossbody by Nyla. Beast Bomb. That’ll do it.
Winner: Nyla Rose
Rating: NR
Saraya and Harley Cameron are here, but they quickly get interrupted by Toni Storm. Storm says she’s about to fight for her life against Mariah May, but she’ll never forget what they went through together. Next week, on Dynamite, if Saraya can beat Toni in Cardiff, she can have it all. Saraya says they’ve been friends for a while, but Storm is a stupid sloot. Storm tells her she’s going to need a bigger shoe!
Match 3. Nick Wayne w/ Mother Wayne & Killswitch vs. Kip Sabian
Sabian puts on the breaks and slaps Wayne in the face. Leg lariat by Sabian and a gutbuster for two. Running chop in the corner by Sabian and Wayne responds in kind. Wayne gets sent up and over to the apron and to the floor with a springboard enziguiri. Arabian Press by Sabian to the floor! Mother Wayne gets in his face and Wayne posts him from behind, before sending him into the LED board. Wayne in control throughout the break, working over the arm of Sabian. Kimura by Wayne as we go to a full commercial. Diving European uppercut by Wayne as he pops under and German suplexes Sabian. Sabian pops up and delivers a half-and-half of his own. Wayne’s World by Nick Wayne! Superkick. Double underhook into a side DDT, almost SnowPlow like. Two count! Sabian blocks another Wayne’s World and has him on his shoulders in a torture rack, but Mother Wayne provides a distraction and Killswitch headbutts him, allowing Wayne to finish this with Wayne’s World.
Winner: Nick Wayne
Rating: **1/2. What we saw.. was good. We just didn’t see a whole lot, coupled with a double commercial.
Scorpio Sky is in the back, and he’s not invited to the Private Party. Brandon Cutler and his crew are, though. Kassidy tells him to relax and welcomes him to the party.
Match #4. The Don Callis Family vs. Rhett Titus & KM
Rush and Kyle Fletcher make up tonight’s version of the Don Callis Family. Fletcher and KM to start. KM misses a corner charge and Fletcher is here with a flying elbow and a Michinoku Driver. Blind tag by Titus and Fletcher catches a crossbody into a spinning Uranage. Snap half-and-half suplex by Fletcher and here’s Rush. Splash in the corner and some hard chops. Rush boots Titus to the mat and it’s the Bull’s Horns! Leg lariat by KM by Fletcher for good measure and this one’s over.
Winners: The Don Callis Family
Rating: NR.
Match #5. Top Flight w/ Leila Gray & Action Andretti vs. MxM Collection
Top Flight are dressed as airline pilots now, because like.. flight. Get it? Lio Rush has joined commentary, by the way. Mansoor and Dante to start as Mansoor ducks under a and body slams Dante, before hitting a pose. Dante traps a leg as Mansoor tries to leapfrog and he hits a pose himself. Madden and Darius get tags and Madden lays in some hard chops and drops Darius with the Final Cut. Manhattan drop, low dropkick, running hip attack combo by MxM. Darius flips out of a suplex and connects with an enziguiri before tagging Dante. Corner clothesline, snap suplex, senton combo by Top Flight. Madden gets sent to the apron and Grey directs traffic with a double suicide dive by Top Flight. Dante makes the tag and it’s an STO/clothesline combo to Mansoor. Looking at like a three-minute PIP here in this main event, by the way. MxM take control and it’s a double back elbow to Darius… strike a pose. Make that four-minutes. Manhattan drop and a spinebuster combo by Mansoor. Leila Grey gets on the ropes ad strikes a pose, but so does Madden on the far side. Mansoor isn’t sure where to look.. but he gets superkicked by Darius. Dante comes in with a springboard senton and a running leg lariat in the corner. Mansoor misses a crossbody and Dante goes apron to apron with an enziguiri and a diving crossbody for two. Airplane spin by Dante but Madden makes the save and goozles Dante. Darius is here and they break up a double chookeslam. Double airplane spin to Madden! Double dropkick. The refeee hasn’t counted this entire time. Assisted Tornado DDT. Madden breaks up the pin. Bossman Slam by Madden. Electric Chair chokeslam and German combo by MxM but they only get a two count. MxM look for their finish but Darius pulsl Mansoor out. Bottom rope bulldog, superkick, bottom rope assisted Flatliner to Madden. Superkick to Mansoor. Brainbuster and splash comby by Top Flight will get this one done.
Winners: Top Flight
Rating: ***. Energetic tag-team main event tonight, with MxM really getting a chance to show some of their stuff and the crowd enjoys it. Nice to see Top Flight with some new gear, too.
Final Thoughts: Exceptionally average episode of Rampage tonight, with a surprise appearance by Toni Storm. The main event was entertaining despite a ridiculously long PIP. Top Flight looked good tonight and MxM has been a nice addition to Rampage lately, the fans seem to enjoy them. Anytime I can see The Conglomeration, I’m happy, but there was nothing really of importance on the show tonight. 6/10.