- Private Party vs. The OutRunners vs. Don Callis Family vs. The Righteous
- Kris Statlander vs. Leila Gray
- AEW World Heavyweight Championship Royal Rampage Battle Royal
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AEW Royal Rampage 7/26/24
From the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, Tennessee! Matt Menard, Excalibur, and Tony Schiavone are on the call and we’re starting with the Royal Rampage!
Match #1. Royal Rampage Battle Royal
We start with four guys, two in each ring. Brody King and Orange Cassidy in one ring, Komander and Claudio Castagnoli in the other. Claudio and King clothesline their opponents and we’ve go another entrant already.. and it’s Tomohiro Ishii. Tieres by Komander to Claudio as Ishii walks in King’s ring and those two trade strikes. Komaner hurricanranas Claudio over the top but he holds on. High/low to King from Ishii and Cassidy. Brian Cage is the next one out and he sends Claudio with a tieres and a 619. Wheelebarrow by Cage to Komander and a half nelson slam. Butcher is next and he pairs up with King to beat on Ishii. Matt Menard is next, as he comes off of commentary to attack Claudio in his ring. Cage pulls him off but Menard delivers some hard right hands. Roderick Strong is out next and he fires some hard strikes right into Cassidy and Ishii. Running corner knee to King and a Sick Kick. Kip Sabian is out next and he missile dropkicks Claudio and follows up with a cannonball in the corner. Same for Menard. High knee to Komander. Brandon Cutler is next and talks his way down to ringside, saying he is “that guy”, but Ishii clotheslines him as soon as he walks in the ring and he’s our first elimination. Nick Wayne is here and Matt Menard is eliminated. Kyle O’Reilly is out next and he double legs Roddy and delivers some ground and pound. Kitchen sink to Roddy and now Kyle trades bombs with The Butcher. Jeff Jarrett is next and the crowd goes bananas. Jarrett with a Russian Leg Sweep to Cage. Butcher gets tied to the ropes and everyone in the ring beats on him before he gets dumped and he’s eliminated. Matt Taven is out next and he goes right at Orange Cassidy with a backbreaker and a big DDT. Leg lariat to Kyle. Komander looks for a springboard but Wayne dumps him hard to the floor and there’s another one gone. Jay Lethal is out next and he hits Wayne with a hip toss and a low dropkick. Kip Sabian dumps Wayne from behind and The Patriarchy aren’t happy about that. Figure-four to Sabian as Jarrett stomps on him as well. Mike Bennett is out next and he spinebusters Kyle. Backpack Stunner to Kyle but Ishii is here and now they’re firing chops at each other. The Beast Mortos is next and he goes after Claudio with a pop-up Samoan drop. Jarrett clotheslines Mortos while Sabian gets eliminated by a Lethal clothesline. German suplex by Cage to Mortos. Darby Allin is your next entrant and he’s got his sights set on Brody King. Darby locks a sleeper on King and King cannonballs both of them in the turnbuckle! Neckbreaker by Lethal to Claudio. Lio Rush is out next as King and Darby fight through the crowd. Commercial break now as King goes through a table somewhere and Cassidy is holding off The Kingdom. King gorilla presses Darby into the steel steps. Mortos gets eliminated by Lio Rush as Darby cracks a chair over King’s head. Enziguiri by Ishii to Taven. Ishii looks for a superplex but Bennett is here and he gets elminated from behind. Cassidy dumps Bennett from behind and he’s gone. Cassidy eats a flying knee and he’s gone. Kyle eliminates Taven and Roddy eliminated him. Bottom rope assisted Stunner by Rush to Claudio but Claudio catches Rush and both guy fight on the apron. European uppercuts by Claudio, who then swings Rush to the floor! He’s gone. Roderick Strong gets dumped in the other ring by Brody. Claudio head scissors Lethal over the top and he’s gone. Darby fights off a hangman’s sleeper by Brody and does. Darby uses himself as a projectile and sends King to the floor, officially winning ring one. In ring two, Jarrett is taking down Brian Cage with clotheslines and now some mounted punches to Claudio. Hangman Page shows up out of nowhere and levels Jarrett and the crowd isn’t happy. Cage now eliminates Jarrett and Page continues the attack on the outside. Back from commercial now and Cage is gone as Claudio hits the Neutralizer on the apron, winning ring two. Claudio sends Darby flying through the ropes and to the floor. Giant Swing by Claudio now but he’s set up the steps, and after about five revolutions Darby cracks the corner of the steps. Back in the ring, deadlift German suplex by Claudio. Another German but Darby flips out and low bridges Claudio, sending him to the apron. Both guys fighting on the apron now, as Claudio boots the face off of Darby. Darby pulls Claudio into the turnbuckle and guillotines Claudio over the top. Coffin Drop by Darby to Claudio on the apron and Claudio hits the floor.. Darby wins!
Winner: Darby Allin
Rating: ***. Kind of a mess, kind of all over the place, but kind of really fun at the same time. Darby gets the title shot at Grand Slam, which the crowd will love. In matches like this, though, they should really be very clear on the rules before the match starts as a lot of this wasn’t very clear.
Match #2. Kris Statlander vs. Leila Gray
Kick to the face by Statlander. F-5 and a kip up. Friday Night Fever. Finito.
Winner: Kris Statlander
Rating: NR
Match #3. Lance Archer vs. Alejandro (I think?)
Archer is carrying his opponent to the ring. Pop-up spinebuster by Archer. EVERYBODY DIES. Chokeslam. Fans ask for one more time and they get it. Blackout. That’ll do it.
Winner: Lance Archer
Rating: NR
Match #4. The Righteous vs. Private Party vs. The OutRunners vs. Don Callis Family
Chops by Floyd to Vincent and a double elbow. Double boots to Dutch but he comes back with a double clothesline and a leg drop. Powerbomb to Floyd and a headbutt from Vincent. Kassidy springboards into a huge Bossman Slam from Dutch. Don Callis has joined commentary, by the way. Righteous work over Truth in the corner and a short-arm clothesline. Truth backflips out of a back suplex attempt and tags in Quen. Quen with some elbows to Vincent and a pop-up dropkick. Kassidy in now with an enziguiri and a moonsault. Stunner over the top to Fletcher and a neckbreaker/double stomp combo to Vincent. Corkscrew kick to Dutch on the apron and a stunner on the top rope. Backstabber through the ropes and a 450 to Dutch by Quen on Kassidy’s knees! Turbo Floyd stuns Quen over the top now, but Fletcher has sseen enough and he blindsides him. Hard chops by Fletcher and Rush is here with a kick in the jaw. Belly-to-back tombstone by Fletcher and this one is over.
Winner: The Don Callis Family
Rating: **. Barely any time for this one and not a whole heck of a lot here.
Final Thoughts: Rough episode this week. The Royal Rampage is a fun idea in theory, but the execution needs some finetuning. Also, we don’t need one 40+ minute match and then 3 other matches in one show. The timing NEEDS to be better if people are ever going to care about this show. 5.5/10 .