NWA President Billy Corgan recently spoke with Chris Jericho on Talk is Jericho about a wide a wide range of topics.
During it, Corgan said he wanted to do a studio wrestling show when he was in Impact Wrestling:
“I was working at what was TNA. I was sitting there with Dixie Carter. I’m allegedly an employee of the company and I’m begging her, ‘Please let me do studio wrestling. Please.’ If you remember, TNA had a second show called Explosion, which is basically what you guys do at AEW Dark. It was more content. I said, ‘Please, just give me that show. I’ll do it cheaper than you’re doing Explosion.
It will be more fun. We’ll get more social media.’ (He was told), ‘No, no, no, no, no one will care. It will never work.’ Of course, when I got the NWA, the first thing was I’m going to do was this show because now it’s my world. It’s been great. The funny thing was, I never intended Powerrr to be a constant. I saw it as almost like a mini-series. We would do it for a while and then we would pivot to something else, probably more of a traditional product. People begged us, ‘Please don’t change the show. If you’re going to do additional content, great, do it, but do not lose Powerrr.’
H/T to WrestlingNews.co