Booker T gave his thoughts on various topics on his latest Hall Of Fame podcast.
During it, the WWE Hall Of Famer discussed his lack of interest in wrestling Hulk Hogan in his career, whether that be in WCW or WWE.
“I never wrestled Hogan, but I never really wanted to wrestle Hogan. I just never thought Hogan and I would have great chemistry … I didn’t see our styles working well together at all. I didn’t see that match being a classic or anything like that just because Hogan, at that time especially, didn’t do anything but punches … I could maybe be in a tag team [match with him and a partner against Harlem Heat]. That might have worked because we would have been the heels and he would have been the babyface. All he would have to do was sell and make a comeback. Leg drop go home. That might have worked.”
H/T to Wrestling Inc