Chris Jericho Reveals His Favorite Tag Team Partner

(Photo Credit: AEW)

Chris Jericho made an appearance on the Superstar Crossover podcast to discuss a wide range of topics. 

During the interview, Jericho discussed his favorite tag team partner of all time, which turned out to be Big Show in WWE. However, he didn’t like the Jeri-Show name.

“Yeah, Big Show is my favorite tag team. Yeah, he was the best … Jeri-Show,” declared Jericho. “Which we never actually called ourselves. The announcers called us that, I wouldn’t allow them to call us that because the Big Show wanted to make t-shirts, and I was like, ‘We’re not making t-shirts, we’re not having any merch.’ He’s like, ‘What do you mean we are not having merch? ‘I didn’t think heels should have merch and I was like, ‘We’ll make our money main eventing pay-per-views against the babyface that sells merch.’ He always wanted to make Jeri-Show shirts, so maybe someday we’ll have to do that.”

Jericho added, “Great chemistry. At the time he was kind of floundering, and I said we’re gonna make this guy, told Vince [McMahon] we’re gonna make him like a giant destroyer. Just kills everybody, and get rid of that Andre the Giant singlet, put him in a real singlet or whatever it was, and kind of reinvented him and we had a great run there. It was a blast.”

(H/T to Wrestling Inc for the quotes)

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