During an interview with Wrestlezone, Darby Allin spoke on his desire to stand out and can’t understand why other wrestlers are just happy to have a job. Here’s what he had to say:
A lot of people I feel like, all over wrestling, are just happy to be there. That was never the case for me. I never wanted to be just a guy who was just happy to be there. If I’m like doing this for a living I’m just going to give it my all, I don’t want to be a guy who just ‘Oh, just happy to be here look at all the legends I’m hanging out within the legends in the locker room! Like these are the people I grew up watching this is so cool!
There comes a time where you have to fu–ing not be an ass-kisser and do business and have those people you look up to end up being peers that if you don’t ever take that step you’re going to end up being a little b–ch in a way.
You can read the interview HERE.
Credit: Wrestlezone.