AEW star Eddie Kingston recently appeared on the Swerve City podcast to discuss all things pro-wrestling, which included the Mad King sharing some interesting stories about his AEW debut back in 2020, and the epic promo he cut on Cody Rhodes. Highlights from the interview are below.
Shares two interesting stories from his AEW debut and his epic promo on Cody Rhodes:
I’ll tell you a funny story about this promo. First off, Taxi Driver is a great movie. It’s one of my favorites. The reason why I wore that shirt [Taxi Driver shirt during his first AEW appearance] and the reason why Taxi Driver — when I knew I was doing it, I was putting a post about Taxi Driver was because in the movie, the guy who plays — Robert De Niro, he’s tired of fake society. He’s tired of Dirty New York so I was like, ‘Okay. I’m tired of wrestling. I’m tired of the people in wrestling. I’m tired of the fake people who are fighting Cody,’ you know what I mean? I put this all in my head just in case I had to cut a promo so then I just — that’s why I wore this shirt but, funny story about this promo and this is the second one, that was the second take. First take I called him ‘Cody Rhodes’ and they didn’t have the rights to Cody Rhodes so I’m doing this promo, I’m in the zone. Tony Khan comes up to me, he goes like this, ‘Hey Eddie, you –’ I go, ‘What the f*ck do you — oh hey. What’s up man? What are we doing? Oh, we got to start over? Okay cool.’
How Low Ki and Homicide helped him out during the pandemic:
At the time [early pandemic days], my boy Low Ki was there with me and you know, people can say whatever they want to say about him, but he helped me focus. He was like, ‘What are you doing with your life? Now that you have this time off, what are you doing with your life?’ And he just asked me that and I was like, ‘Hmm’ and it just clear as day came to me like, ‘Okay, I wanna do this, this and this.’ He goes, ‘All right, get to work. You have time now’ and I got to work. I was doing squats every day. Every time I went out to have a — smoke a joint or something, I was doing 100 squats before I smoked the joint. Yeah, I’m gonna earn that or I’m gonna do 100 push-ups or whatever with the bands in the house. No, Homicide is [the friend I call on]. Homicide’s my best friend and my mentor. Low Ki was just there in the house, you know what I mean? During the pandemic. I was helping him out, you know what I mean? So in turn, he basically helped me out without even knowing. No, no, I never want to hear what the f*ck he has to say. To be honest with you, Homicide’s at least kind of nice to me with certain things. Low Ki’s like, ‘You suck, this sucks, that sucks, get better…’ He’s like, ‘You can’t do 100 squats’ and it’s like, ‘I just did it!’ ‘Do another 100. I bet you can’t do that.’ ‘Ah man, f*ck you. Fine’ and then you’re doing it and you’re like, ‘Why?’
(H/T and transcribed by Post Wrestling)