A man named Louie Benson, who previously worked as a video editor for Comeback Studios, took to Twitter this evening and accused his former employer, and AEW Executive Vice President Cody Rhodes, of “bullying and gaslighting” him while he worked on AEW content with Comeback.
Benson, who indicated that he worked with AEW for a year up until recently, posted a lengthy statement on Twitter tonight with details of the allegations.
He captioned the statement with, “I’m very nervous about this, but I’d rather share my story just in case I don’t make it through covid-19. This is the story of my year with AEW, and the bullying and gaslighting that came with it.”
After the statement he tweeted, “If you read all of this, thank you. It feels cathartic to finally write it. This isn’t anti-AEW at all. This is just a log of what I went through at the time. And I have friends and screenshots that can prove a lot of this for the people who I’m sure won’t believe me. I’ve also been told that I’ll ‘never work in the wrestling business again’ if I tweet this, and I’m prepared for it. I’m not saying that everywhere is like this, but if it is, I wouldn’t want to work there anyway.”
The statement includes allegations of forcing Louie to delete his social media accounts, not crediting him for work, Cody not wanting to be in the same building as him, and much more. Benson also provided screenshots to back-up some of his claims, which you can see below.
Cody and AEW have not responded to the allegations as of this writing. You can see Benson’s full statement below, along with his full tweets and all the allegations. Each tweet contains multiple screenshots of text.
2/3 pic.twitter.com/sast1TqUkk
— Louie Benson (@TeamLouie) November 19, 2020
3/3 pic.twitter.com/keSMNJZ0IP
— Louie Benson (@TeamLouie) November 19, 2020
I've also been told that I'll "never work in the wrestling business again" if I tweet this, and I'm prepared for it. I'm not saying that everywhere is like this, but if it is, I wouldn't want to work there anyway.
— Louie Benson (@TeamLouie) November 19, 2020
— Louie Benson (@TeamLouie) November 19, 2020
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