Former WWE referee Jimmy Korderas was recently a guest on the WrestlingINC Daily podcast with Nick Hausman to talk about a wide range of topics.
During it, Andrade having his release request granted by WWE was brought up. The former NXT Champion is not under a 90-day non-compete clause and is free to sign with anyone.
According to Korderas, Andrade shouldn’t go to AEW.
“A lot of people are speculating that he will go to AEW and stuff like that but I don’t want AEW to look like the place that ex-WWE guys go to show ‘hey, they didn’t use me properly and if they’d used me properly this is what I could have done’. You’re kind of feeding into a fixed crowd, if that makes any kind of sense. I’d like to see a little… at least AEW is expanding a bit and working with the NWA it seems, and IMPACT wrestling. I’d like to see Andrade, again depending on this pandemic situation, maybe go back to Mexico and get his feet wet again there. Maybe a little NWA, maybe a little IMPACT, something different as opposed to being ‘hey, here’s another ex-WWE guy coming to AEW’.”
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