Speaking on the latest edition of his Monday Mailbag podcast, former WWE referee Mike Chioda reflected on the Brawl for All tournament that WWE held in 1998 that was eventually won by Bart Gunn, who later got to fight Butterbean at WrestleMania 15.
Chioda doesn’t think the bout between Gunn and Butterbean was legitimate.
“I really do think it was a work man because I’ve never seen Bart not cover. He didn’t cover up. I don’t know. It was weird, man. It was frickin weird and I think it was just, okay, this is gonna be built around the boxer. You know, Butterbean. You know what I’m saying?
“I’m not saying Butterbean was no joke or anything. He took a right hook from him. He had some power. Don’t get me wrong, but Bart was like 6’4, I think, 6’3. He was strong. I mean, he just went too fast too. You know, I’m saying? It went too fast. I think it was in the first round, right? I’m pretty sure it was in the first round. I asked Bart and Bart was kind of kayfabeing.
“I kind of wish Bart would have won. I think it was a work. It was a payday to build up the boxer. I didn’t think they were gonna job Butterbean out and make him look real bad. ‘Oh shit, he got knocked out by a wrestler.’ You know, so what’s his next fight going to be worth? That’s why I say I think it was a work. I really do. Not the fights to build all the way up to the finish. Just that main event.”
h/t WrestlingNews.co