Jake Roberts recently talked about a wide range of topics on his Snake Pit podcast.
During it, the WWE Hall of Famer discussed how he thought former WWE Champion Bob Backlund was a maniac.
“He’s a f*****g maniac,” Roberts said. “Are you kidding? That guy is legit psycho. That guy is so strong, it’s incredible. He’s a freak of nature. He’ll f*****g lose it man, and start screaming and s**t. He scares the f**k out of me. He does it at signings. He’ll grab someone in a f*****g hold and just scream like crazy.” Despite the strong words, Roberts made it clear he had massive respect for Backlund and his off-kilter ways. He then proceeded to tell one Backlund story that proved how crazed, and talented, he could be.
“I remember back in the late-70s, he came to Mid South,” Roberts said. “They brought a kid from LSU, who was like 6’8, 350 f*****g pounds to challenge a wrestler. And nobody wanted to get in there. Because if you get in there and you lose, your f*****g s**t’s over. And Backlund raises his hand and says I’ll track you. And everybody’s like ‘Oh, f**k no man.” But he went out there, and all he did was grab the guy in the f*****g headlock. He grabbed that guy in that headlock, and squeezed so f*****g hard, the guy passed out. That was f*****g incredible man. And it didn’t take long either.”
(H/T to Wrestling Inc for the quotes)