Jim Cornette gave his thoughts on various topics including Ric Flair’s return to in-ring action on his Jim Cornette Experience.
It’s been announced the match will happen on July 31 at the Starrcast event in Nashville, TN. The rumor is it will be FTR & Flair vs. Rock N’ Roll Express and a mystery partner.
“You know I have seen the footage, if it wasn’t for Flair’s health issues that he had documented that he was almost dead, and they have done documentaries so it’s not like I am spilling secrets on his medical records, fine. [Jerry] Lawler is going to be 73 this year and he still wrestles, and actually he has the same match he always had. It’s Lawler, he can still do it and he uncorks the dropkick on a few occasions. He actually died. But Ric Flair can’t have a Jerry Lawler match and get it over, because Lawler’s unique. Flair is going to be compared in everybody’s kind to the Flair of the 70s, 80s and 90s, even the 2000s maybe.
That worries me, he is 73 this year, no he just turned right? But he had serious surgeries done and sh*t. Obviously FTR would like to team with Ric Flair, who wouldn’t? Obviously The Rock ‘n’ Roll Express are still going, Ricky’s amazing and a hoot, I think he might have mentioned it might be his last year too. And again, Ricky Morton was not near death in a hospital, and he is several years younger than Ric. The point is I saw the footage, and if that was just some 73-year-old guy working with Jay Lethal, that would be the most goddam amazing thing ever and you should sell tickets to that.
It looked good for a 73-year-old guy and even a 73-year-old wrestler. But you can still tell that they are taking it easy, Ric is taking a couple of bumps, which I don’t know if I would recommend. But it’s not like he is performing like he once did or can, or should be able to. Doesn’t that combined with the health issues that everyone knows he has had, does anyone want to see him get in the ring and do those things? Or will they be squirming and wincing like when Cactus [Jack] was taking those bumps that should have killed him and we got worried about him instead of being entertained by him?”
Quotes via Inside The Ropes