WWE Hall of Famer “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan recently joined a virtual signing hosted by Signed By Superstars, where Duggan spoke on his friendship with the late Owen Hart, and the tragic circumstances surrounding his death at Over The Edge 1999. He also recalls being paired with Roddy Piper for the Legends House program on the WWE Network. Highlights are below.
On the death of Owen Hart and how he feels the show still should have gone on:
Owen [Hart] was a friend of mine. Bret [Hart is] a good friend of mine. Of course that was a huge tragedy and the deal is we’re wrestlers, we’re not stuntmen and that was more a stuntman — still is to this day — a stuntman’s job. Of course some of the guys are doing it regularly, but back then, that was really a stuntman’s job. But the show should have gone on also I believe.
ON getting paired up with Roddy Piper on the Legends program on the WWE Network:
Oh my gosh. I’ll tell ya, well you know, Vince [McMahon] — they put me and [Roddy] Piper together because Piper and I, we didn’t really know each other so they were expecting to get a big drama out of it, you know? So they put me and Piper together, we ended up becoming best friends. I could pull off any practical joke I wanted to and blame it on Piper. The whole show turned into a comedy man. Yeah, we had some great times. The outtakes were even better.
(H/T and transcribed by Post Wrestling)