During an appearance on WINCLY, Jimmy Korderas discussed Mike Chioda being released by the WWE and ending up appearing for AEW. In doing so, he continued to take aim at AEW officiating. Here’s what he had to say:
I think it was kind of cool. Mike is a friend, so obviously, I’m happy for him from a friend standpoint and also from a work standpoint because if anybody’s been paying attention to some of my ranting lately, I’ve had an issue with officiating at AEW. I’m not calling out the refs specifically. I just don’t like the way they’ve been utilized. I hate to put it this way, but it’s just a lazy way of using your referees. Lazy ways of distracting them and not utilizing them properly, and at times, sometimes, your referees are getting noticed a little too much when they shouldn’t be.
Just little stuff like that and Mike is one of the best referees you’re going to find out there, and hopefully, somebody will listen to his advice because he’s got a wealth of knowledge on how to properly distract referees without making him look silly, but in his debut episode, I hate to go here, in the main event with Chris Jericho and Orange Cassidy, he was distracted by fighting way off on the stage, which is typical AEW.
Why would the referee care about what’s going on way out there that has nothing to do with in the ring? Oh, look, there’s going to be a fight over there. You just watch the fight so we can have the distraction behind your back and then you can turn around. See, its just hurts to see. That’s just a personal thing that drives me nuts.
Well, you do what they ask you to do, and that’s part of the job as well. You can voice an opinion, and don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t very boisterous when I was at WWE, but I would politely say, ‘hey, would it be possible to do something like this instead? That way it doesn’t look as as silly or it doesn’t make me look as incompetent or whatever,’ and you know what, guys were always either, ‘yeah, that sounds good or no, let’s just keep it like this because this is what they want,’ but you just do what they ask you to do.
And that’s why when I go on these rants about the refereeing in AEW, I don’t put all the onus on the referees. To me, it’s the guys putting the match together because at the end of the day, as a referee, you’re doing what they want you to do.
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Credit: WINCLY.