During his appearance on VOC Nation, Ken Resnick spoke on Verne Gagne’s reaction to the first Wrestlemania. Here’s what he had to say:
It was just a spectacle, it was a one off, nobody was going to care… It was poo pooed in the beginning, it was poo pooed right after… He got a request from the New Yorker; the New Yorker Magazine wanted to do an interview with him (to get his opinion of Wrestlemania)…and Verne said ‘Yeah I turned them down; now all the sudden they want to know about wrestling. For years they wanted nothing to do with us and put us down, I’m not doing it.’ That was the difference in attitude. Vince would have sent a limo to pick up the writers.
You can listen HERE.
Credit: VOC Nation. H/T 411Mania.