Madison Rayne made an appearance on AEW Unrestricted to discuss a wide range of topics.
During it, the former Impact Wrestling Knockouts Champion talked about how the Impact Knockouts division has helped grow women’s wrestling:
“I have come into different pockets and different eras of women’s wrestling at the most amazing times for growth – SHIMMER, or when I first came into TNA as a Knockout. I came in the second wave after the Knockout’s division was created, so I was literally right in the middle of the inception of the division. To watch it grow and watch the success it skyrocketed to almost overnight, I definitely think that was a pivotal moment in women’s wrestling history. Throughout my career, the question that has been posed the most to me is, do you agree? Do you think the Knockouts are the reason women’s wrestling is as prevalent as it is today? Yes, I think it had a huge role in it. I also said that there wouldn’t be a Mae Young Classic without there being a Mae Young. When I was a kid, the first female match I remember seeing was Bull Nakano and Alundra Blayze going at it. I think there were all these little tentpole moments when you think back in history that got us to where we are now.”
Quotes via 411 Mania