During his interview with Chris Van Vliet, Matt Hardy gave his thoughts on why The Dark Order works in AEW but wouldn’t have in WWE. Hardy cited that the WWE’s quick trigger to pull acts that don’t get over right away would have spelled the end for the stable. Here’s what he had to say:
There were a lot of people that believed in the Dark Order, and if you’ve watched BTE, they’ve been like a featured act. The Young Bucks thought with these guys, it’s really gonna work, we’ve just gotta give it some time. We’ve gotta stay focused on them and continue the given path. And now it worked with that big match where Brodie Lee killed Cody and became the TNT Championship and running parallel to their super entertaining bits on Being the Elite. The Dark Order – that act has worked. That’s something that in WWE – if that act would’ve had an opportunity to be on screen – it would’ve been given up on a long time ago. Sometimes the course isn’t always direct – you go the right, you go to the left – but you have to stay focused on ultimately where you wanna get to it and continue to keep on trucking.
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Credit: Chris Van Vliet. H/T 411Mania.