During his interview alongside Mike Bennett with WINCLY, Matt Taven spoke on their goals for Ring of Honor. Here’s what he had to say:
Mike hit the nail on the head. Also, something that he said earlier, there’s an excitement that I haven’t felt in a long time, and me and Mike were texting recently. I was watching old matches that we’ve had together and just game planning or going over what we used to do and what would we do now, and it’s so exciting to think about teaming again to rekindle these old feelings that we used to go out there and just have so much fun. And watching things back, like Mike said, I feel like a kid on Christmas waiting to be able to do it again. At the same time, I never had my Ring of Honor rematch for the world title. We actually never had our rematch from five years ago when we lost the tag team titles. So there’s a lot of things that could be thrown our way.
I think Mike and myself have changed so much in the last five years that not only can we be a team, we could do our singles things, and at the end of the day, we’re meeting each other at the other end of the curtain even if we’re not coming out there together. I’m just excited, honestly, to finally get this idea that we’ve had in our mind for five years, for it to finally come to fruition. I’m looking forward to being a team and kind of just playing it day by day after that. We’ll see what happens after Final Battle.
You can listen HERE.
Credit: WINCLY.