Mike Bennett and Maria Kanellis made an appearance on Busted Open Radio to discuss a wide range of topics.
During it, the married couple was asked what their favorite moments were in Ring of Honor:
Mike: “ It wasn’t even a match or a moment that happened in the ring because when I think of Ring of Honor, I think of everything that went on backstage, the car rides, the talks in the hotel rooms, all that stuff because we are family. The one thing I remember was after me and (Matt) Taven wrestled the Briscoes in Atlanta in a brutal two out of three falls match, Taven had got busted open in the match, and me, Maria, and Adam Cole were all taking him to the hospital, but, typical wrestlers, before we got to the hospital, we had to stop at Denny’s. We stopped at Denny’s to eat while Taven still had dried up blood on him. The waitress was like, ‘What happened to you?’ We were like, ‘We’re good. We’ll have the grand slam.’ From there, we went to the hospital and me, Maria, and Cole stayed there the whole night until he got stitched up and we took him to the airport. That was the bond.”
Maria: “It’s all those little stories, but for me personally, it was the boys winning the titles the first time, the second time too, but the first time for sure. It was just that moment of pure happiness. Then handing the title to Rok-C this year. Oh my gosh. Her winning the title, the look on her face, the look on her parent’s faces, that meant everything to me. This year in general, seeing Chelsea (Green) come back from her time in WWE, her first night out with Ring of Honor, and when she came to the back, she said to me, ‘I forgot what it felt like to have fun out there.’ She was able to do that. She came back and now she’s killing it everywhere. That’s what Ring of Honor has done for so many people. That’s what it did for me.”
H/T to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription