MLW Middleweight champion Myron Reed was recently interviewed by 411 Mania to talk all things pro-wrestling, including how excited he is for MLW’s return to programming following a temporary shutdown due to COVID-19. Highlights can be found below.
Talks precautions from COVID-19:
“Wear a mask. First and foremost, wear masks. Honestly, it’s just — following the rules, bro. It’s really hard to follow the rules. If you’re at home, cool. Whatever. But you know, you’re out here, exposed. You’re in front of people, you’re training with people, wear a mask. Wash your hands. Just take precautions. It’s kind of simple.”
Says MLW has done a great job of keeping everyone safe:
“From what I’ve heard and what I’ve personally experienced, I’ve felt like they’ve done a very good job of keeping everyone safe. During those months, they could’ve ran [events] if they wanted to. I feel like they wanted to keep everyone safe. They wanted to pretty much see how dangerous — what’s the ways we can prevent from people getting exposed to this virus. So, I understand not opening up for a few months and taking that time to kind of figure things out and to get everybody into a situation where they’re safe and stuff because honestly, they could’ve ran, and people could’ve got COVID. You know what I’m saying? None of us knew in the early stages of the pandemic what the hell we were dealing with, so they’re doing what they gotta do. I’m just glad we got some tapings, and we’re ready to get rocking and rolling again.”
How many wrestling promotions are practicing safe guidelines:
“Honestly, every show I’ve been on, I’ve felt they’ve done a very good job. About 85 percent of the shows I’ve been on have either made the wrestlers get a test there, take a test there, or previously show that you’re negative [tested negative]. But the other ones I did, like 10-15 percent, was like — I think they were like scanning to see if you had a high fever. If you had a fever or a high temperature, like you can’t wrestle. You know what I mean? They were implementing the mask deal. Everybody had to wear masks. Everybody had to be spread out — all the shows I’ve been on. So, everybody has done a pretty good job with what they’ve had to deal with, with what they’ve had going on. They’ve done a pretty good job of keeping everybody safe and **** like that.”