On the latest edition of his Wooooo Nation Uncensored podcast the legendary Ric Flair spoke about the work of AEW superstar Bryan Danielson, with the Nature Boy expressing his enjoyment of Danielson’s work, but doesn’t see him on the same tier as Kenny Omega, Ricky Steamboat, or himself. Highlights are below.
Doesn’t think Danielson is as good as Omega, Steamboat, or himself:
It’s okay. I didn’t say he wasn’t a good worker. When Hunter put him over at [WrestleMania 30], that made him. He’s a very talented kid, don’t misunderstand me, but you have to have one match, one place, one day, somewhere that makes you who you are. Hunter, who only wrestles once in a while, came out and the match started off slow but they ended up having a world-class match. He’s a hell of a performer, I don’t see him as being Kenny Omega. As a babyface, he’s not Ricky Steamboat. As a heel, he’s not me. If that pisses people off, they have to live with history.
Thinks Danielson is better working as a babyface:
They tore the joint down. That is the night that made Bryan. I like him a lot personally. He’s got a style…he’s not AJ Styles by any means. He’s a little bit smaller than AJ. He’s not AJ Styles. I like his conditioning, he works hard, he’ll do anything and sacrifice his body at all odds. He’ll throw himself around and take incredible bumps. He’s a hell of a hand. You’re asking me who is good and who is great. He’s very good,” he said. “As a babyface, it’s more believable. He can sell his ass off so when he’s making a comeback, it’s more fun to watch him make a comeback against bigger guys. It’s harder for me to believe he’s going to hold someone down. As a babyface, who is just average size but loaded with talent, I much prefer to see him fighting from underneath.
(H/T and transcribed by Fightful)