IMPACT star and former X-Division champion Rohit Raju recently spoke with Lucha Libre Online about a variety of topics, including how Raju wants IMPACT to give him a microphone and let him get some jabs back at AEW following Tony Khan’s paid advertisements during their show on AXS. Highlights from his interview can be found below.
Really wants the opportunity to jab back at AEW:
I think it’s cool on one end, but then the last one they did with the entire roster, the big chunk of the roster, I want IMPACT to just let me have a microphone and let me pick ‘em apart, let me dissect ‘em verbally, because right now they’re untouchable and they think they’re untouchable and they feel they’re untouchable and if you don’t want one of your role model guys, IMPACT, on your roster, one of your main guys who don’t want to be touched, I’ll do the dirty work. I don’t care, I’ll take all that heat. I will take all that heat, I will disrespect their fans, I will disrespect Tony Khan, I will disrespect anybody on that roster because I feel now that you’re gonna bring all these other — and Brian Cage.
Feels confident in his abilities to get heat on AEW:
Okay Brian Cage, let’s not forget where you came from brother, okay? You may be doing big things elsewhere but I remember plenty of our backstage conversations about comic books. Let’s not get it twisted, but I honestly would love to just dig into them with a promo. I know it will probably never happen but man I would love to do that, just to — come on man, let me give a jab back. Let me just get one in there because if anyone’s gonna do it, I feel confident in my abilities that I could. But, people need to push that. IMPACT’s probably not going for that but I would love to do it.
(H/T and transcribed by Post Wrestling)