On the latest edition of the Wrestling With The Week podcast AEW star and former tag champion Scorpio Sky spoke about his recent attack on Darby Allin, and the new heel persona that he displayed after coming up short for the TNT championship. Highlights are below.
Says his heel turn isn’t a new side of him, just a different one:
A lot of people I know what they’re going to say they’re going to say this is like a new me like, ‘Oh I like this new Sky,’ or, ‘I don’t like this new Sky,’ but the reality is, it’s not a new me. It’s just a different side of me that the AEW audience may or may not have had a chance to see in the past. I think everyone has different personalities, people have different moods, and that doesn’t mean that I’m changing or being anything else. I’ve said it on the show before, it’s cool to be humble but sometimes, you have to let people know.
Says he’s tired of pretending like he’s not one of the very best in the game:
I am actually very tired of people pretending like I’m not one of the best and so sometimes, I’ve got to stand up and say it myself. That doesn’t mean I’m not going to still be laughing and smiling, you see a lot of that on the show, and having a good time. Then sometimes, I am going to be pissed off and I’m going to hurt people and that’s just how life is, you know, we’re all different, we’re all human, and that’s how — it is what it is.
(H/T and transcribed by Fightful)