Impact Wrestling executive Scott D’Amore made an appearance on Sitting Ringside with David Penzer to talk about a wide range of topics.
During it, D’Amore discussed the working relationship between Impact and AEW.
“I think it’s been good. Tony Khan is everything that people had told me he was before we worked together. He’s a decent, kind, caring human being. He loves professional wrestling. You can see him get energized by it. It’s been a fun experience. He’s got a great group there with the people around him. It’s been good. It’s been fun. I think we’ve created some great moments. Sure, trying to work out the scheduling and everything else and all the minutiae of the details sometimes can be trying, but, that’s why it didn’t happen before.
That’s why it’s happening now, because there’s people with AEW and with New Japan, and there are others out there in the wrestling industry, that are willing to check the posturing and everything else at the door sometimes when it comes down to getting things done like brass tacks. Nobody else in wrestling history had a World Champion vs World Champion match where they agreed that there was going to be one World Champion coming out of it. We did that. That takes moving a lot of parts. That takes a lot of give and take. That takes a lot of collaboration, and that’s been done. That’s been done because that’s what’s good, we all feel, for the wrestling industry and for wrestling fans. Anything that is worth doing is going to take effort. Has there been effort? Absolutely. I think it’s been well worth it, and I also think it’s been something that has, from my point of view, been really enjoyable, because it’s something so different on this level to have three major companies right now, all playing in the same sandbox, is pretty cool and unprecedented, on this national level, for sure.”
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