Shane McMahon and AEW.
It’s a topic that many have been buzzing about on social media since Jim Ross noted that the idea of the two working together “is so crazy that it might work.”
On the latest episode of the Grilling J.R. podcast, Ross’ co-host Conrad Thompson shed some additional light on the subject.
“Last week, we got a lot of chatter online about some of the things we talked about,” Thompson said. “One conversation in particular really stuck out, and people were talking about it. If you recall, you said, ‘It’s so crazy to think it might work depending on how it was positioned or introduced. Shane called me the other day. He’s called two or three times, which I appreciate. He’s always been sensitive in that respect. That’s only a question that Shane can answer. Shane and Tony being together, how would that work creatively? Heck, who knows, it might be great.'”
He continued, “I saw a few fans, one in particular, who thought this was the most ridiculous thing he had ever heard. One guy in particular said, ‘JR is f*cking senile now.’ I engaged a little with that. There was a friend of ours, I shouldn’t say their name, but he went out of his way to text me and say, ‘Hey, that’s not as crazy as you think. I know for sure that Shane McMahon has reached out to wrestlers on the AEW roster to at least hypothetically discuss the idea.’ Are we saying that’s going to happen? No. We are saying it’s not that crazy of an idea.”
Check out the complete episode of the show at H/T to for transcribing the above quotes.