New WWE Director of Longtime Creative Rob Fee is reportedly in Philadelphia tonight for WWE Extreme Rules and the White Rabbit reveal.
It was added by Ringside News that Fee is backstage at the Wells Fargo Center and that he was telling people that he is there to make “sure the White Rabbit reveal is done correctly.”
It was also noted that Bray Wyatt is the one behind the reveal, as rumored and expected for weeks now.
It was indicated earlier that tonight’s reveal may not be “the” reveal, but one of several. That has not been confirmed.
On a related note, reader Matthew Olivares sent word earlier that Code Orange’s “Let Me In” theme song for The Fiend was added back to Spotify today after being unavailable for several months. It looks like Spotify added a new Code Orange playlist today to sort of reintroduce them to fans, and The Fiend’s theme song was included on that playlist with many other singles.
You can click here for our recent report on WWE hiring Fee, and his links to Wyatt.
Stay tuned to for more on WWE Extreme Rules. You can click here for our live coverage and Viewing Party.
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