Ted Dibiase recently talked about a wide range of topics on his Everybody’s Got a Pod.
During it, the WWE Hall of Famer talked about former WWE star Ahmed Johnson. Here are the highlights:
On Ahmed Johnson:
“Big guy. Great appearance, obviously, Vince [McMahon] was going to push him because he was the size he was. It looked like he did. But, you know, he wasn’t a great worker. In other words, he had to have somebody on the other side of the ring who could lead him. And if he didn’t have that he was just again, that’s just it’s one of those things.
On whether he had issues with Johnson like Jake Roberts did:
“I don’t think I ever personally saw it. but Now that you said that, I know that Jake and I had talked about it. This is in my opinion, it’s Vince. Trying to prove that he could make anybody. He was a great big body and he couldn’t work. And there are a lot of guys like that. But when you’re like that our future depends on the guy that’s calling the match. And you blow him off. Well, then the next time he gets in the ring, well, guess what? He’s going to make you look like shit. Ahmed did not last long here in the WWF. And honestly, it’s like he came out of the National Football League. A legitimate, sport where, you know it was not it’s not a work. It’s not entertainment. I mean, you’re real. You’re a real athlete competing. And he was competing, obviously, in football at the highest level. and maybe, maybe because of that maybe that’s what made him think his shit didn’t stink. But when you come in, you can take that. And when you come into our world, you can take all of that and just throw it out the window because wrestling is sports entertainment and you have to learn how to entertain the people. And you need to learn how to read a crowd and all of those other things. And if you’re not willing to do that, then you’re not going to last long. And he didn’t.”
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If you use any portion of the quotes from this article, please credit Everybody’s Got a Pod with an h/t to Wrestling Headlines for the transcription.