Former NWA women’s champion Thunder Rosa was a recent guest on Busted Open Radio to discuss the rumors of WWE being interested in Rosa, and what her future in the industry may hold. Highlights from the interview are below.
Says she wants to work with a place that allow her to do side-projects:
Because of all the projects I have on the side, it has to be a place where I’m able to continue to work with what I’m working on. As you guys know, I run and I’m part-owner of Mission Pro Wrestling. It’s an all-women’s show and I’m not just talking about in the ring. Everybody that runs stuff is women and there’s so much stuff that I’m working on with other projects that I have with this to make it bigger, so if I’m able to do it in [the] NWA, then NWA. If I’m able to do it with AEW, probably, but now knowing what WWE is doing with things that we have on the side, [it’s] gonna be very difficult for me to work on my personal projects and sometimes, those personal projects are the things that bring you the most joy in life and I don’t want that joy to be taken away from me for money. If that’s what I have to sacrifice sometimes, then I’d rather be happy than be enslaved somewhere where I’m gonna be there for like, I don’t know how long.
Promises that she will be at the top of the industry when her NWA contract ends:
I am signed with NWA. I have another year with them and when it’s my time, it’s gonna be my time and when my time comes man, I am not gonna come as just another person on the roster, mark my words. I’m coming for everything, I’m coming to be on top, just like I did this first time. My value is gonna be bigger, because I’m gonna be a better wrestler, I’m gonna cut better promos. My body’s gonna look chiseled. I’m gonna have a better record [in MMA] so when I [get out there] I’m gonna be like, ‘This is all I have to offer. What do you have to offer me?’ That’s what I want when I get to a bigger company. It’s not the opposite way like, ‘Excuse me, excuse me! Can I get a contract?’ Like no, I want them to want me. That’s how it should be.
On her match with Ivelisse turning into a shoot and not having heat with her:
Well you know, I never had any issues with her [Ivelisse]. I’m just gonna put it out there, never had any issues with her. I worked with her in Lucha Underground, I worked with her in other promotions and I mean, I thought the match was going well and then you guys saw what you saw. We made it work, we finished, nobody got hurt and that to me, that’s the most important part. I am not gonna — like you said, you gotta make it work and that’s what I attempted to do and even to the finish, I made sure my opponent was safe at all times, no matter what happened in-between. So, like I said, like I told you earlier, my promise with anybody that I step in the ring [with], regardless of our relationship inside or outside is to keep my opponent safe. I’m not trying to kill you. It’s not MMA. They’re not paying me a bunch of money to try to kill you. This is a dance and I try to have the best dances possible, so, that’s what happened.
(H/T and transcribed by Post Wrestling)