TNA iMPACT Results 9/26/24

TNA iMPACT starts NOW!

Jordynne Grace and Sol Ruca vs. Rosemary and Wendy Choo

Sol Ruca hits a crossbody on Rosemary and looks for a tag but Wendy Choo clears her from ringside. Wendy Choo gets a Cobra Clutch on Sol and teams up with Rosemary for a double suplex but Sol reverses it into a neckbreaker and tags to Jordynne. Jordynne hits a Death Valley Driver on Wendy onto Rosemary and Sol hits a splash. Sol hits a Sol Snatcher on Rosemary and Jordynne looks for a Juggernaut Driver but Tasha attacks Jordynne and the referee calls for the bell.

Jordynne Grace and Sol Ruca def. Rosemary and Wendy Choo by disqualification

Tasha, Rosemary and Wendy Choo continue the attack until Masha’s music hits and they bail.

Gia Miller is backstage with Frankie Kazarian. Kazarian asks if she believes in Joe Hendry and says the answer is no. He says he’s beaten Joe Hendry before and he’ll do it again. He says everybody will understand that every head must bow and every tongue must confess that Kazarian is the King of TNA.

Laredo Kid vs. Jonathan Gresham

Laredo Kid hits a Suicide Dive on Jonathan Gresham and throws him back into the ring for two. Laredo hits a running forearm on Gresham in the corner and goes for a moonsault off the second rope but Gresham gets his knees up and hits a standing moonsault for two followed immediately by a Boston Crab. Laredo tries to get to the ropes but Gresham pulls him back and converts it into a single leg Boston Crab. Laredo gets to the bottom rope and Gresham breaks the hold. Laredo slaps Gresham and goes to the top rope and hits a crossbody. Laredo hits the Three Amigos for two. Gresham hits a running springboard moonsault onto Laredo and smashes Laredo Kid’s knee repeatedly into the mat and Laredo taps out.

Jonathan Gresham def. Laredo Kid by submission

Santana is backstage and runs into The System’s locker room.

Mike Bailey, KUSHIDA and Leon Slater vs. ABC and Zachary Wentz

KUSHIDA clears house and hits a running crossbody on Bey and hits a cartwheel dropkick on Ace. He takes Bey to the top rope and goes for a hurrancanrana but Bey reverses it into a pin for two. KUSHIDA tags to Bailey and he faces Bailey. Wentz hits a German Suplex on Bailey and hits a handspring jumping knee on Bailey. Bailey hits a running uppercut onto Bailey followed by a vertical suplex and Wentz hits a Swanton but the pin is broken up. Wentz runs into Bailey in the corner but eats a boot. KUSHIDA takes out ABC in the corner and Bailey hits a moonsault to the outside. Leon Slater goes for a Swanton 450 but Wentz moves out of the way and hits the UFO Cutter for the win.

ABC and Zachary Wentz def. Mike Bailey, KUSHIDA and Leon Slater by pinfall

Jake Something is backstage with Hammerstone and Cody Deaner says he has something to talk to him. Jake says he is sick of him and he’s sick of failure. Cody says Hammerstone is not the person to listen to. Hammerstone says he is a failure. Cody says he doesn’t walk away from family and he doesn’t walk away from a fight.

We see a vignette with Santana where he’s bleeding with chains around his neck. He says he will fear no man and no evil. He says they’re locked in there with him. He says he’s going to make each of them feel his pain and his agony. He says he’s in his playground having fun.

Léi Ying Lee vs. Hyan

Lee hits a snap suplex on Hyan. Lee goes to the top rope but Hyan rolls to the outside. Lee hits a running kick from the apron and throws Hyan back into the ring. Hyan pulls Lee onto the mat. She whips Lee into the ropes and hits a back elbow. She hits a belly to back suplex for two. Lee hits forearms followed by a neckbreaker. She climbs onto Hyan and hits a knee and hits a spinning kick called Thunderstruck for the win.

Léi Ying Lee def. Hyan by pinfall

Leon Slater is backstage and he apologises to Bailey. Bailey tells him not to apologise and he’s the future of this division.

ABC in a backstage vignette. Bey says they have the opportunity to win the tag team championships. Ace says they have their rematch clause. The Hardys walk up to them. Matt Hardy says the last time they were in the ring with The System, they won. Matt Hardy says they’re coming for the tag team championships. He says nothing will stop this Hardy train.

Josh Alexander walks out to the ring and he grabs a mic. The fans chant “You tapped out”. He says he deserves that. He did a lot of questionable things. He says he didn’t believe in Joe Hendry because he didn’t think Joe Hendry believed in Joe Hendry and go on to beat the TNA World Champion. He says Joe got the toughest fight Josh could bring. He says in the ring with these 3 letters makes him remember the matches and the fans like those here in San Antonio. He says he had a friend who is the lifeblood of TNA say something to him. He calls out Eric Young. Eric Young says Josh is the real Walking Weapon. He says that kind of applause is earned over a lifetime. He says they’ve seen him grow up and become one of the best wrestlers in the world. He says nobody personifies professional wrestling excellence more than him. He says if he’s the lifeblood then he’s the heartbeat and he says it feels good to see the real him back. He says like a man Josh said he went out on his shield. He said Josh didn’t go down on the wrong path. He offers his hand for a handshake. Josh says he’s not just a friend, he’s a mentor and he’s grateful to have him in his life. He hugs Eric Young. Eric Young opens the ropes for Josh but Josh opens the ropes for Eric and as he’s leaving he hits a German Suplex. He says he’s exactly who he needs to be and if he doesn’t see that then he’s going to burn this place to the ground. Josh goes for a C4 Spike but Maclin runs out and Josh bails. Sinner and Saint run out and attack Maclin. They feed Maclin to Josh who hits the C4 Spike. Josh screams that he’s the future and that he’s all they got.

Santino Marella is backstage with Steph de Lander and Santino says he had a neck surgery too and he advises her not to come around here. Matt Cardona walks in and Santino books him in a Monster’s Ball match against PCO.

Heather Reckless vs. Xia Brookside

Ash by Elegance comes out to ringside with her Personal Concierge. Xia hits a baseball slide to Reckless on the outside and hits a vertical suplex outside the ring. Xia throws her back into the ring but Heather rolls to the outside and pulls Xia into the ropes from the apron. Heather goes to the top rope and hits Rarefied Air for the win.

Heather Reckless def. Xia Brookside by pinfall

No. 1 Contender’s Match
Joe Hendry vs. Frankie Kazarian

TNA World Champion Nic Nemeth’s theme hits and out he comes to join Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt on special guest commentary for our main event of the evening. This week’s main event is a TNA World Championship No. 1 Contender’s match, with Joe Hendry squaring off against Frankie Kazarian. The winner will move on to challenge Nemeth for the TNA title at TNA Bound For Glory 2024 on October 26 in Detroit, Michigan. Hendry’s theme hits and he makes his way to the ring to a big reaction from the San Antonio crowd. Nemeth sings his praises as someone who definitely has something special. His catchy-ass entrance tune wraps up, he does the dramatic head turn and smile. Fans chant “We Believe! We Believe!” and then the theme for his opponent hits. Out comes the self-proclaimed “King of TNA” Frankie Kazarian. He heads to the ring to a ton of boos. He goes to demand his “King of TNA” introduction. Hendry stops the ring announcer and takes the mic. He tells Kazarian not to worry and ensures him he will give him an introduction worthy of a title contender. He introduces him as the winner of the Antonio Banderas look-alike contest. He is the Dad from Spy Kids. He is Puss in Boots. Fans chant “Puss in Boots! Puss in Boots!” Before he can finish his sarcastic intro, Kazarian attacks him and things start off with a bang between these two. Hendry immediately starts fighting back, however, and upon taking over, Hannifan talks us into a mid-match commercial break as the match continues. When the show returns, we see Kazarian is in a comfortable offensive lead. So much so that he exits the ring and grabs a mic. He rolls back into the ring and asks the fans if they still believe in Joe Hendry. Fans loudly chant “We believe! We believe!” As Kazarian continues to verbally taunt his fallen foe, Hendry recovers and attacks Kazarian. Hendry begins taking back over control of the offense as the San Antonio crowd comes to life. Hendry looks for the Standing Ovation, but doesn’t get it. Kazarian starts to shift the momentum back in his favor, but not for long, as a “Puss in Boots!” chant from the fans in the Impact Zone leads to another Hendry comeback. This time, Hendry locks Kazarian in an ankle lock that looked close. Ultimately, however, Kazarian made it to the ropes. Again we see Kazarian fight back, as he hits a big slingshot DDT. Hendry takes over again and launches Kazarian out to the floor. Hendry heads out after him. He hoists Kazarian up and holds him for a stalled suplex on the floor. Kazarian reaches into his bag and slides a set of brass knuckles onto his hand while the referee is dealing with Hendry in the ring. Hendry leans through the ropes to grab Kazarian, and Kazarian blasts Hendry with the brass knuckles. He knocks him out and quickly rolls into the ring and covers him for the win. Kazarian is announced as the winner and his music plays, however as he is celebrating, Nic Nemeth stands up from his chair at the commentary desk. He grabs the brass knuckles that Kazarian used and shows them to the referee. He explains what happened and the referee restarts the match. Kazarian gets the offensive jump on Hendry again, but again gets a bit too cocky. As he stops and wastes time taunting Hendry and the crowd in the Impact Zone, Hendry ends up recovering and taking over. He hits his Standing Ovation and scores the pinfall victory. With the win, it will be Joe Hendry challenging Nic Nemeth for the world title at TNA Bound For Glory 2024

Winner and NEW No. 1 Contender: Joe Hendry


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